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myOtaku.com: confused-soul

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hello my name is Elizabeth...
I will say my name for i am unafraid, or is it stupidity.
I do ont know for I am a very confused soul. I don't know wheither I am happy or sad...

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Donna's Music Codes

this song is good. -_-

Monday, May 15, 2006

zuruzuru zuruzuru

drifting drifting,
can't find my way,
don't know where I am,
don't know my way,

did I ever have a way,
did I ever know where I was,
was there ever someone who cared,
i don't know,

I don't think,
because then the confusion spreads,
and I lose my mind,
so here I am zuruzuru zuruzuru drifting drifting,

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