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• 1989-10-30
• Emerald Beach
Member Since
• 2003-09-22
• Student (aka Drawer of anime in everysingle class and is only going to get passes coz i don't do any work...)
Real Name
• Nadine =D not tellin the rest, you stalker!
• Uhh... I'm not really sure..
Anime Fan Since
• I saw Candy Candy when I was about 4. Of course, I wasnt aware it was anime until high school.
Favorite Anime
• Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL, Gun Smith Cats, Azumanga Daioh, Chobits, Cowboy Bebop... and many more...
• To have l337 drawing skillz, and to have a running webcomic, with readers. and maybe even fans that are outside my group of friends.
• Drawing, scaring small children.. just kidding! Cooking, eating, my computer (is that a hobbie when you're on it most of the day? or just an unheathly obsession?)
• uhh... drawing, apparently. And my ability to restrain from beating my sister's head with a heavy object when she's mean. Which is often.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
gone 4 a long time.. now 4 a long post
Geez, it's been ages since i posted anything here. i'd probably be a bit more active with the whole posting artwork thing if my dad got me a scanner!! hmm, maybe i should just go find a job :) that'd help a lot.. meh. Today i went into town with my friends, since it's a teachers strike (thank you god for blessing teachers with low wages...), and we bought breakfast and some stuff for my friend's 'Meatball Soup' ...err, trust me, it tastes good :) Speaking of meatballs, i can now put my hair up just like Usagi! Yaaaayyy..! When my friends brother poked his head around the door he kept on staring at my hair, and then i told him they were supposed to be like Usagi-chans, and he blinked very slowly (my friend and her brother arent the sharpest pencils in the box, though they did inherit a good mix of genes which made my friend gorgeous! =), before finally saying '...oh! Sailor Moon! Haha, you're meatball head!' which is when he left the room and i ran to the dorr and shook my fist at him behind his back. bah to him. Lisa and Sarah liked my hair :) ANYWAY, i hope u like my latest picture, that being my Asuka Sketch :) It's not exactly fantastic stuff, but i was proud of myself for finally drawing something that even remotely looks like Asuka (I've been trying without sucsess for too long! oh the HUMANITY!!) Oh well, no one likes to read rants this long, so now, i shall leave! Later!
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