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myOtaku.com: Cool Beans

Thursday, December 7, 2006

So you know how celeberties name their kids all these weird ass names like "apple" and "rocket" or "road" or "magna"? well... when i have a kid it shall be named noodle....noodle banana whateverthefuck....ahhh i am a genious....hahaha....but not really....okay so never challenge me people cause i am one stubborn person...my teacher gave us a really tiny ass notecard and told us we could write down any notes that we want on there for the "big" test....i was like okay....i can write really small and so with that thought i set out to write 3 pages of notes NOT omitting any sentences or anything on that one lil notebook card....i achieved my goal.....its ALL on there......even a chart. =D i feel acomplished....and gay cause i feel acomplished about being able to write down all my notes on the notecard even though that is pretty amazing if i could say so myself. AND I FIGURED OUT WHAT SONGS IN MY HEAD!....well at least the band its sung by.....bullet for my valentine (susan shut up i am not emo)

okay so jason told me i would make a hot chick...i was like =D than-wait! is that a compliment or a diss??? cause on one hand he told me i am or would be pretty if i dressed like a girl....and on the other hand he called me a dude...

ahh okay no more

ps- this mind as well be adressed to susan cause shes basicallt the only one that reads and comments....and oh yeah one more thing I SHALL NEVER TRY SUSI! BLEH!

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