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play the guitar and thats bout it
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Monday, May 23, 2005
Today and 2morrow..
Hey people! Today we had field day, which sucked. It was burning hot! On the 8x50 I had to race against 2 boys- Brandon M. and Chris R. that was not fair cause I'm a girl. The whole time we were like bearly 1 cm apart. I smoked them. (lol) It was close though, but Mrs. Hicks class won. I just got finished with my speech. Tomorrows when we graduate and I'm not afraid anymore. If somebodys got a problem with my speech they can kiss my natural country ass. Not literally, cause thats just disgusting but yall get my point right, if you don't you need help. The only problem bout 2morrow is that we have to dress up. I hate to dress up! We can't wear blue jeans we have to wear a white shirt with a black skirt or dress pants. They put on our reminder letter "make sure your hair is groomed," I'm not a dog so why in the world does my hair have to be groomed? I'll fix my hair how I want it. If they don't like the way I dress then they've got a problem and I'm not Sherlock Holmes so their gonna have to get over it. I'm glad to be getting out of that school. Well, I'm going to be bored some more.. if anybody would like to get in touch with me ANYWAY that would be nice instead of being freakin bored all day. L8R!!
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
I'm back from my dadz! Yall know my little 2 weeks old cousin Caleb right. He'z in the hospital right now. Caleb's got a huge knot on his cheek. The doctors think it's really serious. Their gonna try to give him some medicine and if that doesn't work he's going to have to go through surgery. All he does is cry and he can't eat so they put iv in him. He can barely breathe so they put the oxygen tank to work. When he cries it tears me to pieces. If he dies I'll die with him. My life has broke to pieces in the last couple of weeks and this is not helping anything. (crys) I know I have made some of yall mad and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for everything. I made some bad choices this week and last and now I'm just realizing that. But I can't change what happend in the past and I really regret it. Last week I lost something for me to live for and I'm not NOT losing my cousin! Because he's the only thing I have close to me right now.. (stares at the dark)
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Friday, May 20, 2005
I'm bout to go over to my dads house so I thought I should add a quick post. It rained so field day got canceled.. We had to practice for graduation and I had to speak in the microphone! I can't make this speech! I'm going to freak out, or pass out one. It has to be 5 minutes long I can bearly stand speaking to people for 1 minute. I'm totally freaked! I don't want to do this you guys but I can't back out now cause the graduation is TUESDAY! Any encourging words from anyone? I could really use somebody that believes and knows I can do this.. Well, better go and finish my speech cause I haven't even got that done yet!! L8R!
P.S. I won't be on till Sun. night
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
In B&G Club we had so much fun!! They brought the shaved ice machine out there and gave us some shaved ices. I mixed 2 kinds together the Cry Baby and the margarita one! That stuff was good! No, it didn't have alcohol in it if thats what your thinking at least I hope not.. *gulps* well, I was a little lightheaded so.. (no) they wouldn't put that in there would they?! Idk.. Oh well.. I guess, I done ate it. So anyways the BIGGEST I repeat the BIGGEST geek/jerk called me a dumba** today. I bout beat the he** out of him. But, the teachers were watching me cause I bout hit him in his face. See yah, l8r!
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
How stupid I was to think that I was someone I'm just not in with the popular crowds. All the people at my school just think of me as a pathetic loser! At this point I don't even know if I rank up to that. Everyone has their on crowd their so called "groupies" but me I belong in not 1 of those crowds. I try to fit in but no one wants to take me into their crowd. I just want to fit in somewhere other than this worthless life I'm living now. So when someones grateful enough to take me in I'll be waiting but until then I'll sit alone in the darkness and wonder..
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Let's see.. If your happy and you know it clap your hands, oh look everyone'z clappin their hands but me! Heres the way I feel it's a song by my favorite singer Avril Lavigne.
NOTE* Words in brackets are echo or background and they are sung softly.
Oh, oh, oh…
Oh, oh, oh…
So much for my happy ending……
Oh, oh, oh…
Oh, oh, oh…
So much for my happy ending……
Oh, oh, oh…
oh, oh, oh…
So much for my happy ending……
Lets talk this over,
It's not like we're dead.
Was it something I did?
Was it something you said?
Don't leave me hanging…
In a city so dead.
Held up so high…
On such a breakable thread!
You were all the things I thought I knew…
And I thought we could be!!!!
You were everything, everything,
that I wanted.
We were meant to be, supposed to be,
But we lost it.
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away…
All this time you were pretending…
So much for my happy ending!
Oh, oh, oh…
oh, oh, oh…
So much for my happy ending……
Oh, oh, oh…
Oh, oh, oh…
You've got your dumb friends,
I know what they say (they say)…
They tell you I'm difficult,
But so are they (so are they)!
But they don't know me…
Do they even know you (even know you)?
All the things you hide from me…
All the shit that you do (all the shit that you do)!!!
You were all the things I thought I knew…
And I thought we could be!!!!
You were everything, everything,
That I wanted.
We were meant to be, supposed to be,
But we lost it.
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away…
All this time you were pretending…
So much for my happy ending!
It's nice to know that you were there,
Thanks for acting like you care…
And making me feel like I was the only one!
It's nice to know we had it all,
Thanks for watching* as I fall…
And letting me know we were done!!!
He was everything, everything that I wanted!
We were meant to be, supposed to be,
But we lost it!
All of our memories so close to me…
Just fade away!
All this time you were pretending…
So much for my happy ending!
You were everything, everything,
That I wanted…
We were meant to be, supposed to be,
But we lost it!
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away…
All this time you were pretending…
So much for my happy ending!
Oh, oh…
Oh, oh…
So much for my happy ending (oh, oh, oh, oh)…
Oh, oh…
Oh, oh…
So much for my happy ending (oh, oh, oh, oh)…
Oh, oh, oh, oh…
Oh, oh, oh, oh…
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Monday, May 16, 2005
What iz up with some people these dayz!? Gosh, some people get on my freakin(nice word) nerves!! I'm tierd of this! Some people be flippin on me. Today was a fuckin harsh day! You people just don't understand! I wanna start hearin the dang(nother nice word) truth! If you gonna just tell me some dang lies don't even, don't even talk to me! Some people is some stupid idiots! I aint playin with nobody anymore!! Somebody just try me.. I dare you! You gonna come up with some shit just say it to my face! Az you can tell today I'm really pissed off.. plus my throat is hurting like he** I don't even know if I'm going to school tomorrow and if I do I'm not going to be in a good mood just to warn you. I'm going to go get something to help my freakin throat. L8R!

Oh yeah now I'm one of the members of the club called that! It is soo cool! I was told to put a banner on my site to show my membership so there it is above and I added some to the top also.
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
cooL! I lOvE sEb!!
 You're the shy and wonderful and cute seb...what more can i say!
Which member of simple plan are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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I am tierd!!!!
We had sooooo much fun last night! It was a blast. I went over to Katie's house and so did Haley. Haley had maked me over and someone commented 2 me that I looked like a plastic barbie doll. O well, I liked the way I looked last night with my hair and make-up done like that. Well, she maked me over like that again this morning. But we went to BDB and was dancing up a storm! I danced more than I thought I would. I danced with Jesse, Haley, and Katie and we was acting all stupid. But I got to slow dance with Maxx like 4 times! That was fun! Well, since Jesse said something bout me on her site I'll get her back. Note to Jesse: that guy was getting close (one with red shirt) but yall were cute 2gether! Well, I'm so freaking tierd from last night I'm going to sleep l8r!
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
A word of advice for today, don't trust anybody who has backstabbed you before. I'm having problems with that right now because everybody has backstabbed me before and I'm getting all this information and I don't know who's telling the truth. So just stick with your true friends. Oh yeah I have something else to say but none of it is nice so I'm bleeping it out.
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And yes this does have a meaning and no it's not ALL cuss words I just don't want somebody blabbing what I said about this person.
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