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Monday, January 2, 2006
Quiz (i got sum ?'s from other sites and sum i made up)
Instead of 20 questions 10 questions!
What if..
1. I was the president?
2. You were my neighbor?
3. I died?
4. me and you were billionaires?
5. I jumped off a cliff?
6. the whole world was attacked by EVIL CLOWNS?
7. ur favorite artist came and performed at your next birthday?
8. I gave you a ferrari?
9. everything you owned was worth 1.5 million dollars?
10. electricity was never invented?
Enjoy, I know it's stupid but I'm REALLY bored!! ^_^
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
I'm back.. Srry I've been gone so long AOL shut down my internet. Happy New Year!! Everybody stay up l8 last night?! I did.. (yay 4 me) ok.. Well.. nothing else 2 say so Bye!!!

This is my hott husband Seb, from Simple Plan!! (I wish!!)
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Hey everybody.. I'm not feeling very good today. I've about coughed my head off today, literally! Then I got some tests back today that were not exactly or even close to good. So today has not been my day and to put the topping on the cake I haven't finished or even started on my article that counts alot of my grade. So I'm going to rest (that sounds better) I'll catch yall l8r!!
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Hey peeps!! I'm having a little trouble.. we just got the memo 2day that our articles 4 the paper are due Thursday and what is 2day Monday! I have 3 days because the article is due Thursday morning. No I didn't sign up 4 this it's part of my grade in one of my classes! I have 2 come up with something 2 write about a music review movie review ANYTHING!! Anybody got any ideas? My mind is so blank right now it aint even funny.. so I would appreciate it if you could -possibly- help me!! Thanks!! Well I'm going to go think.. l8r!
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Yes.. Another song completed
Not you
Verse 1:
Go out in a crowd scream out your name don't be afaid to be different while everyone else is the same.. Don't put yourself in someone elses shoes all you can do is be you oh yeah.. Don't label yourself and don't let anyone else just think know one can bring you down Hold your head up high reach out your hands to the sky and say
No one else can change me I'll be on my way thanks for stopping and lookin at my life but now you can just go home What can I say I'm not you cause everything you do is not me it's just you I'm not playing any of your games theres not room for two cause I can't be you
Verse 2:
You can act like a prep or a jock but that won't stop from doing things I do playing my guitar and skating and no I'm not through I'm not being not being cruel but I'm just not you... ohhh.. ohhhhh.. not you so before I go theres something I should tell..
No one else can change me I'll be on my way thanks for stopping and lookin at my life but now you can just go home What can I say I'm not you cause everything you do is not me it's just you I'm not playing any of your games theres not room for two cause I can't be you
~I don't know if this songs that good cause I just wrote it today.. but hope you like it!!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Hey crazy people, lol!! I got my 1st coke in a month today and I drank it in around 2 minutes, I'm serious!! Today was pretty good! Probably some of you are wondering how the filming went out.. so here it goes. Well the people working the camera had to figure it out so they needed some people in front of the camera to learn how to shoot. Me my friend and a couple other people were the actors/actresses of this practice scene. Our teacher decided interviewing was the easiest so she interviewed each of us. Every time someone was being interviewed I threw my teachers "stuffed monkey" in their face, but it all turned out a joke in the end, we all started to crack up. I was the last person to be on camera so when I was getting interviewed least did I expect it my "CRAZY" friend played a trick on me like I did her. 1st she threw the monkey at me then after a minute or 2 she came up behind me, screamed in my ear and I jumped and fell on the floor.. it was hilarious though so today I went around saying "monkeys are attacking the world, lol" funny huh? Watch out!! *throws monkey* yep.. it was an interesting day
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Monday, November 7, 2005
Hey peoplez!! Skool was a D..R..A..G.. 2day!! My allergies about killed me and all day it felt like someone was banging a brick on my head as hard as they could. Anybody got any Benedryll? lol!! I'm serious I really need one! Well.. 2morrow should be fun cause in 3rd period my class gets to make a movie and it's suppost to last all week, hope it's fun.. that's all I have to say 4 today (hey, that rhymes) lol, talk 2 you guyz 2morrow!!! L8R!!
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
think u know me?? ((i was bored!!))
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF : the survey | Created by klesli2 and taken 201 times on Bzoink | Name | chassidy | Birthday | ?/??/???? | Birthplace | in a hospital (duh!) | Current Location | in my room | Eye Color | brown | Hair Color | brown/blonde | Height | 5 foot something | Right Handed or Left | right | Your Heritage | hmmmm.. | The Shoes You Wore Today | yay shoes!! lol | Your Weakness | ummm.. | Your Perfect Pizza | chocolate, m&m's | Goal You Would Like To Acheive This Year | not getting detetion | Thoughts First Waking Up | now 4 skool | Your Best Physical Feature | idk | Your Bedtime | dont have 1 | Pepsi or Coke | coke | McDonalds Or Burger King | McDonalds | Cappuccino Or Coffee | Cappuccino | Do You Swear | no | Do You Sing | yeah | Do You Shower Daily | yeah | Have You Been In Love | yeah | Do You Want To Go To College | maybe | Do You Want To Get Married | yeah | Do You Beleive In Yourself | sometimes | Do You Think You Are Attractive | i guess | Do You Get Along With Your Parents | sometimes | Do You Like Thunderstorms | no | In the past month have you Drank Alcohol | no | In the past month have you Smoked | no | In the past month have you been on Drugs | no | In the past month have you gone on a Date | no | In the past month have you gone to a Mall | nope | In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos | no | In the past month have you eaten Sushi | no | In the past month have you been on Stage | yeah | In the past month have you been Dumped | no | In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping | no | In the past month have you Stolen Anything | no | Ever been Drunk | no | Ever been called a Tease | no | Ever been Beaten up | no | Ever Shoplifted | no | How do you want to Die | idk | What do you want to be when you Grow Up | rock singer | What country would you most like to Visit | uhhhhhh.. | In a Boy/Girl.. | Favourite Eye Color | dont care | Favourite Hair Color | dont care | Short or Long Hair | dont care | Height | not any shorter than me | Number of Drugs I have taken | none | Number of CDs I own | like around 20 | Number of Piercings | my ears so 2 | Number of Tattoos | none | Things in Your Past That You Regret | nothing | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to Bzoink |
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Hey heres my new song.. I was just bored and I started writing!! Enjoy!!
Verse 1:
Everything doesn't just fall right in to place and for me theres no such thing as a perfect day my heart gets broken and I cry my tears all alone I could count all the stars in the sky but it wouldn't matter I'm still just unknown whatever I do I'm not you..
My life is just that way my tears flood forever and theres nothing I can do theres no more power that could be tooken from me and all the darkness hides my... life
Verse 2:
Sometimes I sit and wonder why were not the same why your always there I'm just here.. oh yeah There could be no tears without laughter and there could be darkness without the light and what I don't understand is why I'm alone just because
My life is just that way my tears flood forever and theres nothing I can do theres no more power that could be tooken from me and all the darkness hides my... life
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween!! My sis has went out trick-or-treating.. I'm all alone in my room in the dark, so sadd, lol!! Yeah it's creepy so dark and quiet.. No trick-or-treaters yet here but there will be and out I will bring the Jason mask, lol!! No ones getting my candy!! Usually we don't have many people come by but I really don't care more candy for me!! LOL!! I'm really hyper now. Well don't get spooked in the darkness of the night because more than anything the simpilist things could give you a fright!! I don't know where that came from I was just bored!! Everyone eat lots of candy and then be so hyper you can't stand it, maybe I should take my own advice, on that note l8r!!
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