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play the guitar and thats bout it
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Update on My weekend
okay heres what all happend, I've had a cold since Thursday and it keeps gettin worser. Friday me, my dad, and step-mom went out to Sonic and Wal*Mart. My aunt didn't like my hair she said if I dyed it again she would disown me. But I'm sure I can find someone who cares enough about me that they wouldn't mind me dyeing my hair so her loss. Saturday I was still sick but I baby-sat my 2 little cousins, ones about 1 month and the other is 1 1/2 years old. My cousins wanted to go outside so I had to play with them in about 94 degree weather which isnt that much fun and today is Fathers Day. I hung out with my dad which wasn't that bad. He let me work out in his building and he said I was good enough to be a carpanter. He's the only one in my family who actually cares about me the others just act. So theres my update on my weekend, not so sure if you wanted to know all that but your the one that read it, lol!
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Hey everyone!
This minute I'm getting my hair dyed again. It's a very dark brown-hope this turns out right! I gotta leave this itchy dye in for about 30-45 minutes! oh well.. I also am kinda decorating my room. I got some posters and pictures out of magazines and put them all over my room. I'm still working on it though. Heres a pre-view of some of the posters/pics. I have up now.
Well better go for now, it's bout time 2 wash this dye stuff out. okay I see my hair *horror music* it's.. it's..
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I looked in the mirror this morning and all I saw was orange.. Maybe I should start from the beggining. Yesterday me and my mom went shopping for a color to dye my hair. I wanted to dye it maybe a dark red or dark brown but my mom said since it was the first time dying my hair maybe I should go with a lighter color. She picked out blonde and I said okay I'll try it. Last night she dyed it and I woke up this morning and it was *sniffle* I don't want my hair to be orange! Everyone in the house has made up jokes like Hey carrot top and why dont we go get some orange juice or sherbert. I look like a total freak, yall go ahead and laugh cause everyone else has.. I'm telling my mom that I want to dye it a dark red or brown cause can't stand looking like "this"
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Look What I can do! I can count to 10!
Seriously I've had it commented to me that I was a geek/nerd.. I don't think I am one but my 2 questions are:
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Monday, June 13, 2005
ahh, a bunny attack!!

I'm just trying out ths picture thing

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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Cool it's uhhhh.. a Diamond!
Sorry I'm bored!
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
CaUsE yOu LeT mE dIe AwAy - By: Me
Verse 1:
Why does it always have to be like this pain and misery follow me around everywhere is someone gonna save me while I'm cying blooded tears on the ground ooohhh... All I wanted was someone to care for me was that so much to ask but everyone just let me go and never cared and it's never alright it's never okay
Cause you let me die away, so much for the perfect life I never had it's to late now I'm gone forever you'll never see me come back scream those retched screams take the gun down it's not gonna help anymore cause you let me die away when you wanna hear my voice again just sit in a dark room lonely like all my life I did ohhh.. yea
Now I noticed how you've done without me you seem okay is that how it's suppost to be without me did you ever care did you ever think how hard it was to be me many nights I had a chance to think what it would be like to have a perfect life but I guess the life I always wanted never existed
Cause you let me die away, so much for the perfect life I never had it's to late now I'm gone forever you'll never see me come back scream those retched screams take the gun down it's not gonna help anymore cause you let me die away when you wanna hear my voice again just sit in a dark room lonely like all my life I did ohhh.. yea
I guess thats how you wanted it you never payed attetion to me anyways but I know I will be okay but the question is will you I'm gone and your still there fighting your fights but from the way I see it you'll find someone to replace the part in your life that I once filled in yea.. So I'll just let you go for now..
Cause you let me die away, so much for the perfect life I never had it's to late now I'm gone forever you'll never see me come back scream those retched screams take the gun down it's not gonna help anymore cause you let me die away when you wanna hear my voice again just sit in a dark room lonely like all my life I did ohhh.. yea
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
How do yall like my new song, comment on it please and be honest cause I really worked hard and I want this song to be really good, and if you have any suggestions I could use those too!!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 a senseless word....
 Life sucks and you know it. Nothing ever turns out okay, nothing ever goes your way and while you have to live this horrible life the gods are laughing at you. The whole meaning with life, according to you, is simply to die. But you have not become this way just like that, you have probably been decieved, betrayed and hurt by people who meant alot to you in your past. To you, life is not even bittersweet.
How do you see life? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
sick... once again
Why do I always have to be sick!? Nobody else is ever sick well they do but I always get sick. Today I slept, watched t.v., and ate ice cream. Sounds fun, huh?! NOT!! I haven't felt like doing anything today cause I felt so bad. I've been in bed allll day long. I finally got enough energy just now to get out of bed. I think I'm going to get some more ice cream since I'm up now. L8R!!
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Good News and Bad News
I have good news and bad news:
Good News: I'm off of groundation and my little cousin is going to be okay cause the knot on his neck went down. I'm going camping this weekend (if it don't rain) I almost 4 got that I got a letter from the poetry place where I sent a poem and they invited me to Washington D.C. to read it in front of thousands of poets, I also have a chance of winning 20,000$
Bad News: As you can tell I got grounded and my Dad tryed to pick up a riding lawn mower all by hiself and tryed to put it in his truck and hurt his back pretty bad. Oh yeah, I'm also very very bored!
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