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myOtaku.com: Cool Mint

Thursday, March 2, 2006

OMG today was so horrible! I had an off-hour in my school today so I went to Starbucks with two of my friends. We sat at the window and before you know it a bunch of popular people(GAH!!! ><) sat outside the window. I can't read lips, but i could tell they were talking about me; at first it was jsut about a necklace I wear(how much more obvious can pointing to my neck and laughing and talking get?!) and then it just got general, or so I'm guessing. So anyways I started making fun of them to make it an equalibrieum and stuff. So then they sent in two guys. One guy sat in-between me and another girl. It looked like he had a girlfriend out there, but he started teasing me. (not harasment, just teasing.) He started checking me out and I glared at him. He asked me for my phone number and I said I don't give my number to repulsive jerks. So he left and they sent in a girl who talked to me...they just made fun of me more! I feel really bad about dissing the guy, but I figured he was just playing. *sigh* So depressing! (Note: I don't mean this thing as they were harrassing or bullying me, cause I would have done something about it. I don't mind this too much but I just needed to get this off my chest. Wheph! So dont leave comments saying I should report them, cause its not like that. I know they were just messing. Grarg. Stupid preps. ><)
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