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Friday, February 25, 2005
Quiz of the day
"What piercing are you?"
 Eyebrow You're wild. You're an extravert that likes to have fun and enjoys the clublife!
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
The smell it is killing me!
Right now I am listening to K-Rock and my sister just poured a bottle of my moms purfume(the worst smelling one she has in my opion) on her and the sent is so strong u can smell it all over the house litiratly! It is like living in the makeup department @ Macys with all those purfume smells(but worse!) These fumes are driving me crasy! Hope all of u have a better smelling house(o0o yeah if u guys want to know about the dress i never made it)-TTYL in life
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Quiz of the day

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A string and masking tape dress? Hmm..................
Right now i am cleaning my room(that my sister messed up again!) She came in a second ago asking me to make her a dress for her doll and the stuff she gave me to make the dress is string and masking tape. How do u make a dress out of that stuff anyway? Hmm.....I hate dolls and dresses! I allways have!(well maybe when i was 3 i played with them but that was it) Sometimes i wish my sister would see Chuckie(I never saw it before but, i want to) so she won't dirve everyone crasy asking for every stinking doll on the planet!(srry doll lovers) Well i better get back to cleaning my room before my parents find out i am not cleaning it- TTYL in life
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Hi I almost forgot
HI people! For those of u that don't know i made my frist club called the Night Sky Club(look @ post called My Club for info) PM if u want to join. But there was something i forgot to put on that post so i am saying it now. I forgot to say that I made 2 cubs that day. Here is the one I forgot to put, The Par-Tay club: The Par-Tay Club is for people who luv to Par-Tay! And I don't mean Par-Tay as in getting drunk and doing crasy things or the Par-Tay style with da gal and da guy in the bed on top of each other or under it(u know what i mean so i will stop explaining this type of par-tay) The type of Par-Tay i am talking about is the type where u dance and sing and hangout(o0o Y am I saying this! It is on the club banner) So if u want to join the Night Sky Club or the Par-Tay Club(or both) Pm me- TTYL in life
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OMG it is 1:05 in the morning i been up like all night! I feel so hyper!*shakes while jumping up and down* I am like listening to K-Rock while danceing to all the songs! That is how hyper i feel.(hmm....I need something to calm me down, something with no caffine in it @ all, Something that is made to make u fall asleep, somethimg like...coffie! lol! My favortive drink in the whole world is coffie)-TTYL in life
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
My club!
I just made a club
PM me if u want to join (o0o yeah before i forget the club is if is if u like to look @ the night sky.)
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Popular Paper?
A funny thing happend just a moment ago. My mom told me to go downstairs and get her some paper. So i went down stairs to sneak some from my sister(only reason why we have to sneak it is because my little sister takes all the paper in the house and uses it to print pictures of dolls off the internet) Anyways, so i got some paper and then my sister saw me and started chaseing after me up the stairs yelling,"PAPER!." Then when i was about to give it to my mom she grabed it, and looked @ me and said in an angrey vioce," Diane paper!"(well maybe it ain't that funny but it kind of is!)
(this has nothing to do with anything but i don't care!)-TTYL in life
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Presidents Day hmm............
I just had a thought about presidents day. What is the point of it? We don't do anything on it no parades or noth'in(well i don't really go for that stuff exept maybe the MACY'S Thanksgiving Day parade) And especishaly no one partys!(lol) What is a holiday if u don't party!(well i know the holidays are about getting together with the family and celebrating. Which i do and respect) But those this one have any thing to do with the ture purpose of a holiday?(well.....i really don't know for sure but this is just my opion) Maybe if u were the president this is u're holiday but for the rest of us it's not.(execpt for the part that everyone is off and there R good deals on everything) Well.......anyways Happy Presidents Day to all(if u celebrate or not whatever!) I got a little Presidential:
-TTYL in life
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So far this day is boring i have nothing to do! So i am just chill'in in my house listen'in to K-Rock(they are currently play'in Mr.Brihtside by The Killers. One of my fav's)and now i am looking out my window ladedadea.......OMG! It is snowing like crasy! It is like piled up on the ground and it is high! And i thought winter was ova! 'Cause we ben hav'in nice weather and it has ben gett'in warmer like each day and now it is snow'in!(ohh well no one can control the weather. Or can u? Hmm.......*looks up @ cealing*) Have a nice day!-TTYL in life
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