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Sunday, February 20, 2005
a crepy but cool thought
Here is a pic i found
creapy but cool:

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2'nd day of vaction
Yesturday was cool. I just relaxed the whole day no worries. then i went to the mall and got a new jacet.(well i didn't really want a new jacet but my mom said i needed it) I stayed up till 2:20 in the morning watching T.V. Today i woke up at 8:00 in the morning. And nothin interseting has happend. I am current reading this manga comic called Orhello. It is aout a girl who is in high school and has trashy friends that make fun of her name and such. She has 2 sides to her. The side that is rockstar like and able to stick up to herself she dose'nt know about.(It may seam confusing rite now but if i give away more it will give away the whole story. U wld have to read it to understand it. IT is a really good series though) So.........TTYL in life
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Hi people! My day was so borig i could'nt wait to get out! I had a test and a quiz but, the cool thing is i get to cheat on the essay!!!!!(because i was talking a long time taking the test. sweet!) It is offically vacation! Yea! Vacation is the the time to PAR-TAY!!!! Whoo! Party all night till U can't stop!!!(yea i am a party animal but not the crasy kind. If U do think i am the crasy kind, *pulls out gun*, I will shoot U! Well not really, because my good side will not allow me to do that and i am going to listen to that side but, my evil half says do it and blow up mars too.) Heyy, i was just looking @ one of my tooths and it is extra trianglar and pointyer. Yea i know that was very random. Now what was i going to say again.......oh yea! I was watching MTV a few days ago and it was a rerun of the special on what stars think is sexy(don't ask why i was watching that but boredum can do that to u) and Briteny Spears who is so dumb(srry Britney fans!) went up to the camrea and said,"can all of u @ home keep a secreat? Come closer! Don't tell anyone this! This is between U and me. I am not wearing underware on under my pants right now." Opps! I told her seacret! What is she gonna do? Kill me! LOLZ! Cause i will kill first! *pulls out gun* (i wish i had gun instead of this invisable one! LOLz!) Stitch is still clinging on my mind tighter than before.(though i think Stitch is cool) *Going on in mind* "Stitch will u pleaz let go?" Stitch:"Naga!" NM that. So..........TTYL in life.
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Happy Valentimes Day
Valentimes day is a day of giving paper hearts with gilter and doiles on it( the ones that people spend a lot of time on) or valentimes that u by in a store that aren't the orinal,have less work into them, that don't look like real valentimes to the ones we love and cherish. To others, Valentimes Day is a day of getting roses and cholate from their secert admirer and are left waiting for them to show up. To some, it is a day to spend with their love in bed and do that gross thing. Well screw all that(I am not saying that that those ways are bad I celebarte the normal way and this way!)everyone knows that on all hoidays everyone loves to PAR-TAY! Whoo!!!!! Stay up all night!!! Throw a wild party and dirnk(Not really. But I wish! Stupid underage drinking law! LOL) Happy Valentimes Day! Lots of hearts:
My day was so bad. I got a bad rash and it was my decion if i wanted to go home or stay @ school. I wanted to go home because it was really bad and i was uncomfortable but my paraents made me stay because they didn't want me skiping school. Then I got mega homework load on Valentimes Day. H.W. on Valentimes Day! That is just worng! It is a holiday! Give us a break! Well anyways back to the happy thought(I had a little moment their) PAR-TAY people! Whoo! I said this once and I'll say it again have a Happy Valentimes Day and a nice day!!!-TTYL
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Face Guy!!!!!

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