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Sunday, May 15, 2005
Sunday Bloody Sunday (yea a U2 song)
Today was anther boring day. I did nothing 2-day 'cept do more of that boring H.W. (I wish I finished it yesturday) and clean up my room (that u know who messed up again if u know me that is ). Right now I am soaking wet because i was standing in my backyard and having the sprinkler hit me a lot. (I was soo hot). Ohh and that song Feel Good Inc.. is real good u people should listen to it. Well I g2g now dinner. Then after dinner I am going to for anther ride in my dads super charged car for fun. This time we r going extra fast and with all the windows opean ( including the sun roof) Whhooo!!!!!!! - TTYl in life
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Soo boring
Soo that Saturday I've been longing for turned out to be a total drag. I did nothing much but stay home and watch t.v. and do hw. Now I am cleaning my room and my paraents bedroom because my sister got ahold of some paint and shaving cream and saprayed the stuff all over there room and I got in trouble. ( ok what happened there) but it wasn't my falt because my dad was supposed to be watching her and he didn't. I get blamed because my mom thinks that it is my spray paint and I DON'T OWN SPARY PAINT! ( I wonder what made her think that ) Well anywaz I better get back to cleaning up the room b4 she finds out I am on.
- TTYL in life
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Note people this post is going to now be part of my profile so if u see this post @ the top of all the other posts look under it for the newest post K? Thank you
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![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/17.jpg)
![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/15.jpg)
![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/19.jpg)
![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/11.jpg)
![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/05.jpg)
![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/03.jpg)
![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/00.jpg)
![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/01.jpg)
![Do you want to know what your tarot card is?](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/wintercreature/21.jpg)
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I am soo happy it is Saturday!!! YaY weekEND!!!!! ^___^ This week took 4eva! Well anywayz....Yessturday my dad got his cool new superchaged car and we all went for a ride in it and we were driving soo fast that if u went down the hills it flet like u were on a rollercoaster! It was soo awsome!!!! I was watching this movie on t.v last night and it is soo weird. Frist it starts out with this girl in a hospital bed and then the doctor comes in and is trying to figure out whats wrong with her. Then they notice that her heart is not beating so they think she is dead so then all of a sudden the girl starts murdiung something that sounds like "skeliton closet " (or something like that well...anywaz) so she keeps on repeating it. Then it switches to anther seen with this limo driver driving some famous aurthor that just came to town and he is trying to having a convertsation with the guy while the author is justr like "I got to get home in a real hurry." Then the movie switches to this other place with differnt people. So U see anther little girl and her father who is yelling @ her to go to school. So the little girl goes down stairs and outside on this dark rainy day and realizes that she missed her bus. So then she asked her father for a ride and her father said "No you have to walk." So she goes outside again (o0o yeah if u want to know where this person live they r in the contry) and starts running for miles passing empty fileds trying to catch up with the bus and all of a sudden she decides to take a shortcut through the forest right. (o0o....sounds like a scary movie! I like scary movies! *shivers* lol!) Then she gets out thruoght the forest and is in an opean feild with a huge tree in the middle in it *lighting strikes* then she decides to go uder the tree for a little bit untill the lighting stops. Then the lighting hits the tree and a branch is about to fall near her so she is running. And that is the very frist part of it. The rest of it was really crepy and hard to understand what was going on but, it was good! ( don't even know what this movie is called! lol) - TTYL in life
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Later....(yea kind of lame title but i could'nt think of a good one)
Ok so after skool today I hung out with Stef and Krissy. We went around the coner to get ice-cream then we went to Stef's house. We were watching a few shows and since Stef has TiVo (I think that is how u spell it i am not sure... well anywaz..) and on the comercials for no reason we were rewinding them for no reason(ones that we liked we watch consintaly lol). Well there was this one funny comeircial that we saw like 10 times and it was for new mini sharpies (the marker) and on it was a guy looking @ a hot girl and so he takes out a mini sharpie and writes his # on a flying disk then throws it to her. Then when it is about to get to her a dog gets it. It was soo funny but after 10 times it gets old. There was anther comercial for the mini sharpie that we watched for 10 times and it starts out with someone with a mini sharpie in hand drawing a spot on a car. Then he gets back into his car with the driving instructer and makes a scratch on the blue car in front of him. Then the insructor gives him a blue sharpie and he gets out of the car and starts covering up the scratch with it. Funny ^___^!!!! There was this one comercial that was for dry skin on it. And of coarse it has a lady on it right? Well when that comercial went on Stef was all like "Hey Alex(her brother), thats u!" And Alex was all "I'm famous," and whenever that comercial came on we would all joke around with him. Ohh yeah ands when we were all eating we were all talking about him and his grilfriend and I brought up that time when my little sister kept on saying his name and blew him kisses and called him a baby. It was funny when that happend and Alex was creped out. My sister belive it or not is the same age as him. But don't worry Alex, (if U r reading this wich I don't think u r cause i don't think u have an otaku well anywaz...) my sister will not go out with u c'ause she loves someone else just as much as she likes u and this other guy is more like her in a way. K? lol! OMG only 2 more weeks 'till i go away! YaY! -TTYL in life
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YeaH!!! YeaH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi people right now i am @ skool and I am soo relived that the test is ova!!!! This second part was hard and there was one problem that was soo nerve racking!!!! It didn't even give u enougf info to figure out da problem. All it said was this: "Jim wants to make a skake board ramp. The hight of it will be 4 feet. What is the lenth of the ramp?" What a hard neve racking question! Well good thing it is ova! (I HATE TESTS!!!) A funny thing happened last week on friday @ lunch. Ok so someone was gonna throw somthing out then my friend Maraget screams "NO don't! Please throw this out thanks" It was funny we all had a laugh. Then I was about to throw somthing away and Kate goes "No wait!" so i turn around and she goes " could u please throw this away for me?" So I do it. Then the person who frist threw something away was about to throw away a bag of chips then Kate goes " NO! I wasn't finished!" We all had our laghs. Good times Guys Good times. ^__6 well I better go I CAN'T CONCERNTRATE typing and the bells about to ring. lol - TTYL in life
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Hi people I am @ school right now. I am really supposed to be doing a social studies project in computer apps but I flet like going on for a minute.(and no one has to know that. ^__^ hehe..) Yesturday we had the frist part of the N.Y. state math test. It was soo easy. Well easyier than the review packets we got. Though one question w/ darts was hard but what can u do about that. Prety soon I am taking the second part. Shouldn't be hard. My friend told me if u look up the revoultionary war on google images and click on a picture of a dress u find a doll site instead. Well i g2g- TTYL
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Happy Mothers Day
Today is mothers day! Or was well anywaz I hope u all out there have a good mothers day w/ ure mom. Wow I haven't gotten on in a while. Ok last friday I went to da mall with Krissy and Stef. We all bought loads of jewlery. Then that weekend was ok. The only time I went out of the house was when i went with my dad to Sears to get a new lawn-mower. Then this past week was full of tests and quizes. They were very boring! On friday we got a new kitchen floor wich is supposed to be "marble"(well thats what my mom says) Really it is not marble like she says it is because the floor took like 2 minuetes to install useing their so called "modern technology." All they did was put a "marble" floor over our old floor and then they were done. The floor is some roll out vynal material thing that all u do is put on top of the old floor with out even replaceing it and u r done. It has a marble print to it so that's why my mom calls it a marble floor. But it looks nice so that is good. ^^ Yesturday I went shopping with my mom. We went to Barns n Nobles and Bed Bath and Beond. @ Barns n Nobles I bought 2 manga comics : the second Orhello and Comic party 1. Comic party is qutie interesting. The cover is too. It looks like one of those books that teaches u how to draw maga but is not. It is about people who like to draw manga and their cartoons. I also bought Hitchhikers Gudie To The Galaxy and What's French for EWWW? Today I did nothing really. My mom was sleeping in and I went with my dad to Sears again because this time he had to buy a new leaf blower. I don't know why he didn't buy it the last time because last time we were there he said he needed both a lawn mower and leaf blower but whatever right. I also saw Hitch Hikers Guide to the Glaxy today. That movie is soo funny. I even have a song stuck in my head from that movie but i am not gonna say what it is u would have to see the movie. I'd give that movie 2 thumbs way up, 5 stars, and what ever else is the best rating. A+ !!! Once again happy mother's day to all! - TTYL in life
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Doo de doo dee do!
This week soo far has been hard because of my foot! I had a little trouble walking and was a little late for a few of my classes. but thats ok i don't mind it. I got to skip gym because of it and we were playing football and i don't like to play football soo i was kind of lucky. Yesturday I hung out with Krissy and Steph @ my house. We ate all the brownies and got high off incence lol! And today was just boring. I finished all my hw which is good and now I am just chill'in. htfyudstfjhygtsfyudfew tlkhgroykt;ylk;ltky;lkh kr;tkl;kgt;oyykt;okt rgjkteykioyktrk Yeah I got a case of the bordness lol. Hey I just realized somthing! There are only 2 more months 'till skool is over! Soo good! SUmmer vACTion heRE i cOMe! @ more months!- TTYL in life
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Things R Looking Up! No Stitches! (excpt for the cartoon carater lol!)
I am soo happy! I went to the doctor a little while ago and I didn't have to go to the hospital for stitches! YaY!!! I am soo happy I could dance! ^^(If this cast-looking bandage and big bruse wasn't on my foot! LOL!) I just got cold gule and saltwater put on my foot. Yea sounds like a weird sultion thing to help it but I like it because it dosen't hurt or sting! LOL
Stitch: Whats worng with Stitch? Why don't U want me around?!
Me: No stitches! In foot with a needle
Stitch: Ohh mega mistake. Mega don't want stitches etheir needle creapy
Me: I feel the same way
Peakly: time to get stitches *Stitch and Reggie(me) scream and stitch puts Reggie in a wheelchair that comes out of no where and Stitch runs ultra fast with it* What I was talking about my dress.
I am crasy aren't I. lol Now I am feeling dizzy
A quiz hehe
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