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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Had no H.W.! I hung out with Krissy and steph after school today. Had fun we got pizza, died our hair purple and their was a funny thing that happend. Ok so we were sitting in my kitchen and there was a flashlight on the table so Steph was all like "Lets tell ghost storys," and we all thought that was a good idea but the funny thing was that Krissy and I were eating marshmellows and dark chocolte at the time Steph had the idea to tell ghost storys. Isn't that weird? I think it is. Good times Krissy, good times. And here is anter funny thing that happened:
Krissy: *starts to tell story* There once was a girl..
Steph: *interrupts* Who was sent to live in a well the rest of her life? *laghs*
Reggie: *laghs* Ohh the ring! *laghs* Wait a minuete I just remeberd we have a well in the backyard.
We had all the things needed to tell ghosts storys; the marshmellows, the choclate, the fashlight, and even.....the well. Good times Steph, lolz! I didn't get to go to the car show on monday c'ause my dad got sick. I hope he feels better soon. But I will be going on Saturday. - TTYL in life
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Monday, March 28, 2005
City Yea!
Today I am going to the city @ night with my dad, uncle, and my cousin to the car show! Soo ecited! Hehe! I know one thing. Every time i go with my dad we allways look @ the jaguars frist c'ause my dad works for jaguar and he wants to look @ all the new models before they give them to him. I should be tons of fun. Hope u all have a nice day too. I am also happy c'ause i am getting cool digital camera keychain soon. - TTYL in life
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
A funny thing
The funnyest thing happened a few minutes ago. Ok, my great aunt called and i picked up the phone then she was all good its u. I said happy easter then she was talking about all these things that happend today and about her foot how it was itchy. Then after all that she asked me how r the kids. It was soo funny! She thought i was my mom! Then I said that it was me!- TTYL in life
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Happy Easter!
Hope ure day is great and Happy Easter to U all! To celebreate here is an easter fetus.(yea very untrraditional)
Easter bunny fetus! Easter bunny fetus: Happy Easter! And to celebrate with this movie! Cilk the flowing link to see the movie: Happy Easter!
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Hi people yesturday I went to New Jersey with my dad because he need to drop off some keys @ work to the last jaguar they gave him and I saw the coolest thing in the Parking lot @ the dealer. It was the exact car from the Auston Power's movies. The Shaguar! It was that car. Soo awsome. And this reminds me of a time when I was in Hawaii I saw this car on the side of this mountian we were driving up and it was a van that looked exactly like that Mystery Machine from the Scooby Doo movie. But, I don't know if it was the same one used in the movie but the car I saw yesturday was the same one used in the movie. This has nothing to do with anything but I saw this really cool car in Atlana that was advertising e-clips gum. It was painted soo cool. It had all these different shades of blue on it along with mountians. Well anywaz......Today was ok. Seee all day yesturday my little sister was asking my mom to make her a wishing well. So my mom made a simple wooden box and said that was a wishing well. My siter wasn't happy and started asking for a roof and so on so today me and my dad had to fix it up C'ause my mom didn't want to. so, We added 2 sides to it and drilled a hole in them to stick a dalowl in so it could turn. Then we added a flat roof. Thats right Flat! Not a triangle one a flat one. Well anywaz it is done so now we don't have to deal with it any more. But, aleast it looks good and works!! ^_^ The rest of my day was boring. But there is something to look forward too. I am going to the car show soon! Whoo! Soo eciting! My dad got passes that we can go in before the public gets to c it.- TTYL in life
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Friday, March 25, 2005
Hi people today is friday and there is no skool today c'ause it is Friday!!! Yay!!! Friday of this 4-day weekend! Soo happy and crasy! ^_6 Party long! Yesturday I watch Napoleain Dynamite. It was funny!
. .
(____) hehe....... Today i watched a lot of t.v. soo far and i woke up @ 4:00 this morn. Still tired.
001. What is your name? Reggie
002. Spell your name backwards: eiggeR
004. Male or female? Female
005. Astrological sign: vrigo
006. Nicknames: regg
007. Hair color: brown
008. Eye color: brown�
009. What is your sn and what does it stand for?�Bluemoon2021b The moon��?
010. Pets: my brid boomer
011. Piercings? Do ear priesings count?
012. Tattoo's? none
013. Righty or lefty? righty
014. Wearing: a shirt and pants
015. Hearing:�music on K-Rock
016. Feeling: tired
017. Drinkiing: water w/ lemon
Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
018. How many people have you told "I love you"?�lots but in a fun way
019. How many people have you been in love with? Classified!
020. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? no
021. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? no
022. If so for what? no
023. Did some of your family come to America from another country?�no
~Music Stuff~
024. What song do you swear was written about�you�or your life? idk
025. What's the most embarrasing cd you own?�i have no idea
026. What's the best cd you own? Linkin Park cd
027. What song do you absolutely hate?�Edle lee
028. What song reminds you of someone? hmm..
029. Color:�Blue
030. Food: Mona goat
031. Song: Breaking the Habbit by Linkin Park
032. Show(s): Inuyasha, Pimp My Ride, Whose line is it anyway?, Famliy Guy, Futurama, and the Ozzbornes
030. school subject: none
031. Band/singer: Linkin Park!
032. Animal: wolf
033. Outfit: hmm��..�
034. Radio station: K-Rock and z100
035. Potato chip:�idk
036. Drink:�cherry selzer
037. Alcholic drink: champiane
038. Holiday: New Years
039. Perfume/cologne:�Addias moves
040. Jello flavor: the bule one
~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
041. What color are your sheets? bule
042. What color are your bedroom walls? Not telling
043. Do you have posters on your wall? yea
044. If so of what? just random people n� stuff
045. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? no
046. How many pillows are on your bed? A lot
047. What do you normally sleep in? pajamas
048. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? nope but i have a phone in there
049. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? idk
050. What's under your bed? the rug
~This or that~
051. beach/mountains: beach
052. Donuts/bagels: Donuts
053. Day/night: night
054. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: idk
055. Heaven/hell: heaven
056. Blonde/Brunette: Brunette
057. Coffee/tea: Coffee
058. Swiss cheese/american cheese: swiss
059. Real World/Road Rules: Real World
060. Silver/gold: silver
061. Nike/Adidas: hard desion so both
062. Sweet/sour: sweet
063. Punk/emo: Punk
064. Hot/cold: hot
065. Winter/summer: summer
066. Spring/fall: spring
067. Operas/plays: plays
068. Read/watch tv: watch tv
069. Cd's/tapes: cd's
070. Dvd's/vhs: dvd's
071. Old/new: new
072. Pink/red: red
073. Colored pictures/black and white photos: color
074. Mexican food/chinese food: both
075. Sandals/tennis shoes: sandals
076. Dogs/cats: dogs
077. Water/land: land
078. Sugar/spice: spice
079. Cars/trucks: cars
080. Popcorn/pretzels: both
081. Passionate kiss/peck: passionate kiss ��
082. Picture frames/photo albums: photo albums
083. Pens/pencils: pens
~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
084. Eminem: good singer and does good music
085. The Osbournes:�I luv that show086. Reality TV: funny
087. J.Lo:� o.k
088. Rap music: its cool
089. Valentine's Day: just a holiday I never got
090. Homosexuals: srry but gross
091. Pre-marital sex: gross
092. Terrorism: scary
093. Politics: KILL THEM!
094. Country music: boring
095. Gas prices in America: high
~Have You Ever....~
096. Mooned anyone? no..
097. Been on a diet? yeah
098. Been to a foreign country? yeah
099. Broken a bone? no
100. Got in a fight? no
101. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? no
102. Told a little white lie? yeah ��
103. Been on TV? no
104. Been on the radio? no
105. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? no
106. Broken the law? yea I snuck into a place I wan�t old enough for in England
107. Been to a rodeo? no
108. Been on a talk show? no
109. Been on a game show? no
110. Been on an airplane? yea
111. Had a dream that your falling off a cliff? no
112. Snuck out of the house at night? no
- TTYl in life
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
OMG! I can't belive it! It is spring and it is snowing again! I can't belive this! And I was ready for spring. Heyy it is sticking! *thinks to self* Maybe if it gets bad well will get a delay or a snow day. Wait I dout it! Our school district is soo cheap! They said that we r not going to have many snowdays because we used soo many last year! But we did not c'ause we only had two snow days last year and this year we had none! Just a lot of 2-hour delays! I hate them! Well anyways hope u all r having a better spring.
A QUiz
1.chatting with- rit now jasmine
2.on the phone with- no one rit now
3.doing- taking this survey & DBQ
4.eating- M&Ms
5.watching- nothing
6.listening to- K-Rock
7.looking at- the computer screen
when was the last time: got mad- rit now were happy- earlyer today
10.your were sad- don't remeber got nervous- this morning got bored- now got scared- a few days ago ate- don't understand da ? did your homework- today
how many:
16.friends do you have- alott friends- a few
18.pets- 1 bird
19.teachers- 9
20.classes- 9
21.books you read- not many
22.sites you had(have)- a lot
23.screenames- a lot
do you have:
24.glasses? no
25.braces? yes
26.retainers? no
27.alot of friends? yeah
28.good grades? yeah
29.bad grades? no
30.nice hair? yeah
31.nice shoes? yeah (to my liking they r) teachers? not really
33.weird friends? some
34.a pimple(s)? no
35.a xanga? one
36.a layout made by you? no
what/who is your favorite:
37.color- blue
38.friend- a few
39.animal- wolf
40.teacher- none
41.season- summer
42.month- July New Years spike braclet (I am not gothic or punk)
45.make-up- eyeshadow
46.subject in school- Lunch
- TTYL in life
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Water Day
Hi people. Sryy I haven't been on in a while. Well today is international water day. Go water! Well that is not as important. Yesturday was The frist day of spring. Spring is here! Yea!!! And today is the second day of spring! Wear a flower! Or is it feel like a flower? HMmm....... Well whatever that spring expression is all that means is to be renewed. Yeah kind of weird. Ohh yeah I should have said something about the post u see below this that says it is part of my pro. I am going to keep on delting that post and readding that to the top so please if u want ure commets to stay don't commet it. K? Srry for not saying that. Today was hard. Heyy look here is the spring flower again *spring flower appears* Grab it! *says to self* Heyy isn't the spring flower a little......late? Ohh well- TTYL in life
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Note people this post is going to now be part of my profile so if u see this post @ the top of all the other posts look under it for the newest post K? Thank you
Friends sites:
more r in the making
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
Spring is in the air!!!!!!!!
Yea! Today is the last day of winter!!! Horay! And today is Also plam Sunday but lets not get into religons! lol! So.....about spring. Finally! After that long winter it is finally spring! I like spring c'ause that means summer is soon! and my favorite season is summer. But, I don't want to think about what comes after summer! Ohh....*gets shivers* lol But, like what they always say, it is not offically spring untill the frist flower of spring blooms. Then it is spring! *goes outside and sees the frist fower of spring* *says to slef*: Ahh.... the frist flower of spring. Now it is spring! Wait a minute.........It isn't spring! Why is there a flower here if it isn't spring yet! *flower starts to speak*
Flower: I am a winter flower!
Me: There R no flowers in winter!
Flower: I am called a winter flower c'ause I pop up in the last day of winter the day before spring. Then I die! That is the best part of being a winter flower. Because I can't wait for next year!
Me: Ok......
The world is confusing. Isn't it? - TTYL in life
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