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Monday, March 14, 2005
*mumbles*skoool blah blah blah stuff to do blah!
Today was soo boring! Flet soo long and had a test today in Earth Sicenece wich I hate! And now here are some stories. This frist story is based on a real person. One day a baby gril was born. When she was old enough to play with toys (still a baby) the only toy she would play with was a ball. When she got older her paraents found out that her mind was developing slow and is at a young age. Yet she still played with a ball. That is the only thing she does. She is now 11 years old and all she does is play with a ball and acts like a 2 year old. Is that sad or what? I think it is. But, here is a story that I made up that should take the mind off things. It is called, The Fear On 13 13 Street. There once was a house on 13 13 Street. Which number was 13, 13 13 Street. It was the biggest house (picture one of those big mansion houses) on the block. It was painted grey and there were vines growing up on the sides of the house. The sun seemed to shine on this house, nor did the moon. The sky would allways be grey and the temperature would allways be cold over there, while the rest of the block would have nice, bule, skys, and nice, sunny, warm weather. Legend has it that who ever lived in that house would only be there for a couple of days or weeks then would dissaper and never be seen again. One day a family moved into the house. There was a mother named Linda, a father named Maximillion (yea a very uncommon name but I couldn't think of a better name. Though, come to think of it, I just rememberd that I have a cousin named Maximillion. Well anywayz back to the story), their oldest son named Chad, their youngest son named Tommy, and their dog named Spike. They lived in the house for a week allready and everything was going fine. Untill one day when Chad came home from school. Chad is 16 years old and is in high school. He had been waiting for this day all week. C'ause once he got home spring break would start and he couldn't wait to throw partys every night when his pararents were out with Tommy or he would get stuck with Tommy. He had the perfect plan for both ways. If his paraents went out with Tommy, he would have the party then him and his three best friends would help him clean up the house and if his paraents saw his friends over they would just say that they were studying or doing homework. If he got stuck with Tommy he would just send him over a friends house then pick him up when the party was over. But his plans are just about to change when he gets home. So, when chad got home he saw a note taped to the door that said:
" Dear Chad,
We have gone on a flight to France for the break. We would like you to take good care of your brother when we are gone. So, please pick him up from school once you get home and read this note. And no wild parties! Which we know you would never do C'ause you are such a good boy. And you never did. We are soo proud of you! See you in a week!
Mom + Dad
P.S. The keys to the red convirtable and the house are under the mat. And take good care of the car too. If anything happens to it you may never drive it again!"
"Yes!" said Chad to himself,"I finally get to drive the convertiable but at a bad time c'ause i get stuck with Tommy and I can't leave him alone in the house like last time he allmost jumped out the aparment window. Thats why we moved. For two resons. One, he tryed to jump out the window and we were on the 30th floor. Two, the city was nat a safe place to live. Well thats acording to my Mom." So Chad went to pick up Tommy at school. Tommy is 5 years old and is in kindergraden. (yeah U all R probally thinking that the paraents R old c'use Chad is 16 and Tommy is 5. But just saying they had Chad when they were really, really young)
Tommy: Hi Chad! Nice car! It looks just like Daddy's.
Chad: Hi Tommy. Well the car is Daddy's and hop in I got to tell you something.
Tommy: K
Chad: O.K. listen up Tommy, Mom and Dad have gone to France for the Break and I have to take care of you while throwing parties like I allways do and maybe I'll be out a lot during the day. So are any of your friends around for the break?
Tommy: No. They all went to a place called Florida. And some people went to a place called Disney World
Chad: Ohh well I'll just have to cancel the party and all my plans.
Well anywaz things were fine for a while untill one day there was no food in the house at all. So Chad asked Tommy if he did anything with the food c'ause he knew that Tommy liked to play resturant and sometimes he would feed all the food to Spike. He asked if Tommy was telling the turth and Tommy said yes. To make sure if tommy was telling the turth he sniffed Spike's breath and he was telling the truth. So they went to the store to get food. When they came back Chad heard a noise from upstiars in the attic. It was a werid noise. So he went up there to see. And what he saw was a refrigiator. He was suprised c'ause he didn't remember one being up there. But then he rememberd that it was the same one they threw out before they moved c'ause it had all the scratch marks on it that Spike made on it when he was a puppy. Then things were going good for a while till Tuesday when the keys to the car were missing. They looked all over the house for them and couldn't find them. So, they decied to wlak when ever they needed or wanted to go out. One time that day they went out and it was getting dark so they walked home and when they got home they heard the sound of something jingling and saw a shadow so they went to go check it out and there was nothing but the keys were on the floor of the basement. But the weird thing was that they searched the whole basement that day and it wasn't there! Then things were fine again untill Thrusday. It started out as a tyipical day (ecpt without school) untill Chad was calling for spike to get food. But all that came was a puppy that they have clue why the puppy was there but the weird thing is that it looked exactly like Spike when he was a puppy. So they looked all around the house for Spike and whenever they called,"Spike!," the myisterios puppy would floow them and give a happy little bark for a responce. So then Chad called the puppy over and looked at the tags on the dog and they were the same ones that Spike had. Then in the middle of the night Tommy flet someone licking him and when he woke up it was Spike. So then Tommy runs into Chad's room.
Tommy: Chad look! I found Spike!
Chad: Tommy! It's 3:00 in the morning! I just went to bed an hour ago! And are you sure that is Spike and not that puppy?
Tommy: I'm sure!
Chad couldn't belive it! It was Spike. He quickly looked around for the puppy and the puppy was gone. Then things were good for a while. Then at night on Thursday of the second week Chad and Tommy heard there paraents come home.
Chad: You are home!
Tommy: How Chad what was that place they went again?
Chad: It's France Tommy. By the way did you see the Eiffel Tower?
Linda: What are you boys talking about? We didn't go anywhere.
Chad: Then what was that note all about saying you were going to France over spring break?
Maximillion: Hey how did u know that we were going to France
Chad: I just told u the note!
Linda: But honey, it isn't even spring break yet! It won't be spring break till anther month
Chad: But mom spring break is allmost over! We only have three days of it left!
And then the paraents suddenly float and vanish into the air. And then the note that Chad got is floating in the air. But it is written in blood. Then there is a niose commig from the kichen and all u see is a shadow. Well that is the story hope u all liked it. Now here is a saying from AARRRGGAAARHHHAAGGAAAAInuyashahahahaha: I had a baby and I named it Sam, named it Sam, named it Sam, I had a baby and I named it Sam, And his brother is Iam, Sam and Iam, Sam and Iam, Boy o boy Sam and Iam, Sam and Iam, Sam and Iam, Boy I hate Sam and Iam, and I hate their little brothers little Green Eggs and Little Ham, Now I love Sam and Iam, Sam and Iam, Sam and Iam, Now I love Sam and I am and I love to eat little Green Eggs and Little Ham. *u hear a roaring croud* Thank U people Good Night! Thank U AARRRGGAAARHHHAAGGAAAAInuyashahahahaha *Inuyasha comes up right behind Reggie(me)*
Inuyasha: R U making fun of my name?
Reggie: No I am not.
Inuyasha: Better not. Or I will get angery.
Reggie: The person likes u so thats why they put u in there name
Inuyasha: Please tell me who this is *pulls out wepon*
Reggie: *starts running* U can't get to me
Inuyasha: I wasn't gonna hurt ya
Reggie: Srry *Inuyasha starts looking for AARRRGGAAARHHHAAGGAAAAInuyashahahahaha* - TTYL in life
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