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myOtaku.com: Cool Silver

Saturday, May 14, 2005

I am soo happy it is Saturday!!! YaY weekEND!!!!! ^___^ This week took 4eva! Well anywayz....Yessturday my dad got his cool new superchaged car and we all went for a ride in it and we were driving soo fast that if u went down the hills it flet like u were on a rollercoaster! It was soo awsome!!!! I was watching this movie on t.v last night and it is soo weird. Frist it starts out with this girl in a hospital bed and then the doctor comes in and is trying to figure out whats wrong with her. Then they notice that her heart is not beating so they think she is dead so then all of a sudden the girl starts murdiung something that sounds like "skeliton closet " (or something like that well...anywaz) so she keeps on repeating it. Then it switches to anther seen with this limo driver driving some famous aurthor that just came to town and he is trying to having a convertsation with the guy while the author is justr like "I got to get home in a real hurry." Then the movie switches to this other place with differnt people. So U see anther little girl and her father who is yelling @ her to go to school. So the little girl goes down stairs and outside on this dark rainy day and realizes that she missed her bus. So then she asked her father for a ride and her father said "No you have to walk." So she goes outside again (o0o yeah if u want to know where this person live they r in the contry) and starts running for miles passing empty fileds trying to catch up with the bus and all of a sudden she decides to take a shortcut through the forest right. (o0o....sounds like a scary movie! I like scary movies! *shivers* lol!) Then she gets out thruoght the forest and is in an opean feild with a huge tree in the middle in it *lighting strikes* then she decides to go uder the tree for a little bit untill the lighting stops. Then the lighting hits the tree and a branch is about to fall near her so she is running. And that is the very frist part of it. The rest of it was really crepy and hard to understand what was going on but, it was good! ( don't even know what this movie is called! lol) - TTYL in life
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