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Artist and Middle school student
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better pictures mean better times....
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i was born >_>
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drawing, listening to music
drawing (dur)
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Yuki: On the first day of Christmas the Sohma's gave to me, a curse for eternity.
Kyo: On the second day of Chistmas Haru gave to me,two squeaky mice.
Yuki: And a curse for eternity.*sigh*
Shigure: On the third day of Christmas Mi-chan gave to me, three writing deadlines.
Kyo: Two squeaky mice.*kills them*
Yuki: And a curse for eternity.
Haru: On the fourth day of Christmas Kisa gave to me, four cow bells.
Shigure: Three writing deadlines.*snores*
Kyo: Two squeaky mice.*chews*
Yuki: And a curse for eternity. "Damn."
Tohru: On the fifth day of Christmas, Uo gave to me, five picture frames.
Haru: Four cow bells."Ring Ring."
Shigure: Three writing deadlines. *balances pencil on nose*
Kyo: Two squeaky mice. "DIE!"
Yuki: *fixes skirt* And a curse for eternity.
Momiji: On the sixth day of Chirstmas Kyo gave to me, Six school boy uniforms.
Tohru: Five picture frames. "Mom.."
Haru: Four cow bells. "Moo."
Shigure: Three writing deadlines. *thinks up excuses*
Kyo: Two squeaky mice. "Kuso nezumi!"
Yuki: *yawn* And a curse for eternity.
Hatori: On the seventh day of Christmas Kana gave to me, seven melting snows..
Momiji: Six school boy uniforms. "Waaa!!"
Tohru: Five picture frames!*falls* "OH NO MOM!"
Haru: Four cow bells. "I'm getting tired of all these cow jokes! *turns black*"
Shigure: Three writing deadlines. *whistles innocently*
Kyo: Two squeaky mice. *Takes off Santa Hat and jumps on it*
Yuki: *inhales* And a curse for eternity.
Ritsu: On the eighth day of Christmas Ayame gave to me, Eight confidence boosts.
Hatori: Seven melting snows. "It's water I tell you!"
Momiji: Six school boy uniforms. "*tear* KYO HATES ME!"
Tohru: Five picture frames! "Its okay mom!"
Haru: Four cow bells. *Runs from dairy man.*
Shigure: Three writing deadlines. *Twirls pencil in between fingers*
Kyo: Two squeaky mice. " I rather chew up the real thing!"
Yuki: *falls* And a curse for eternity.
Ayame: On the ninth day of Christmas Shigure gave to me, nine Christmas kisses!
Ritsu: Eight confidence boosts." I'M SORRY FOR BOTHERING YOU AYAME!!"
Hatori: Seven melting snows. *transforms into seahorse and goes in the WATER made from melted snow*
Momiji: Six school boy uniforms. "BUT I LIKED MY SKIRT!"
Tohru: Five picture frames! *hides them from Tohru* Tohru-*dies*
Haru: Four cow bells. "NO!! ITS BOSTON MARKET!"
Shigure: Three writing deadlines. "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer....."
Kyo: Two squeaky mice."Damn you all"
Yuki: "At least you don't have to say my line" And a curse for eternity.
Kisa: On the tenth day of Christmas Hiro gave to me, Ten Tohru clones. (A.N:GOD HELP US ALL)
Ayame: Nine Christmas kisses. "Shigure, not in front of the children!"
Ritsu: Eight confidence boosts. "GOMEN NASAI GOMEN NASAI GOMEN NASAI!!!!"
Hatori: Seven melting snows. "I'm a doctor you know....I know this stuff."
Momiji: Six school boy uniforms. "They don't look THAT bad do they?" *whines*
Tohru: Five picture frames! *Cuts out numerous pictures if her mom*
Haru: Four cow bells. *got a job in advertising as a talking cow.* " Moo...Yum Yum eat me."
Shigure: Three writing deadlines. "66 bottles of beer on the wall, 66 bottles of beer...."
Kyo: Two squeaky mice. *feeds mice leeks* "HA HA HA DIE!"
Yuki: And a curse for eternity.*likes leeks*
Hiro: On the eleventh day of Christmas Momiji gave to me eleven stupid songs
Kisa: Ten Tohru clones. *hugs*
Ayame: Nine Chrismas kisses. "Shigure!"
Ritsu: Eight confidence boost. "I'M SORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT!"
Hatori: Seven melting snows. *melts*
Momiji: Six school boy uniforms. *sniff, sniff*
Tohru: Five picture frames! "Hi Mom! I'm fine! How are you?"
Haru: Four cow bells. *gets jumped.*
Shigure: Three writing deadlines. Usagi-Chan: Dont worry Shi-chan I feel the same way.
Kyo: Two squeaky mice. *gets bored and throws 'em around*
Yuki: *very bored* And a curse for eternity.
Akito: On the twelveth day of Christmas, Kami gave to me Twelve days to live.
Hiro: Eleven stupid songs. "Teru Teru Momiji" "SHUT UP"
Kisa: Ten Tohru clones. "YAY!"
Ayame: Nine Christmas kisses. "Tee hee hee."
Ritsu: Eight confidence boosts. "GOMEN NASAI!"
Hatori: Seven melting snows. *gives up and makes spring*
Momiji: Six school boy uniforms. *throws them out and wear's his girl one*^_^
Tohru: Five picture frames! "Oh mom, look, you have a smudge on you *takes napkin and wipes* THATS BETTER"
Haru: Four cow bells. *retires*
Shigure: Three writing deadlines. *finally writes*
Kyo: Two squeaky mice. "IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE??" Everyone: -_-;;;;;
Yuki: *does big dance number finale* AND A CURSE FOR ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Usagi-chan: Now that wasnt too bad was it?? Kyo and Yuki: -_-;;;;;;;;;; yes...... Usagi-chan: Oh get over it! Untill next time! Kyo: If there is a next time *takes out bat* Usagi-chan: gotta go *runs* *as running* AS LEAST YOU HAD PRETTY CLOTHES! Kyo and Yuki: *runs faster*
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