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myOtaku.com: coondog

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Welcome to primetime, bitch!

All right you primitive screw-heads listen up. See this? This is my BOOM STICK! It's a 12 gauge double barrelled Remington, S-Marts top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. Thats right this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. YOU GOT THAT!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

recent shit
okay so a few things happened that had to happen and shouldnt have happened any differently. okay this past saturday my friend and probably yours, black mage tbow, asked me why i dont like his girlfriend, critanta. so i had to tell him the truth about what had happened between her and my best friend chrono. which got me in some shit with chrono (which was cleared up earlier tonight). and now i sit here typing this for all of you to read. and i have now found out that critanta has changed the minds of other friends of mine in her favor to make it look like shes the victim in all of her bullshit that she got herself into. so she goes and blames other people for her fuck up. and now shes got people believing her and not believing the truth. its funny how people dig themselves into holes that will end up burying them in the end. i know the truth about this whole situation. and its up to the people involved to either believe the truth or believe her stupid antics at an attemp to cover her own ass. i have a theory actually about this. she comes off as a not too bright kind of person. henceforth the reason everyone is believing her is because no one expect anything like this from someone like her. funny how that works isnt it.
well teel me what you think. i need the words of advice here people.
until next time, peace, love, and chicken grease.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

change my attempt, good intentions
okay so i have decided that by this time next year, i will be out of this state. and im most likely going to move to washington.
other than that, same shit different day. keep it real and dont let it go wrong

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

ill promise you
okay so im dating this girl right. and its not going bad. every girlfriend i have ever had in my life always became a bitch after the first week. and this one isnt. that and just talking to her makes me not want to do illegal things anymore. i still do them but i feel bad now when i do do them. i dont know maybe shes better for me than i think? who knows right. keep it real and ill chat at you all later
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Sunday, December 4, 2005

yes i am fucking happy
wow long time no post eh? damn it has been a while and things have changed a lot since the las tpost. i havent had a day off from doing anything in like at least 4 weeks. so no relaxation for me. ummm, i moved back up to almost pothead status again. but it is strictly medicinal use only. since prescribed medication cost an arm a leg and my left nut, i chose the cheaper way out thatll last four times as long. i know its wrong but i dont care. other than that not much else going on. im not doing that bad and its different because i feel happy.............. i hope it lasts
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Friday, November 18, 2005

One More Minute
okay i moved out. im now at my other friends house. not too much going on. helping some friends out of a few jams. other than that i cant think of anything else. take it easy
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