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myOtaku.com: CoreyOO7

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Ovy Stylezt (07/06/04)

sup dogg, hey i'ma add u as a friend aight peace out, *waves* ^^', peace out man

50 cent (07/05/04)

Just returnin the favor.L8r

banzaiinu1 (07/01/04)

Thanx for comin' to my site and signin' my gb!And it's okay if ya add me as a friend, I'll add ya too!Well see ya later!!!

majin ssj eric (06/29/04)

Whats up! Thanks for signing my GB. You should use phototshop to save your comics as a jpeg. I do like video games, though only certain ones. Thanks for the thumbs up on my band. I'll see you around!

Tepocoora (06/29/04)

Hi there thank for visiting my site and singing my GB I've dropped by to return the favor ^.~Cuts site I likey ya avartar it looks tough and cool^.^Cool that ya live in Chicago I went there once It's VERY BIG.Or maybe I'm just to used to living in a small town^.^;;;hehe

You're always welcome at my site.I'm gonna add ya as my friend i that's alright with ya^.~
STAY IN TOUCH!!::::::waves bye::::::::

silent snake (06/28/04)

Hey! Another MGS fan! Our numbers continue to grow... Anywho, I'm also a DBZ fan. Vegito rules! I'm gonna add you as a friend, stop by whenever. Always lookin for new material for my site. New stuff on the way.


princesskagome05 (06/28/04)

Hey there. Cool site. Good luck at devry. I don't know if I want tome be a game designer or an anime cartoonist. Decision, decisions. Anyway, come by and visit my site sometime. Ok? I'm adding u as a friend now. I hope u do the same. ^__^


KitsuneTsuki (06/25/04)

Hey Corey! Cool site ya got here. To do the animations on the site, go to the GPetz website: www.gpetz.com and look for the animations link. Then pick out your animation. Under the picture is the HTML code for it. Just copy it and paste it into the site. That's all there is to it!

scorpi121 (06/24/04)

Nice colors. And just to let you know the music on my site was G Gundum, not Yu Yu Hakesho. I'm going to add you as one of my friends.

Chibi Devil Me (06/23/04)

...I remind you of your ex-girlfriend...? ^^ Gee... that's nice. I guess. (No offense.) Anyway! You also have a nice site too! Thanks for adding me as a friend. I'll do the same!

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