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myOtaku.com: corn

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

X Shadowme X made me do it
I kind of answered these half-way in my posts, but I'm bored so I'm going to fully answer these questions or else Belinda will kill me. XD

1. Things that turn me off:

Hmm, let's see: incompentent men, chauvnists, homophobes, racists, obnoxiousness, arrogance, lack of empathy, complete self indulgence, so-insecure-about-anything-and-everything-they're-insane-guys. That's only half of it. I'm a little big ball of hate, huh?

2. My weird habits:

My hands twitch a lot and I tend to play with my fingers, bite them, twiddle, whatever. I itch my head a lot, and I have weird monolouges in my head and whenever I think of something funny, it shows on my face, so people are staring at me wondering why I'm smiling and if I'm insane. Oh yeah, I also talk to myself sometimes. =P

3.Who I am:


No, really, it's hard to say..

4. What my flaws are and how I embrace them:

Sometimes too cold and self-driven. Other times too sensitive and a bleeding-heart that cares too much. Too honest and opinionated. Pretty passive-aggressive too. How I embrace them? I wish I didn't.

5.Things that piss me off:

See #1

6. Things that scare the shit out of me freak me out

Spiders, creepy old men, crowds, heights, the down fall of humanity as a whole, not just our morality

7. Are you crazy obsessed and if not do you know anyone who is crazy obsessed?

Maybe. I'm crazy obsessed with Gaara but that's because I'm a loser. But I've met others that are way worse than me, so I'm OK =) XD

8. What's your worst F.M.L. (Fuck My Life) moment?

Today, when I attempted (for the 60th time) to contact a long distance friend, the only friend that I've ever felt alive and free to talk about anything with, and failed. Her phone number doesn't work and I hung up on her cell phone twice because I was embarrassed and self-conscious that it wasn't her number but someone else's. We haven't talked in months and I'm inclined to think it's my fault.

9.Do you like commercials? And if you don't, do you just skim through them?

Depends. Most are just lame. Some are clever. Others are like, "I could've done better than that!" or "What kind of message are they trying to send me? That screwing vegetables is a stable way of life instead of eating meat? How crazy!"

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