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...sadly none...yet. *smirk*
Anime Fan Since
The universe began must I tell you everything!?...(4)
Favorite Anime
Tons, but I can't remember all...Inuyasha, FruitsBasket, YuYuHakusho, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Ruroini Kenshin, Trigun, CowBoy Bebop, DNAngel, Full-Metal Alchemist, Poke'mon, Naruto and a whole bunch more.
To be the best I could be in drawing, computers, and something else I don't know about yet. See how far I looked ahead? ^_^
Drawing,writing(mostly poems), listening to music, playing video games, watchin' anime, (sometimes)playing my guitar and teenager stuff that I do that I don't recall and I feel real...dumb right now...*smiles/sweat* I'm ok with that. ^_^;
Drawing, my imagination(none for you!!), writing, and being very other words HYPER. ^_^(smilies will soon take over the world...really. I use alot of I wonder why? ^_^ Darnit!!)
| CornerStone777
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Take the quiz: "Which Christian Rock Band Are You?"
You are Hawk Nelson!Wow, you know how to have a good time! You love Jesus, but you really don't show it often. You love having fun just like Hawk Nelson. |
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"
EdenYou have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable. |
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Take the quiz: "Which rock chick are you? (girls only plz, pictures!)"
Amy LeeYou're young, you're pretty, and you've got an amazing voice. lots of people hate you for who you are, but they're just a lot of fuckers :) Your're very imaginitve and love designing clothes. You may not seem it sometimes, but your very close to your family. and you love halloween, who doesn't?? |
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Take the quiz: "What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::"
MetalYou're about as hardcore as they come. Music is your passion and you listen to it for talent not because it's popular. You probably have a lot of respect for all artforms and you like classical piano. Slipknot definitely sucks in your eyes...and for good reason. Any band who takes the time to put on make-up and masks just isn't worth your respect. |
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Take the quiz: "Which Element Are You?"
FireYou are wild and untamed. People look to you to help have fun and enjoy good laughter. Keep away from some strangers because sometimes they may want the wrong thing. Stay happy with well earned friends and go party! |
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Take the quiz: "What Kind Of Blood Rushes Through Your Veins?" Were BeastWere Beasties come in many different shapes and appearances. Some are the common werewolves, while others could perhaps even be wereRats. :-P Not that I'm making fun of you. Your anger might get the best of you sometimes, but that's okay. Watch out for Vampires, you and them don't get along very well usually. But anyways. Were Beasts are, in general, much stronger then most others. Some choose to go into there 'were' form at night, while others only go on the night of a full moon. Have fun being a Were! |
Result Posted on 09/16/05:
Take the quiz: "What Aura Colour Are You?"
RedHaving a red aura means that you are a lover. You love to love. You are very romantic and you always have to have a lover or be in a relationship. Red is a colour full of goals and ambitions. You are a leader, and you are very passionate. |
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