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In the world that I created! (otherwhise known as NC)
Member Since
Killing criminals and being the God of my world ^_^
Real Name
Me? well... I'm Kira *snicker*
Achievements a poem published and nearly won an Essay contest...
Anime Fan Since
um.. since I saw sailor moon.. pokemon.. and My Neighbor Totoro
Favorite Anime
do you really expect me to list them all.....fine.....Death Note, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, Sukisyo, Gravitation, Loveless, Gakuen Heaven, Angel's Feather, InuYasha, FMA, anything yaoi, etc.....
To be a novelist and publish at least one book.. ^_^
Watching my slaves do dirty things....oh didn't see that!!!!
....I'll get back to you....
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Mood: ^_^ *smiles*
Hey guys! I'm doing alright! School is so-so; I got my progress reports. In Geometry I have a 94 (yay!!), in Gym I got a 95 (I missed a day), in Spanish I have a 96, and in English I have around a 93-95 (I'm taking a virtual class). I'm pretty happy with my grades and school, in a way. Although, I'm getting pretty tired of being a quiet never works out if you're shy, which I am. I really have no problem with being alone, I'm pretty used to it, actually, but I just keep wondering what would have happened if this and that would have gone differently. Well, I guess everything's in the past, right? Might as well keep moving forward. So, no worries! ^_^ I'm not at rock bottom yet! Besides, as long as I've still got this place, I guess I won't be alone.. right? ^_^
Well, for some reason, my creative side is starting to get control of me. I've probably written around 3 short stories today. Oh, and while we're on the subject, I heard that VV is going to have a fanfiction section! *dances around happily* Finally, something I can use! ^_^ hehe Hopefully, my fanfics are good enough to be on here.
Anyway, there's really nothing else to say! Hope you guys are having a great beginning of a new week! Have a great day! See ya! Bye~bye!
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
Mood: ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Hey guys! No worries! My mood up there isn't about life (of course). But, I started watching a new anime the other day that I downloaded from aarinfantasy. It's called Koutetsu Sangokushi. Yeah, I know, it's a hard name to memorize, but it is an adaption of the Chinese "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and all of the characters are men. Which, of course, makes it possible to pair up soo many people it's hard to control yourself, but the bad news is that many of them don't last long. T_T But, anyway, it is really addicting! Although, I'm not sure you'd like it if you don't like emotional main characters. He cries and has so many mood swings that it's hard to keep up with. The show, near the end, is somewhat confusing. I'm still trying to figure out the truth about one character. Anyway, it's a pretty intense show. Alot of battle scenes and supernatural stuff. The only thing that really almost killed me was the end! I swear, why does everything I watch have such a terrible ending? What ever happened to the happy ending? Argh.. I won't give away what happened in the end just in case someone else wants to see it. ^_^ OH! And the actor who does the voice for the main character, Rikuson Hakugen, also did the voice of Yagami Light in Death Note! And, the opening and ending songs are so awesome! I've had the opening stuck in my head all week (it's the first song in the player thing at the bottom of the page)! Anyway, it has 25 episodes, and it's really suspenseful. And, even though the ending killed me (I'm a ghost now ^_^) I have a feeling that this series might just be my next fanfic project. I'm really dying to create some kind of alternate ending. ^_^
Anyway, I don't have much to talk about. School is ok; nothing new really. So, I'd rather not bore you with my school life. ^^ But, our landlord is having to work on the downstairs floor of our house this week. It has asphestus(sp?) under the tiles, so they have to re-tile the floor. *sigh* Well, other than that I really have nothing else to say about my boring life. So, I'll see you guys! Take care! Bye~Bye! ^_^ OH, and sorry about all the anime reviews I've been doing lately.. I just keep getting into alot of things, and when I get obsessed with something it's hard to get over it that easily... ^_^'' *bows* Gomenasai!
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Monday, February 18, 2008
Mood: Accomplished/Happy/Disappointed
^_^ Hi guys!! I'm feeling much better! Well, in an emotional sense. In a physical sense I'm pretty sick, but anyway I'm doing well! School, I mean, it's alright, but still.
I feel pretty accomplished! I've officially watched three 13 episode shounen-ai anime's in four days! ^_^ First was Yami No Matsuei. I LOVED it! I finally finished it, and I swear I could probably write an entire review on it! Although (and this is part of why my mood was somewhat disappointed) I wanted at least a kissing scene between Hisoka and Tsuzuki! I was dying!! Oh, and then the ending, I was about to CRY!! I have never cried at an anime (except Ai No Kusabi). ^_^ hehe.. Anyway, the second was Princess Princess. I heard about this one years ago, but I was constantly avoiding it because I didn't know what it would be like with the cross-dressing and everything. But, it was much better than I expected! I heard that there are some people who started hating the series when it started implying a yaoi relationship between Yujiro and Toru. But, personally, I loved that it started doing that! Although in the beginning I was expecting the grouping to be somewhat different. (I was expecting Toru to be with Mikoto, but he has a girlfriend, so Toru being with Yujiro was a good choice too! ^_^) I was just glad that I didn't have to be disappointed as much with this one! There actually WAS a kissing scene, even if it was a reluctant thing for one of them.. ^_^ OK! So, third! Has anybody heard of Marginal Prince? I don't think it's that popular, seeing that I had never even heard of it before I went searching, but it's actually pretty good. It revolves around a kid who was transfered to an all boy's (of course ^_^) boarding school that's on an island that is completely cut off from civilization, where alot of things happen. I mean, it's not as intense as Sukisyo, it's more of a happy, happy anime....that is until the end *cries* it was this one that I was disappointed with.. because this kid has a sister, and he's always talking to her and all of his friends like fall in LOVE with her! And I was waiting for them to fall in love with HIM! lol Yeah, that's me.. An extreme yaoi fanatic always on the hunt for new couples to match up. o_o--- *me with binoculars* ANYWAY! That gets me to another discussion! I have been on the edge looking for new yaoi.. because I can't find any. And I have suddenly found out that I have seen at least 90% of the known yaoi anime's. I know, I haven't read any, except Gravitation, but I honestly prefer anime over manga. So, that's just me.. But does anybody know any yaoi/shounen-ai/BL/anything close that I might not have seen? I'm looking for something new to watch.. I'm thinkin' Kyou Kara Mou... ^_^ I already started that one, but kinda had to stop half way through.. (my comp ^_^) So, I'm thinkin' of maybe starting that one again.. or I found on anime (non yaoi) called Zero no Tsukaima. It's ok, pretty funny, but it's good so far! ^_^ I might finish that.. and then I'm thinking maybe..Claymore? Yeah, I haven't seen that yet.. Of course, I've seen ALOT of yaoi, but I can't even get close with regular anime.. ^_^ yep, yep! I'm a yaoi addict, and I'm happy to announce that to the world.. ^_^
So, this post pretty much revolved around yaoi/shounen-ai.. Sorry about that ^_^''' I've just gotten somewhat obsessed because I've been dreaming up couples, and trying to fill in scenes that I thought should have been in these anime's. YES this is what we have fanfiction for! lol And I'm an avid fanfiction writer, so I'll be fine (as soon as I finish my DN fic! ^_^).
Well, I guess I'll let you guys go! My dad's taking us to see Spiderwick Chronicles, which will be a break from all the anime from this weekend T_T *cries*. Anyway, hope you guys have a great day! See ya! Bye~Bye!!
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hi guys! So, just a few minutes ago I wrote a big long post about how crappy my day was (which it was), but I decided not to dwell on the fact that today wasn't the best day. Anyway, not much has happened; there's really nothing for me to say about school that won't start me off on a long rant, so I'll get away from that. So, I started watching Yami No Matsuei (Yes I know I'm kinda behind.. ^_^) which I know alot of people have already seen. But, anyway, I think it's really good!! I absolutely love that it had a vampire in the first episodes. And, I love love love Hisoka! He's soo cute!! ^_^ lol OH! And I was on this website last night, and I found this kind of new yaoi OVA- "KirePapa". It's only an OVA, so it's not long. But, it's pretty good.. at first the art had me distracted, but it was good! ^_^
Anyway, how have you guys been? Did you have a happy Valentine's Day? I hope you're all doing well! Let me know if I've missed anything! Have a great day! See ya! Bye~Bye!
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Monday, February 11, 2008
Version Vibrant! ^_^
Hey guys! I know, it's been forever, but I've been busy, and this time I can really use it as an excuse. I have loads of homework and everything. Well, since we're on that subject, school is actually ok. Not good, but ok. Anyway, in gym today we played basket-ball. No big deal, right? Wrong.. well, half way through the class, this big guy, and I mean this BIG GUY threw the ball and BEAMED me right in the side of my face! I've had a splitting headache ever since! Ugh..
So, now, let's get away from that subject. Now, Version Vibrant. I just found out that it's getting close! I'm actually pretty excited! Have you guys found any bugs yet? I did notice that you can't change your avatar, which sucks cause I changed my theme. But other than that, everything's been fine!
Oh, and I changed my theme! I really like this one. It's simple, but believe me, I had sooo many ideas for this theme, and so many failed attempts, that this is really good. ^_^ Anyway, do you guys like it?? (btw: Let me know if you can't find the comment link. It should be at the end of the post, but if it isn't let me know.)
Well, I really don't have much to say.. I haven't really done anything interesting lately, so.. yeah.. have I missed anything? I'll try to get around to sites! Well, hope you all have a great day!! See ya!! Bye~Bye!!
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Friday, February 1, 2008
good news!! ~.....And Hannah Montana.... :'(
Hey guys, so I’m at school.. *shhhh* ^_^ I can’t get on later because (here comes the bad news… I have to take my sisters to the Hannah Montana 3-D Concert Movie thing… *sigh* I’m dreading it already… But, I do have good news! Here goes, see, I haven’t made really any friends here yet. So, yesterday I went to lunch and I sat a random table. And, about half way through lunch one of the guys I was sitting by started to talk to me…. And I think I might just have a crush on him.. it’s weird.. it’s been so long since I had a crush I can’t even remember what it feels like. But I think I do. ^_^ So, he sat with me today, and then he walked me to fourth period… So, here comes my question to you: Do you think he likes me? Or is he just being nice? It’s not like this is urgent or anything, but I’m just wondering. So, I have to go, I’m sorry, but I doubt I’ll get to sites… sorry again.. But I’ll try! ^_^ Well hope you guys have a great weekend! See ya! Bye~bye!!
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Hey guys! Yeah, I know it's been forever, but I'm back now, so no need to worry! I think school's taken a pretty heavy toll on all of us, huh? So, now on to my school.. um.. I'm doing alright. I made an "acquaintance" in my PE class, and these two guys have now decided to sit with me at lunch, so I don't have to sit at the end of a table alone. ^_^ So, as for my grades, I'm doing well. I finally found my way around campus (I got lost my first day ^_^''), and things are going well. I think my parents have finally gotten over it, they've stopped turning off the internet. Finally, they stopped breathing down my neck. That was getting so, so, so irritating. And, now I have so much piling down on my shoulders. Homework, life, school, etc.. I have so much that I want to get done, but now I'm getting so much more work that I have absolutely no time.. I haven't updated my fanfic in almost a month. *sigh* I need a long weekend, which I won't get for a very, very, very long time.. So, how are you guys? Anything new? Well, I guess I'll let you go now. Hope you guys are doing well! See ya! Bye~Bye!
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Friday, January 25, 2008
new school
Hey guys! So, I started my new school yesterday, and I've gotta say that it was actually a pretty good day! I have Geometry early in the morning, so that's gonna be kinda hard since I'm usually pretty tired in the morning. ^_^ But, I can live with it. So, I've made a few acquaintances, but so far I really haven't made any friends.
I have to say that I am feeling better. I really don't have anything to say... Nothing new has happened, so I guess I'll let you go. I'll try to get on more often! So, what have I missed? Anything big? Well, I hope you guys have had a great week! See ya! Bye~Bye!
P.S. Anybody got an idea for a theme?
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Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hi guys, so, things have gotten better for me. My mom and I went over to my new school on friday.. It looks pretty nice. I'll be doing alot of walking outside, in fact, I'll have to walk outside and around the building to get from class to class.. ^_^ Whew... and my new gym teacher says that I could be pretty good at Track. Yeah, so I'm pretty excited to be going somewhere else.
Umm... there's not much more to say. I got Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for Christmas, and I just beat it today. It was a pretty fun game, but it was over way too soon. And, it was actually pretty short. So, anything new with you guys?? Nothing really here.. My life's been pretty boring lately.
OH! And I have to tell you guys this. I just remembered. The other day.. I think maybe Monday... I was in math class (this will only be cool if you've played Kingdom Hearts) and we were doing a formula sheet for the exams, and after we went over one of the bigger ones she said "Got it memorized?" I almost fell out of my seat trying not to laugh! It was hilarious...well, at least to me. ^_^ And she said it just like Axel did too!! LOL
Well, I guess that's about it.. Anything new with you guys? If I've missed anything let me know! I hope you all have a great week this week! See ya!! BYE~BYE!!
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Let It Snow; Let It Snow; Let is Snow!!

OMG!! We got SNOW!! I really wasn't expecting to get snow this year, but it happened! YAY! We all went outside and played for a while; me and my bro made a snow-alien, but my sis fell on it and killed it *bows head* poor little guy. OH, and we left our sleds up in PA, so we used a cardboard box to sled down the hill in my backyard. ^_^ Wow, this is probably the happiest I've been in weeks; and we got out of school too! Anyway, what's up with you guys? Anything good happened so far this week? Have you had a good day so far? I hope you're all doing well, and that you have a great remainder of the week! ^_^ See ya! Bye~Bye!
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