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Sunday, December 2, 2007
na no da.... ^_^
hi guys! *leans back and sighs* it's 11:52 and I don't even expect many people to read this.. so, anyway, last night was awesome! We watched anime pretty much all day... Well... we didn't actually watch it.. Get it?? ^_^'' Her little sister was kind of cute, but annoying.. We played Operation with her and I SUCKED so bad!! ^////^ lol Oh, and her dad like blocked Adult Swim, so we couldn't watch Death Note or Blood+ *cries* But it was worth it! ^_^ oh, and my idiot siblings forgot to record it for me. Hmmmmm... we had to sleep in the living room...on the floor...and we had a pretty interesting night (no, not in that way...^_^'') So, I didn't get to sleep until 4:30 at least. I think I just passed out... Then I had to get up at 8:13 to leave because my mom and dad had to go shopping. Why couldn't they have just let me stay later??? *sigh* oh well, at least tomorrow's monday. ^_^ Hmmmmm...*looks down* I think someone got on my laptop while I was gone... I'm still trying to find out if they found anything ^_^''' wish me luck... last time I left my laptop behind and someone got a hold of it I got into SOOOO much trouble (yaoi pic. ^^). *sigh* well, let's hope nothing happened! That's about it, I think... How has your weekend gone? I hope you've had a good day so far!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!! ^_^
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Hi! So, today I doubt I'll get to many sites, cause I'm going over to my gf's house! Yay! *dances around* I' soooo excited! ^_^ Anyway, I decided to make Gravitation my new theme, and I've actually already finished it... But I don't plan on changing it until after Christmas. I'm actually pretty proud of it.. ^_^ So, what's up with everyone else? Nothing much here. Last night my dad, my bro, and I watched Transformers. Then, when my dad went to bed I watched Pan's Labyrinth, but my bro went to sleep half-way through..... so I had to get him up. *sigh* Well, that's about it.. OH! I got to listen to the most awesome song from Riyu Kosaka last night! It's "Platinum Smile" ^_^ Now, I can't stop listening to it! ^_^ Hmmmmm....I think that's it... so, I'll leave you now. Hope you all have a great day!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!
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Friday, November 30, 2007
yep, yep.....
So, today was good! School went well... I'm soooo glad it's friday, though! OH! and I might be able to go over to my gf's house this weekend! ^_^ YAY! All depends on whether my mom lets me (she still doesn't know..she thinks we're just friends.) Hmmmmm.... not much to say... I had a pretty boring week. -_- ZzZzZzZz How about you guys? I think I'll ask some questions today so you don't die of boredom.. ^_^
1. How long have you been on Otaku?
2. If you've been on for a while do you think it's worse now than it was when you started out?
3. Do you think I should make my next theme Gravitation or Ai No Kusabi?
My Answers:
1. Well, I've been on this site for almost a year now.. but I've been on Otaku for a-little over a year..
2. I can't tell. I've heard from some people who have been on since like 2005 that it was much better when they first started on MyO.
3.I'm thinkin' Gravitation.... I got into it again! ^_^ hehe..
Well, have a great day!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
today was better! ^_^
YAY! today was better than yesterday!! My friend seems to have forgotten about it altogether! ^_^ YAY! Hmmmm...I don't have much to say...OH! I made an E-card.... I had to.. that guy made me too angry yesterday! Anyway, you can go up to the top navigation on my page to see it. It's under the "E-card" link. ^_^ Thanks! Um.... let's see.... there's not much more I can say... my day was pretty uneventful.. ^_^ So, I'll let you go now! I'll hopefully get around to sites today! Well, have a great day!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
today was weird...
Ok, so today started out horribly wrong.. See, no one is supposed to know about me and my gf. But, today at break my friend (a guy) turns around and says, "You're in trouble big time", and I was like, huh? Then me and my gf sat down and he said "I heard something I didn't want to about you two." We looked at each other and at that moment my heart rate like tripled.... it was terrible... then my gf laugh and asked what he heard. He said, "Maybe that you two are dating." We looked at each other again, and now my heart rate is like 7X what it should be (exaggeration ^_^). So, we laughed and lied, and acted like I was straight and we had nothing between us (the biggest lie ever ^_^). I Think he sort of believed us... Then, in second period (after break) me and my gf passed notes... we decided that we wouldn't break up. We'd put up with him like we always do.... then maybe he'd forget.... I'm really hoping he won't tell my mom... I mean, my mom's already gotten suspicious once... I'm really hoping everything will die down... I love her, and I don't want to leave her... *starts to cry* well, that's all I'm going to say.... I'm sorry for wasting your time.. I'm not exactly sure if I'll get to any sites today... I'm very sorry... Well, hope your day was better than mine.. Have a great day, anyway! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!
~~Punch the Chad doll~~ (the friend) {{Comment}}
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
new layout and the DN movie! YAY! ^_^
HI! so, this is a new layout, as you can tell, and I have to say that I actually like this one alot! ^_^ Next, I'm thinkin' Ai No Kusabi or the Death Note Movie... *shrugs* well, this one is for winter...for those of you who have gotten snow or want snow (me being in the latter group) ^_^
So, today while we were eating lunch my sis, my bro, and I watched the second Death Note movie! The end is sooo sad (like I've said before), but I love it sooooo much! ^_^ They casted the characters very well! I'm actually surprised they pulled it off so well! I'll even say that the movie as really close to being better than the anime/manga. ^_^ Well, enough about the movie..
Now.... let's see... what else is there to talk about... ummm.. OH! my mom already has all the Christmas lights up in the house, and I'm pretty paranoid, so I'm afraid of a fire starting. So, every night I have to go around the house and un-plug every single light.. It gets kinda tiring.. ^_^
Well, that's about it! Hope you guys have had a great day so far! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!
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Friday, November 23, 2007
after turkey day...
OK! So, now it's time for my long post! ^_^ YEAH! OH! Thanks for commenting yesterday! I haven't gotten that many in forever! ^_^ YAY!! *bows* thanks again!
Um.. my thanksgiving was ok.. my grandparents came over, but the others who were supposed to come didn't... We didn't do much.. just ate and watched tv.. Yeah, it's as boring as it sounds.
OH! I guess I should tell you this too: my g/f made an account! *jumps up and down* Here's the link to her site if you want to visit her: Nagisa Aoi.
GAH! I can't think of anything! Well, I won't waste your time then! Hope you all had an awesome day yesterday! What did you do? Did you have anything special? Well, have a great day!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving.....
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Hope you all have a great day! ^_^

(Ps. I was gonna write a HUGE post, but I decided not to.... ^_^)
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Hi guys! Soo... since you asked, Ikyuu-Nyuu-Kon, I'll give you the details about me and my gf (if you don't want to hear this you can skip to the next paragraph). Um.. we met at school. We were friends at the beginning of the year, and about a month ago she told a friend of mine that she liked me. Just my luck, my friend's kinda homophobic.. So, he doesn't know.. He still thinks I don't like her. *shhhh* Ok, so, we're around the same age (15) We're both anime fans! Ummm...that's all I can think of...^_^ Hope that answered your questions!
OK! So, not much more to talk about...I'm gonna have a pretty boring Thanksgiving...We're having my grandparents and a few relatives over to eat. they'll be here tomorrow and leave Friday. ^_^ So, I'll have the weekend to myself.
You know, I'm kinda sad we have five days off... I can't see my g/f outside of school because my parents are completely against the idea of me being with a girl.. I really wish I could talk to her...T_T
Well, that's about all I have to say... How about you guys? Anything special planned for Thanksgiving? Have a great Thanksgiving! BYE~BYE!!
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I have a...girlfriend.. ^_^
Hey guys.. even though I don't expect many (if any) people to read this I have some good news! ^_^ (If you're homophobic you might wanna leave now...) Well, *takes deep breath* here we go.. I have a girlfriend. (Yes, if you haven't noticed, I'm a girl) So, uh... I kinda took a chance there... *lets out breath* hope you don't hate me.. ^_^''
ANYWAY, I got the second Death Note movie yesterday! It was totally awesome! The ending was sooo sad!! Even sadder than the original! But, good thing about it was that the plot didn't drop. In fact, (SPOILERS) L died after Light. If you haven't seen it you HAVE to! I demand you! ^^
Well, I hope I haven't missed anything! If I have let me know! ^_^ Have a great thanksgiving holiday! Hehe.. if you want you can PM me cause I'm pretty happy and hyper today!! ^_^ Well, have a great day!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!
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