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Monday, June 11, 2007

   No school....
OK! it's been a few days since school got out but I completely forgot to get on.. sorry... SO anyway! I have nothing to do.. that's the one thing I hate about summer; it's so boring! for the first few weeks you totally forget it's even summer! And the other thing is that it's so hot! I hate hot weather.. I'd rather it be cold..
I know I'm weird... ^_^

I have nothing else to say.. I WILL get to everybodies sites today.. I hope you guys still remember me.. ^_^ Well I hope everything's ok for you guys! I'll see ya later!! BYE~BYE!!!

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Monday, June 4, 2007

2 days...
Ok. 2 days of school left! well, Wednesday is a half-day so I'm not counting it.. Oh and NO MORE GYM CLASS!! I'm soo happy.. Oh and btw I'm soo sorry I haven't been on lately, but it does seem like not alot of people have been updating lately either so I think I'm in the clear. Oh and as far as my grades... I think I did extremely well in everything but.. guess.. that's right.. Math.. I had a D on my progress report and my mom went crazy.. *sigh* well, whatever..

Yep.. I've still got to fix my site.. my comp crashed so I never go to do it. I'll try to get around to it later today..

Oh and I forgot to tell you guys! we had three stray cats in our backyard since we moved here and two of them had kittens!!! We caught one too! It's soooo cute! ^_^ I was planning on getting a pic of her, but she runs away every time I try to get a picture. *sigh* oh well..

Well, I found out we're moving to Elkin, North Carolina in late june or early july. I'm kinda anxious about it... I've moved like 6 times so I don't know why, but I guess it's just because I'm going into high school and I won't know anybody.. well, whatever.. it's gonna happen; can't do anything about it.

hmmm... what to say... what to say... I had a strange dream the other night.. I'm not gonna tell ya cause you guys might think I'm crazy... lol..

Well..oh! I have good news! I made a new friend! in real life! but bad news.. I'm leaving soon and we probably won't talk over the summer either.. *sigh* so I'll be back soon! Promise.. as soon as school is over I'll be back for good!

Well, I think that's it.. I hope everythings going well for you guys! I'm ok for now. Well, see ya later!! BYE~BYE!!!

PS. I'll try to get to sites if anybody updates!

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Monday, May 21, 2007

   Hey Guys!!
Hey, I know it's been FOREVER since I was last on.. oh and by the way thanks for your help the last time I posted. I haven't really figured it out yet, but I'm glad nobody hates me because of it.. ^_^

So anyway.. things are alright, but I'm really stressed.. I need to raise my grade in Math.. I lowered it.. *sigh* but at least school is almost over! YIPPIE!!! lol..

I know my theme is all messed up, but I started late last night and I got tired after I got the background and avatar on.. sorry.. I'll get it done today.. What do you think of it so far??? Good? Bad? Terrible?

I don't have much more to say so I think I'm gonna go now, ok.. I hope everything's ok with you guys! I hope to talk to you later.. Don't worry I'll probably be on later today because I've been kind of board anyway.. well, have a great day!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!!

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

hey guys.. I know it's been forever and no one will probably even take time to read this, but anyway.. I'm really confused... You see.. Remember the girl I told you about FOREVER ago.. the one who like Yaoi? Yeah? Well, I never did talk to her.. and the weird thing is that I can talk to anyone else now.. even a popular girl.. even the girl's friends, but when I just think about talking to her I get this weird feeling and I get nervous when I look at her... if anybody does read this.. if you know what I mean PLEASE PM me... Well, I guess that's all I have for now.. I'll try to get on later... I hope things are alright for you.. See ya! BYE~BYE!!

P.S. I hope this doesn't make you hate me..

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

   hi guys
Hey, yeah, i know you probably hate me.. it's been a while.. sorry.. I've been busy I can't slack off this marking period.. I signed up for honors and I have to get busy. I've actually pulled up my grade in math!! ^_^

Oh yeah, we're playing tennis in gym and I think I'm ACTUALLY good at it!! but the bad thing is that I'm not used to playing it so I strained my elbow so now my hand shakes like my grandma's does and I have to wear this weird pack over it.. it hurts to move my hand..

Anyway, i hope everything's ok for you guys. I hope to talk to you again; and I hope I'll be able to get on more often (how many times have I said that?).. SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hey! I finally got to people's sites yesterday! lol.. I'll try to get to sites again today too, ok.

Oh! guess what? I entered a poetry contest and I've made it into the semi finals! I'll show you the poem I wrote near the end of the post.

Did you guys hear about the Verginia Tech shooting? My mom's best friend lives a few miles away from the campus and her daughter has friends who go there. I'm happy to say her friends are ok, but it was devistating seeing how many people died. We watched the news in history class and I was on the verge of tears! I feel so sorry for those people. *snif snif*

Well, enough with the sad stuff... I hope you all had a great day! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!

Here's my poem:

Somewhere in the Sky

Lying in this field of grass
I�m waiting for the simple moment to pass.
The trees sway as the cold wind blows
Singing the songs only my heart knows.
I close my eyes; lock my mind�s door
As it paints a picture of you and I on the shore
The songs of the wind paint a beautiful hue
Singing ballads; lamenting you.
�My one true love,� they seem to say;
�For my ignorance I suppose I should pay.�
I apologize for the times I�ve lied
For the countless moments when I let you die
Finally, the angel of death has come for you,
I know, my dear, your love was true.
I fear there�s no time for a goodbye.
So I�ll wait in this field, until I join you there
Somewhere in the sky.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Hey, guys! We got a 2 hour delay today because of the wind.. the power went out a few minutes ago; I don't understand why they don't just close it!

Shuichi: yeah..you can hear the wind on the windows!

YEah well, anyway.. I finally learned how to use HTML at least a-little bit.. lol. Well, I think that's about it. I hope everything's going alright! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!

P.S. I WILL get to sites today! Promise!

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Sunday, April 8, 2007

ITACHI! ITACHI! ITACHI! FINALLY!! Last night on Naruto ITACHI finally came!! I squealed and my dad went crazy... he asked who Itachi was and I told him it was Sasuke's brother and my dad realized that he was a "bad guy" and started going into this whole big fuss about how I must have something wrong with me.. or in his words .. "That tells him something about what I've become" Does that make any sense at all? I mean.. so I LIKE ITACHI that doesn't mean I'm a deamon.. Well, anyway that made me angry, but seeing Itachi totally made up for it!!

Shuichi: she's apparantly obesessed..

VERY!! oh look everybody! shuichi's back!!

Shuichi: *bows* YEP!!

So anyway, not much happened yesterday.. I was disappointed because I didn't get to see Prince of Tennis, but as I said before ITACHI made up for it! My cousin would totally kill me right now.. he knows about my "obsession" with Itachi and whenever I bring him up my cousin goes crazy.. lol..

Sorry.. i know I'm probably annoying you, but I guess I'm just hyper right now.. for the first time in forever.

Well, I guess that's about it.. I hope I didn't annoy you too much and that you have a great day!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!

P.S. How do you like my new theme, huh? I'm thinking the next one will be you know who.. yeah.. Itachi.. lol..

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Saturday, April 7, 2007

   Spring Break..
Finally, spring break, I feel better now.. a-little less stressed.. or at least I did.. I got my report card on thursday and I have 2 C's!! I don't think I've ever had 2 c's... And 1 was in my best subject because I forgot to do a project! Well, I guess I shouldn't be complaining.. A girl who's in almost all of my classes failed Math.. so I guess I'm better off than she is..

AND on a lighter note! I'm sure most everybody already knows, but Linkin Park FINALLY made a new single and their new CD is being released on May 15!! I can't wait! I downloaded the single and it's different but still AWESOME!

So.. last night my mom was watching tv and she was flipping channels 'cause that's what she always does.. and I saw this show that looked really cool (I mean the animation.. there was this guy.. I think it might have been anime.. and he was tall with mid-length black hair and he had a cape like Kenshin's Sensei or Seto Kaiba) but in the corner it said M for mature and when my mom passed it I asked her to go back so she did and I said "wow that looks cool" and she said I couldn't watch it becuase it was "mature"... *sigh* and I really wanted to know what it was..

Well, I guess that's about it.. I hope everything's going well! I'll talk to you guys later!! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!! OH and BTW I'm thinking about changing my theme because... I'm bored with it.. well, anyway, BYE~BYE!!

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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

hey guys.. I just wanted you to know that I'm still alive! I'm sorry I haven't been on lately my cousins came up from Georgia and we went to the King Tut exhibit in Philly. It was good but kind of disappointing. Thanks for not being annoyed with me. I'm glad I'm not annoying you guys ^_^. Well, I'll try to get on later if I can...Once again, I'm sorry I'm not posting as much; I really wish i could, but things are just so stressfull especially now because I have to raise my grades before the school year ends. Well, have a great day! SEE YA!! BYE~BYE!!

P.S. I'll probably be on thursay - monday cause that's my spring break..I know.. it's short.. *sigh*

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