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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Going on a Mental Vacation
The letter goes out Monday (I forgot to print the envelope for it). That said, I will be taking a few days to steady myself, and begin more aggressive training in my art, and also work on that offline writing project. I'll try to doodle up something so submit here too, just for fun.
I try to check my friends' portfolios once in a while, sometimes it's once a week, sometimes it goes longer. I usually do that while I'm visiting the site. I just voted on a lot of fanart, and did my own little thing when I was new here, gradually I seemed to draw people to me, and here I am today. People still send PMs or come come to my page and sign the guestbook after seeing a comment I made, so I do something right.
If that's the case, I inadvertantly hit an appropriate mood for the picture. Whatever was going through my head when I drew it isn't important. Hearing that I cheered up a friend with a piece of artwork, that's the best kind of compliment I can get for my art.
I'm just being stubborn, not really smart in this case. I can see that I'm arguing with a brick wall and it's time to just stop talking because the wall isn't going to move. It's sad to say, but the bureaucrats, politicians, and contracted private workers have hurt the state's reputation in my eyes. The lack of interest in the the issues, the unwillingness to take action, and twisting the blame back on me does not demonstrate a government that cares for its constituency. It shows me a lazy, uncaring government that would rather pass the buck to the victim than own up to serious issues and taking the necessary steps to fix them. Elections are coming up here, I know who are not getting my votes.
I'll certainly try.
Angel Slayer
The Honorable Robert C. Byrd, and the Honorable John "Jay" Rockefeller IV are my state Senators. I didn't write to my House Representative, I'm actually not sure who's district for that I'm in anyway. In retrospect, I should have added a letter to the Governor's office to the list of letters I wrote, but, given the track record of other West Virginians, I think his response would have been the same. No, was just an expression about how turbulent the week was for me. I really can't ride roller coasters, I get motion sick.
I'm not superstitious either, so it's more or less just another day for me. I hope you get the time to rest yourself, all work and no play makes everything annoying.
Juz Cuz:
That's okay, you've been going thorugh a lot lately, I understand. I'm glad to hear that my comments meant something to you, I don't try to say great things, I just write what my heart tells me. I am doing all right, just worn out and in need of a few days rest which I plan to take starting after I post this. Just because you don't say "hi" every day (or every post) doesn't make you a bad friend, if that were the case I'd be a horrible one myself. come by when you can and speak from the heart, that's all I need to call anyone a friend. See you round the site.
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Friday, October 13, 2006
Insert Horror Movie Plot Here
Today is the day I print up that letter, and send it on it's way. I'll be feeling so much better once I get that done with. The weight of it on my shoulders is too much for me. then I have to apply myself to my art a bit, and my offline writing project, and some other things I've been neglecting. I'll be all right, but I may take this weekend to rest after this roller coaster week.
It's Friday, the 13th. Lucky for some, unlucky for others, just another day to others.
Well said, very wise words indeed. I'll keep them in mind, they do ring true. That said, I chose wisely to cut the other half of the picture this time around, because there ae multiple elements that I need to practice before coming close to what I want in terms of the look I'm seeking.
And that's part of the process, imperfect perfection.
I can't really explain the emotional structure of this half of the piece without doing the very thing I don't like to do, and that's explaining my artwork. I do like the suggestion of annoyance though, so I'm going to roll with one as the dominant emoton for the piece :P
Now that's a compliment I'll cherish dearly. I never try to impact my audience so deeply, but it means the world a few times over to hear that I've done that, even in a small way. For the record, that's supposed to be whtdragon in her dragon form. You'll have to check her portfolio for her pictures of her other forms, and this for the other challenge submissions.
I don't see a solution for the problem coming, so there's never going to be the closure that I would like to have, but I will move on because dwelling on what happened over a year ago now isn't going to fix a broken system, it isn't going to open deliberately deaf ears, and it's not going to get me a job. It's just not worth the fight. Captain Ahab may have been willing to pursue his demon to the depths of Hell, but I'm not going to be that reckless, or stupid. The Holiday season is coming up, so a lot of places will be looking for employees. That's not much to go on, but it gives me a base to work from. All I can do is mail the letter, and then I'm finished with the whole thing.
Breakfast Squid
Yes, that half of the picture is great, I'm not saying it isn't. The other half, the part I didn't post is what troubles me. I don't intend to let it fall by the wayside either. I will attempt it again after I hone my skill with some aggressive training in the coming weeks.
The only thing wrong with the rain is, this house has leaks in the roof which have to be fixed. I keep pushing fro a pro to do it, because no one in my family is really up for a three story climb up a ladder to do it ourselves. Since pros cost money, it keeps getting put off.
Snow already? Wow. I like the snow, it's the only thing that makes the cold tolerable. I hate the cold if there's no snow to justify it. Changes in the weather can cause headaches, it happens to me all the time.
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Day After
With that major picture project out of the way (I like to take on a challenge once in a while to keep things interesting), I can now finish up that letter, which won't be hard, I just have to sit down and type out the end salutation and beg up the ink catridge to print it up. That will be a load off my mind when I finally get it printed out and ready to mail.
It's been a calm week otherwise, it rained here today. I love the sound of rain falling, it's very relaxing, which I needed today.
Everyone, thank you for the feedback on the picture, I really appreciate it. Now to get to the important things.
Outlaw Melfina:
Drawing is a passion of mine, I just can't seem to stop. I do take breaks, but nothing lasts more than a week. It's not so much my being inconsistent, it's just that what I see and what I get are two different things, and in this case, that was bad for the whole drawing, so I trimmed out the bad stuff.
Well, I've never been shot personally (nor do I want to be) but I do hear it's painful, so given the circumstances, I think I'd freak out like that too.
Angel Slayer
No thank you, I've seen what mixing meds can do to a person and it's not pretty. My idiot brother put himself in the hospital by mixing two things that shouldn't have been put together. He's all right now, but he was way out in left field for almost a whole day. I linked the picture at the top of my post, so if you haven't seen it yet, have a look.
I linked directly to the picture at the top of my post, so it's up there now. I owed the library quite a bit of money myself, but they up and changed the library card system and all that went away on it's own. I had to get a new card, but at least I'm in the black with them again.
I saw your comments and appreciate them. I wasn't exactly going for "annoyed" but I think whtdragon would agree with you on that point in terms of the mood she'd be sporting when dressed like that. So in the end it works anyway.
Thanks for checking on it for me.
I do that same thing to myself all the time, every time I write out West Virginia when I talk about where I live, I get that classic John Denver song stuck in my head, or if I'm really air-headed at the time, the Japanese reversion that was used as the theme in Whisper of the Heart (Mimi wo Sumaseba for the purists). At least I can carry the Japanese reversion in terms of tune, the english one comes out like a hillbilly croaking it. In terms of bittersweet, an old Dolly Parton song comes to mind for that word. The strangest things will pop songs into my head at the strangest times too, I get a lot of Simon and Garfunkel stuck in my head, mostly songs I don't know all the words to which really drives me nuts. Lately though, Mrs. Robinson, The Boxer, and The Sounds of Silence have been the songs getting play time in my head, Kodachrome gets in there too at the oddest times, and one of the weirdest ones they did, 7 O'clock News/Silent Night (the words to Silent Night are sung overtop a news broadcast) just happened to switch on the other day, and I've only heard that one once or twice.
Mamma Vash:
A lot of the artwork turned out by accident really. I did try to make it look good, and that part of the picture came out great in my opinion. I just wish I could have done the other half more to my own liking.
Must be referring to the quiz result below. I don't even remember taking that one, but I'm trying to randomly post different results every once in a while. I may be delayed with doing that, there's a bug is my quiz manager that needs to be sorted out (one of my results that duplicated won't delete). I actually haven't seen the entirety of Vash yet so I wouldn't notice those things right away.
I know, it's wonderful to get lost in the same anime over and over again. Spirited Away is a prime example of that for me, but any Studio Ghibli film does it to me, I get lost in Last Exile every time I see it, I get lost in Escaflowne too. an interesting factiod, Yoko Kanno's music was inspired by the Jazz scene of none other than New Orleans.
I anticipated that reaction, which is why the title of the picture is "I'm in Trouble Now" and I start off the caption by giving you permission to retaliate. If it gave you the giggles though, that's a good thing right? I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for your compliment of the piece.
I promised I'd be a good sport about any retribution so I'll help you out with a few things about me that you may not know. Here's a rather frightful picture of my "human" me, you have to work from some sort of reference right? I am a very timid dragon, I don't really like social situations (people make me terribly nervous) and I embarrass very easily. I'm not much of a swimmer either (I can't physically do it, and it goes back to my timidness too). I hope those things help.
Breakfast Squid
Sometimes challenges are very tough to do. You know, they sound easy, but in practice it's a whole different story. This is the part of the picture that turned out well, and I think my time on it was well spent too. The dress turned out better than I expected it to as well, which is always nice. It's really a shame that the unposted part didn't come out like I wanted it to come out.
Magnus Lensherr
The part I posted is the better portion of the whole picture, I'm not complaining to much about what's up, but what I couldn'tget up because it wasn't what I wanted it to be. I did try to give whtdragon the details, if she chooses to share them that's her business, I just don't really like to go in depth explaining my art too much so I won't do it myself. That said, I don't want to hear from her that people are harrassing her for info on the picture either.
I think if I got a picture to look exactly like I want it to look, or exactly how I see it in my head, I'd sell that one for a cool million as my best artwork ever. I get a lot of really good ideas in my head (like my recent lizard man soda jerk challenge), but I'm not skilled enough as an artist to put those mental pictures to paper yet. I may actually try this challenge (and the one I issued) again in another year and see if things come out better the second time around.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
One Project Down
Bittersweet moment for me today, I got my artwork uploaded, it's pending approval at this time, but it's not exactly the image I wanted to draw. There's a whole half of the picture I couldn't get to turn out right, so I had to scrap it or drive myself completely insane trying to make it look good.
To everyone expressing interest in seeing my latest piece of art, I really do thank you. I don't submit a whole lot here yet, so it means quite a bit to me that you all are interested in what I do try to get posted.
Thank you very much, I hope it's there when you go to look for it.
Poison Fangs
Thanks, I hope it makes the cut.
Angel Slayer
Sorry to hear you're sick. Mixing medicines is always a bad idea. If you're doing OTC treatments, determine what your syptoms are and look for one thing that treats all or most of them (None treat everything in my experience), and go with that one. My brother made the mistake of mixing Meds once, put himself in the hospital, and he was literally out of his mind for two days. Granted we don't get along, but that was probably one of the scariest things I had to watch, thankfully he's all right now.
I just got my scanner last year I think it was, and I'm still learning how to make it work. A lot of people who don't have scanners will take photos of their artwork (I have to do that with my 18"x24" sketchbook it's too big for the scanner) and upload those. Some libraries have scanners that the public can use, you may want to look into that option. I'd really like to see your artwork sometime, so I hope something opens up for you to get the chance to upload it.
Thank you. I'm hoping it gets approved so you can see it too.
Breakfast Squid
Thank you, I really hope it goes up here soon.
I assume you're asking about the Element quiz I had up before Vash. It came from a quiz site called Quizfarm. mysterious rei had a couple results posted on her site here not long ago and I decided I'd try out those quizes too. I did have to recode the results though, because the code Quizfarm generates uses a lot of nested tables, and it doesn't close the main table properly. If I had been thinking when I was recoding, I would have made the image linkable too, but my Quiz Manager is on the fritz right now so fixing it will have to wait. I also decided to host the image for my result myself, since the image link in the result was to a Photobucket account, and I hate broken links when people decide to move stuff around.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Drawing Nearer
The artwork is closer to being done today, I just have to finish some things up and then scan it in and I'll be golden.
Since I spent a lot of time on the artwork and letter, I'm kind of beat today, maybe tomorrow I'll be more awake.
In most cases, they don't. Most often it's a form letter response, I've gotten my share of those on other issues. But I think when a serious issue like mine comes up, it gets their attention enough to respond on a more personal level.
"He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it." Herman Mellville, Moby Dick. I've know for some time now that I've been chasing my white whale with this Workforce thing, and I am fully aware that if I don't stop soon, I will be my own demise. I already decided that this letter will be my last effort on the subject, I knew that back in April the moment I set the phone on it's charger after finishing that phone call. I chose to move on then, but I did make a promise to follow-up, so I shall fulfill that obligation and be done with the whole thing.
I seriously doubt the system here will change. In fact I know it won't because I couldn't identify the person who needs to be fired by name. Conveniently he wasn't wearing a name tag like he was supposed to be, no one in that office was. Every step of this whole process for me, I've had the people I turned to for help correcting the problem twist it around on me, somehow in their corrupted logic, they think the victim is to blame for the problem. Everyone who could do something with the system wants to make the problem my fault so they don't have to lift a finger to fix anything, well screw that, I don't play that way. If they want their lazy-ass, corrupt little system to ball and chain their inbred little drones to this state, they can have it.
I didn't take this fight on to improve things for other people. Why should I bear that burden alone when no one will do the same for me? I took this thing on because sitting at home all day doing nothing but tapping away on a keyboard and gawking at the TV is not paying my bills, and it's not helping me put money aside to support myself in the future. I will not feel any better knowing that someone else didn't get royally screwed over by WorkForce West Virginia, I'll feel better when I have a steady paycheck in my hands.
"Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?" Ben Kenobi Star Wars (Known as Episode IV: A New Hope to younger people). I'm familiar with both Star Trek, and Star Wars (not the new trilogy however, the classics), but I can't think of a "No Win Scenario" example from Star Wars.
I found out when I got the first letter and instead of a postage stamp it had a signature printed in blue on the envelope. Curiosity lead me to research the strange way of shipping first clas mail, and I found the term "Franking" (or Franking privilege) in relation to the practice.
It certainly does sound funny to me.
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Monday, October 9, 2006
Fresh Air and a Cleaner Start
The letter is almost finished. That will be a great burden off my shoulders, because I will end it in such a way that clearly indicates I will not perpetuate this Kobayashi Maru scenario (those familiar with Star Trek will recognize it from the second movie as the "No Win Scenario" officers on the way to becoming Captain are put through). Anything I get from anyone on this matter will just go in my archive and not be answered.
On a related note though, I learned something about the way the US Senate (and House too) sends mail. They have a process called "Franking" which means Senators and Representatives use their signature instead of a stamp on their official correspondence. I think Congress allots so much funding to cover those costs every year or something like that. It's just neat to know that little thing about the Government system.
With the letter almost done, I can put more time and energy into whtdragon's challenge picture which I really hope to have done soon.
Breakfast Squid
You and whtdragon were the two I spoke of when I said I had it out a a request with a couple people (it may have gotten lost among the other topics in the comment I posted the other day), I'm glad you're up for the challenge of doing it. I get really classic pictures like that in my head all the time, but I can never get them onto paper the way I want them. I just need more time to hone my skills then I'll be able to really do those thing I see in my head. There's no time limit, and just let me know when you upload it so I can link to it here.
If you want to try, please do, but don't rush it, there's no hurry. I understand that people have busy schedules.
I've read a few of Shakespeare's plays.
I was required to read two Shakespeare plays (different years) Romeo and Juliet my Freshman high school year, and Hamlet my Senior year. I've read MacBeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, and several others of which the names ellude me. Those were all for my own sake, not required reading, but when you're in Theatre class, you kind of pick up an interest in reading the greats for your own benefit. I've also read Oedipus Tyrannos and Antigone, ancient Greek plays both very good (Antigone is the sequel to Oedipus Tyrannos, she's Oedipus' daughter). I've also read Plato's remarks on Atlantis, and I have to say I'm convinced he knew the American continent existed, just by how his description of where Atlantis is located was worded. I'll dig up that passage for another post.
LOL. I can picture that in my head. Let me know when that one gets done, I'd love to see it.
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
Burning the Midnight Oil
All right, since I mentioned it as a request for a couple artists here, I've decided to turn it into a challenge. I have a funny picture in my head of a lizard man working as a soda jerk, or sometihg of that ear with the paper hat, white dress shirt and apron. I've asked a couple artists to draw that as a request, but I'd like to get more artists involved, just to see different takes on the concept.
I'm still working on a challenge picture for whtdragon, I hope to have it done this week. The letter then takes top priority and the other stuff I'm working will be worked on later.
It it Shakespeare, but there's nothing rotton in the state of Denmark tonight. Now, In Cawdor fair is foul and foul is fair. If the hint alludes you, I've answered the riddle futher down.
It's hard to eavesdrop on a public forum such as this one. If I didn't want comments on particular topics, I'd be hiding away in PM not posting anything on here at all. If I could put this mind to work for me, I'd be doing something. Since it's always producing anyway, why not try to make money off those efforts. Thing is, I don't even know how to go about doing that, or where to begin researching it. I was called a dreamer in school a lot too (back in my first round of public schooling when I was in first grade), but that was because I was ahead of my class. I still dream a lot, and won't ever stop. If reality would be kinder to me, maybe I wouldn't have to hide away in my own world so much, at least I'm comfortable in here,and I can get by. Relaxing isn't hard for me, but I can't ever stay relaxed for more than a few minutes. Look at when I post, usually between midnight and five am east coast US time, what's that tell you about my sleep pattern?
I know, it was a personal choice I made long ago, and I stand behind it firmly.
Then I have four years to decide. With insurance, gas, and other factors involved (one being no place to park a fourth car), I'm not ready to give up that phobia just yet. Maybe I should weigh some things though. As for people, I do get nervous around them, that's been a major determent to my getting a job. At least one interviewer had the moral decency to tell me that was his biggest issue with hiring me.
If a dentist walked into my house right now and offered to fix all my bad teeth for nothing, I'd rather be doing that than writing this letter. As I said, there is no kind way to say what I need to say. No amount of sugar in the world can curb the bitterness this time.
I'll take the time tomorrow to look at that in more depth. I'm not in the learning frame of mind right now, I have too much to get done.
See the answer below for info on the passage.
I'm sure I will, I just need to motivate myself to do it all.
mysterious rei
Thanks for the luck, I could use it. The answer to the riddle is below the comments.
My, answer below explains it.
I know the feeling, but only to a degree. I've got stories I haven't looked at in three years, but I know when my mind needs to, it'll go back to them and worl like it never stopped. If you need to, draft up a spontaneous short piece to warm you mind up. Some of my best work was done that way.
Mamma Vash:
I know I don't have to do it, but the answer is right below you there. You can't really have the sound and fury without just cause though, I'm sort of attached to the whole line It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. as well as other parts of that monologue Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. being part of it. To me, the pay would makke up for having to tolerate office politics, but being unemployed for six years will make a person that desperate.
Well, to be honest, the person I'm following up with is probably expecting another phone call. I had spoken with her over the phone in April and I let her talk me into following up in six months time. I don't communicate well impromptu, for those who don't know what that means it meas unrehearsed, and unprepared, and The woman caught me off guard too many times during the conversation for my liking, so I chose to follow-up with a written letter. she can call me all she wants, I'm not going to deal with her over the phone again. I have to choose my wording carefully this time, so I don't present myself as an ungrateful, selfish, bum. This whole mess started with a set of ill-tempered letters, so this one has to demonstrate some measure of tact that the others (and I myself during the phone call) didn't show. Finding nice ways to tell someone they gave worthless advice isn't as easy as the most eloquent way to tell someone to stop talking (the "tale told by an idiot" line works wonders for that). If only I could communicate half as well in person as I do on paper, I'd be doing something.
No I hadn't given that any thought. I think that would be too much pressure for me though, the cameras, the schedule, the actual game itself, I just don';t know that I could handle all that. Besides, I'm not very photogenic, and I'm sure they don't pay for everything while contestants are there so it's self defeating. And one last major point, I don't want to do anything that would give West Virginia "good" publicity, this [Censored] does not deserve that kindness from me.
A lot of you guessed at that passage I posted last time, coming pretty close, some even identified it, but weren't sure. The passage I posted last time was indeed Shakespeare, it came from Macbeth. For reference, it was in Act V scene V. If that was a fun challenge for you, please let me know, I'll do it as a regular feature. All right now, Back up to the comments with you, if you skipped down here.
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
I Need a Vacation - From Myself
Who can tell me where these famous words came from?
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Got a lot on my plate in the coming days, a couple drawing projects that are long overdue, my writing project that I'm not detailing yet, and a letter I really don't want to write, but I have to because I promised my US senator's office I would follow up with them on my previous contact. There's no really upbeat sounding way to tell a person the advice they provided was worthless garbage, but I'm sure I'll pull a rose petals and rainbows way to say that out of the usual place.
Oh well, have agreat weekend all.
I was long-winded this time, I understand.
Okay, I'm officially creeped out now. Our similarities are downright frightful. In terms of my mind going all the time, I lose sleep over things churning in my head too. I can be laying down and rewriting part of one of my old stories, or drafting part of a new one, or even writing something I haven't even started to put to paper yet. While I type up posts and comments, I'm writing those stories too. In some ways it's a burden, but I kind of like having my mind going like that, it keeps things interesting, even when nothing is going on. People often wonder how it is I can wait seemingly endlessly for someone, say in a car, while they're taking care of something in a store, or bank, or office and not go out of my mind. That's easy for me, I live in my own little world most of the time, but it's okay, everyone there know me, and we're just down the interstate from Margaritaville. -_^
I'm the same way with my everyday worries too. I'm not the oldest member on here, but I'm not the youngest either, I do post once in a while about heavy things like jobs and the rest of that stuff, but only when the situation warrants. For me to constantly detail all that weighty stuff would get redundant as well as boring. Those aren't things others, especially younger people, need to be burdened with anyway. They have enough on their plates with school, activities, and just trying to grow up in their own ways.
Angel Slayer
That's a strange schedule, around here in West Virginia most of the colleges don't do classes on Friday. That's the day for students to make up tests and work they missed out on during the week. Even the teachers like doing it that way because if they don't have any make-up assignments to deal with, that's a day thay can spend grading work or preparing for next week.
I have a general rule, it's one I follow, and it's one I ask anyone who visits my site here to respect, and that is, I do not discuss politics.
Since I'm Amaxophobic, I can't drive, so I have to rely on my family to get me when I need to be. I can't complain, I get where I need to be on time.
I'm still looking for the right program but eventually I'm sure I'll find one. If I have to, I can rip the gif apart, resave each fram into a different format, then reconverto to gif and reanimate it. Hopefully doing something like that would fix whatever's corrupt in it.
I'd love to get out of the house more too, I can't stand just sitting here all day with not much to physically do. I don't see how anyone can not want to leave the house, I'd go stir crazy if I stay at home all the time. Shoot, I even take a walk once in a while for a change of pace.
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
Fully Awake and Not Amused
In the course of the past few days, I've been trying to upload an image to Photobucket. It's nothing fancy, just an emoticon I want to use. Well, that image wouldn't upload. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I contacted their tech support. After receiving the obligatory copy and paste FAQ response, I went through and tried all the suggestions they provided, nothing worked. Photobucket tested the image (I had to e-mail it to them), and it turned out the image itself was corrupted. So now, I have to find a free program that will repair the bad data in this animated gif file or I won't be able to upload it. It has to be free because I only have ten dollars, and it's in cash. Last time I checked, that 3¨ö inch slot on the front of my computer wasn't for teleporting cash across the internet. I thought I found one promising program based on it's description, but they wanted $150.00 for it. Back to the search queries, since the drawing board isn't internet ready yet.
For those of you who haven't see the main page of TheOtaku in a while, there's an announcement about a "Re-imagined" Art of Otaku. I've already done my part, since I don't meet the criteria to volunteer myself, I encouraged (and will continue to do so) whtdragon to try getting on that project. I just hope this one doesn't repeat last round's annoyances. Any other artists out there might take a look too. The last version lacked creatures/monsters, and mech too, so I encourage anyone adept in those areas to try getting on this release.
One other thing came up, that probably raised more questions than I am aware of, and that was last post's main content. Just read my Editorial statement at the bottom. Yeah, I brought my Editorial feature out of mothballs for this one.
Aside from my getting up, typing, and taking care of a few personal hygiene things, nothing of merit happened.
I confuse myself sometimes too.
Canada? I've never been outside of the US myself. That would be an interesting trip.
Breakfast Squid
Those days are common. A lot of people have them.
For the most part, things are well, except for the job situation. I have less than two weeks to write the follow-up letter to a mess I started late last year. Thing is, for the first time, I don't know hwat I want to say, or how I want to say it.
Don't wory about commenting every time, I don't always get to everyones' pages when they update either.
Don't worry about it. If you're not feeling well, take the time to get soem rest, commenting on my page isn't more important than your health.
Magnus Lensherr
Let me start off by saying it's a good thing I reread your comment a few times before responding to it. I can be a vicious little dragon when I take things too seriously and miss the jokes. That said, I'm still going to overreact to it anyway, check my Editorial below for my statement on contradictions.
I won't know how the week is going till it's gone, but thanks, same for you.
Since it's right down there ¡é, I don't need to jump you to it but anyway, read my Editorial for my statement on the contradictions.
I saw your post today, so I understand. You don't want to get into more trouble by being on when you're not supposed to be. Unless something catastrophic happens, I'll still be here when you get back.
For the record, this is the part where, if you haven't already you should be saying "Oh [Censored], he's mad." I believe that is sufficient warning.
Where to begin? That's the question I find myself asking as I try to correct some misassumptions regarding the apparent contradiction in my last post. It's not a question to which I can readily find the answer. I find myself trying to frame my words correctly, trying to put all the thoughts vying for my attention into some measure of coherent order. As I do that, my path becomes clearer, and I know how I must do this.
My previous post, This Dragon is Dog Tired, generated some questions regarding light workloads and physical exhaustion. It seems that there was little consideration applied to non-physical workloads. Let me see if I can correct that.
There were a lot of things I could have posted about in my previous post. I could have tried to explain how my mind is always writng stories, even when I'm writing these posts. I could have told the tale of one recent trip to the mall, and how miserable I felt after finding the costume shop I applied to work at last year had reopened, not because it was there, but because they didn't run the ad looking for people this year, they rehired the same bunch of deadbeats (well, one guy isn't a deadbeat, he used to be a college professor, and one heck of a director too) they had working there last year. I could have gone on about the various jobs I've applied to lately, and how I haven't gotten one single call back for any of them. I could have mentioned that I have till next week to finish writing my follow-up letter to that idiot in my Senator's office who didn't do a thing to fix WorkForce West Virginia back in April when I talked to her on the phone. I could have posted about the poor condition of my teeth and how I can't afford dental work. I could even have written a post revealing how self-esteem crushing it is to be the only person in my family who doesn't have a job, and can't seem to get one.
As you can see, a lot is going on right now, but not in a tangible form. These are all things that are running in the back of my mind like all the programs that are running in the background on your computers right now. Those things eat a lot of energy, even when the body itself is idle, those thoughts run constantly, nonstop. Those thoughts have slowed down my drawing and creating process because they make me feel like I'm wasting my time on something that isn't going to support me. Since those are an everyday occurance to me, I did not see them as significant. I also didn't see the need to unneccesarily burden my readers with a whole lot of self-pity.
To put it simply, yes a person can be tired by DOING nothing, because doing doesn't always consider thinking. Dealing with all the things I deal with on a daily basis in terms of thoughts is exhausting.
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
This Dragon is Dog Tired
Not a lot happening at the moment, so I'll get to the good stuff.
mysterious rei
To quote Star Trek (which I tend to look to for wise words a lot) "Risk is part of the business if you want to sit in that chair." (Admiral James Kirk to the first Captain of Enterprise B while on it's maiden voyage, Star Trek: Generations). So very true, but the chips aren't down for me right now, I'm completely out.
The tunnels fascinate me too, these ones are especially interesting bcause I can walk through them. I've been through a couple driving tunnels in the mountains of Pennsylvannia (On the Turnpike), which they say if you make a wish and hold your breath all the way through (nearly impossible, these tunnels are a couple thousand feet in length and even driving 55MPH [88.5KM/H - I think] takes a while to get through them), it'll come true. Anyway, as I get more pictures of other tunnels on the rail trail, I'll try to get them up here. There's a couple covered bridges nearby I want to shoot too.
What confused you? I can try to clear up the peculiarlities of my communication style.
I must have heard of it when I was down in Logan WV earlier this year.
I know, that was a great shot, even though it's not the best in the world in terms of clarity, it's still a gem to find such a bird where one isn't expected.
Mamma Vash:
I don't doubt the excitement level of taking a risk, but I also know when it's suicide to take one. When you don't have wings, it's kind of stupid to take the risk of jumping off a cliff to try to fly.
Things have been dull for me lately too.
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