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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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Escaflowne, Last Exile, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and Full Metal Alchemist to name just a few.
Learn to draw anime style pictures and to speak Japanese
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Long Time No Post
 | I do apologize for not posting in so long. t's a wonder I even know what's going on here anymore I'm on so rarely.
I don't know about anyone else, but I have seen the comedic farces of ads for Napster being run here. I know I've been trying to at least a year to get them to carry Japanese Pop Music, which to the best of my knowledge(I checked only a day ago) they still are not carrying. Talk about your misplaced marketing. Am I the only one who's asked Napster to carry J-Pop? Am I really the only anime fan out there who wants an easy means to buy songs in that genre? Those are questions I have to seriously ask myself since I'm not seeing any evidence that others are trying. If there are fans out there who, like me, are trying, we need to get together and show these people using legal terms to condone discrimination that it's not one or two crazy otakus who are bugging them with trivial things, but indeed a serious fan base that's willing to take our money elsewhere to get what we want if these two-bit hack outfits that claim "best selections" in music don't start living up to their false advertising.
On a related note, I've been trying to get soundtrack information from Bandai(details on series are not relevant), and all I got from them was information I already knew from online research. Things are not very good when a leading US distributer of anime materials tells a fan to buy the Japanese imports of the soundtracks, after being told twice that the fan can't shop online. Needles to say that was a wasted endeavor, and they won't comment at all on helping in the fight to get J-Pop and anime music heard on the DMS(Digital Music Service) medium. No one has any idea how long and hard I'm willing to fight to see this thing through.
Anime Dreams | |
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Toxic Nonsense
 | Revived Edition: Volume One, Issue Four
March 8, 2k5
An interesting turn of events in my quest to improve my art, that school I mentioned briefly in a past post or two has persisted in not contacting me for three months on Thursday. They don't seem to be all together when it comes to eductation anyway, promoting famous name graduates, rather than the program itself. I have to wonder just how serious they are about educating anyone. Anyway, I got a reply the other day to another letter I sent them, still not answering my question of when to expect the contact with a "Regional Representative." I, rightly so I think, responded with an ultimatum for them that I hope will prove effective. If I don't get contacted in a timely manner(I put a date down in the letter) I'll look to other sources for my artistic education needs.
I have a couple financial things on my plate at the moment too, but they're not worth wasting time and space with here, they're nothing that important.
Well, now that I've ranted, I don't feel much better, but at least I spoke my mind.
Anime Dreams | |
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Toxic Nonsense
 | Revived Edition: Volume One, Issue Three
February 16, 2k5
Sorry for the delay, I didn't want to get caught up in any of the headaches associated with the server change over. Things look good for the most part, but I did have to repair a couple of my quiz results' coding(I wass using the older code on a couple of them and checking today noticed the little red X thing that gets on my nerves. It was an easy fix, and my results should all be just like they were.
For the Hockey fans out there, I'm sure you heard by now(It's about 2:30 pm on the east coast where I'm at right now) that the season has been cancelled. I won't even begin to get into my opinions on that, but I will say as a hockey fan myself, and like many others I'm sure, I'm not happy at all. If I have the time and energy, I'll put together something on the CBA and how I got this number, but the dispute as I was able to piece it together boiled down to only $2.73. Don't go quoting me on that, because I may not have had all the info, and my math skills are deplorable. The NHLPA and NHL websites(I won't give them the satifaction of linking to their sites for a long time) would probably have more up to date info on everything.
On to that which makes me smile now. I just finished up watching all 26 Episodes of Escaflowne, and the movie. Let me tell you I'd forgotten just how good that show is. I remembered parts that I hadn't seen in at least five years, which must mean the show had an impact on me the first time I saw it. It will forever remain the top anime on my list because of that, and it was the first one I ever saw anyway. My interest in my art has been rekindled, and I'm working on a neat project now(it's not remotely anime styled so I can't show it here.) that I'll have done soon. If it works, I'll try to do one with existing anime characters, but no promises.
I'm still waiting to hear from that Art school. I'm supposed to be contacted by a "Regional Representative" about a personal interview which is when I alledgedly get the course information. Stragne for a school that's offering an at home art course to go to such lengths, I know, but I'll humor them for now, and wait to see what this "Rep" has to say.
Anime Dreams | |
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Toxic Nonsense
 | Revised Edition: Volume One, Issue Two
January 31, 2005
Making Progress
Before I go into much depth about my new Phase of art posting, I have something important to cover.
As I begin my screenshot reproduction work(The first pieces will be submitted for approval soon), I have given some thought to a very serious issue that comes up once in a while, and that is duplication of another's art, or in plain terms plaigurism. Now I'll do my best to find not so common screenshots to duplicate(making my own where necessary), but once in a while I may do something that has already been done. I ask that molehills not be turned to mountains if I ever happen to post something that's already up. Just send a polite PM to me telling me which picture looks like a copy and if possible where to find the one it resembles. I'm not very strict on my guidelines, so if it's even remotely similar, I'll more than gladly pull my piece to avoid unecessary conflict. I'll also pull any particular art pieces I post if I get enough PMs about them being similar to existing works. All I ask is that it be done politely.
With that said, I can move on to a basic timetable of things to come this year for me, starting with February.
As of today, I'm still waiting to hear from that Art school I may have mentioned previously. I'll recap if I haven't. In November, I took an aptitude test of sorts for an at home Art school, for them to determine if I'd be able to handle their course. Well, I got thee results back in December with an 85. The accompanying letter said that a score above 80 was enough to get more information on the course, and that someone would be contacting me about it. It's been about two months since then, and I have not heard a thing, even after sending a letter to the school only a week ago, they still have yet to tell me anything. I will only wait until the middle of February, then I'll just have to say [Censored] it and put together my own study course that I can tailor to suit my needs more readily anyway. I've heard it said that patience is a virtue that pays back in dividends, but you know, I can't afford to wait for retirement to reap the benefits of a patient life. I need to make something of myself now while I can.
Assuming I do hear from that Art school, I'll be too busy to submit many works for a while, but I'll sneak one in every so often just to keep things interesting. On the other hand, if I do not hear from the Art school(Aside from being royally [Censored] at them for wasting my time for two months), I'll be submitting repro works on an average of one a week beginning February 14. A lot hinges on whether or not I get that envelope in the mail, or the phone call, or however they try to sell their course to potential students. I can't be more definitive without knowing what lies ahead for me at this poin.
As I said in previous postings, I am moving away from having my "original" works posted here, at least until my art style improves enough for me to be satisfied with what I create. I have already pulled my Original art that was posted here without much fanfare the other day. I think it will be for the best that I stick with repro work until I get a better handle on my style. I have already defined the term Repro, but I'll do it again. I mean reproducing by hand the character(s) seen in a screenshot, or screen capture of an existing anime work. It also applies to pages in Graphic Novels, or parts of pages therein.
Since I'm not sure where I'm going yet, I'll have to leave this post opene ended. I wish I could be more specific, but that's life.
Anime Dreams | |
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Toxic Nonsense
 | Revised Edition: Volume One, Issue One
January 27, 2005
A New Journey
I'll begin with something I had to write about because I feel that strongly.
I had the honor and priviledge of seeing Hayao Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" for the first time a couple days ago. I won't ruin it for those who have not yet had such an opportunity by doing a detailed review of the film, but there are a few things I can mention about it, and what it's effect on me has been. No language on earth has evolved enough to accurately convey the scope and spleandor of the film. It was visually beyond stunning to me, richly emoted with a score that defied reality, and saying it is timeless just doesn't do the story the justice it deserves. The words beautiful, classic, inspirational, brilliant, masterpiece, or indeed timeless, aren't strong enough to fully emote the elaborate, and intricate subtleties that exist within the film.
Seeing "Spirited Away" opened my eyes once more to why I have such a passion for anime. I don't like to admit it, but I had gotten lost along the the way, and had forgotten what and why anime meant so much to me. Miyazaki's film reached down to where I had those ideas buried, and brought them back into the light. It is stories like what I saw recently that make anime what it is to me, the passion, the energy, the conflict is all there in ways I can't even begin to describe. In summary, I'm saying "Spirited Away" is one of those gems that should find itself in any anime collection.
It has been a long time since I talked about my artwork, and since I'm beginning a new phase in the
development of my art style, I think it's more than appropriate that I start by tracing where I have
been, in order to determine where I want to go. It is not often I deliberately choose to dance with
the ghost of who I once was, but I have to do it to fully appreciate who I have become, and why I have
become who I am today. To me, there is no such thing as a lonely journey, only lonely people on that
journey. We quest for that one thing that calls us to keep going, to not stop until we get either to
paradise, or pergatory.
I'll begin by going back a few years, to trace the roots of my anime obsession. From that beginning
point, I'll go on the journey that opened my eyes to this new world around me. To do that, I have to
go to the show that started everything. I committed its name to memory upon seeing the first aired
episode, because it was visually something I had never seen before, and it wasn't a Vaudeville-esque
slapstick routine of cross-dressing rabbits, yellow canaries with gender issues, or the menagerie of
dim-witted villans who never seemed to learn from their mistakes. It had some depth to it that I had
never seen before, and was hooked from that Saturday Morning on. The name of that show brings much
controversy with it, as I have found in my recent years of research. I will not argue the details of
that controversy because I can not change that it was what essentially hooked me on anime. That show
was called Escaflowne. As I mentioned, my addiction began with the visual appeal of that one show, and
I soon found myself looking for more shows like it. It took a couple years, but I finally got decent
cable channels, and that's when it got interesting. One afternoon during the week, I decided on a
nostalgia trip and flipped through the channels to find an afternoon cartoon line-up, not expexting to
find much of anything worth watching, but I had to stop when I came across a CG character hosting a
program block dedicated to anime, he made the show announcement, and I watched for the first time
Outlaw Star, and I believe Mobile Suit Gundam came next, I'm not sure, it's been a while and I've
gotten all those shows that I saw that first week mixed up. Other shows that amused or interested me
came in the forms of Tenchi Muyo, Zoids, Gundam 0080, and others that I can't name off hand. Then, in
2002, a new, late night block began to air, and I'm sure many of you know what Adult Swim is, I sat
and watched, finding another favorite from the moment the first notes of that jazzy blues harp played
to the dark background in which a slight movement could be seen. Cowboy Bebop became an instant hit
to me. Not long after that, a Saturday night line up began, running the show that hooked me on
Japanese Pop music with it's upbeat, opening theme "Change the World"(Go figure my avatar is still
from InuYasha). I was thrilled when TechTV(This is pre-G4 Merger by at least a year) started an
anime line-up too, the most recent favorite of mine to air on that channel, was the Premiere of Last
Exile, which I can't watch on the new G4TechTV because they butchered even the early episodes. That's
the history in a nutshell of my growth in anime, and I'm still finding great shows like Wolf's Rain
(For the record, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, and even Escaflowne were created by the same people, is it
any wonder I like them all?).
"Where does my art come in?" is a question I'm sure many of you are asking by now. The idea to be
able to draw characters with the style of Van Fanel, the intensity of InuYasha, or the youthful wonder
of Jim Hawking probably cemented itself in my head not long after the Adult Swim Saturday block began
the first time back in 02, they pulled it for a while and reintroduced it recently with the newer show
lineup. The idea was there, but I lacked the motivation to do anything until May of 2003, when I lost
my cable, and had to do something to keep my interest alive. I got on the TechTV message board and
began asking basic questions about drawing that style. I completed my first attempt (It was a
screenshot of Jim Hawking from Outlaw Star that I duplicated by hand) in the end of August, and then I
did InuYasha twice(I still can't get his eyes right!) and gradually worked into doing my own
characters. I still do repro work, but not as often as I should to practice, so I'll be starting to do
that again at least once a week so that I can really improve my skill.
As I sit here now, I'm waiting to hear from an Art School that offers "at-home" courses. They were
supposed to contact me a while ago, but I may have gotten lost to them in the holiday shuffle. I do
want to take every opportuninty to make my myself better as an artist, because I'm now slowly getting
hooked on Graphic Novels, and I want to be able to attempt my own by the end of the year, or the
middle of next year at the latest. As my priorities shift, so does my concept for the page I have
here on myotaku. I want to make sure that I'm representing the best of who I am here as an artist.
Up to this point I've been an arrogant, whiney, spoiled brat when it comes to many things, as can be
seen in some of my previous posts(The rant against Digital Music Servies being the flagship post for
what arrogance is in my book). I'm reworking my concept for the page, and that includes taking down
all my "Original Anime" pictures in favor of the repro work I will be doing. Once in a while, I'll
put a thumbnail of an original art piece into a post, but for the most part, I want this aspect of my
artistic expression to focus on my passion for the anime that exists out there. The characters I
create on my own are not really ready for a mass media market. There is a lot I need to do first to
make my creations worthy.
I also owe this site a great thanks for being part of the motivation that brought around my finally
sitting down to draw that first picture. I joined here just before I drew it, and it was seeing the
other artwork that pushed the final button and made me want to draw. So thank you to everybody, the
users who post their pictures, and comment on the works of others, the creator, and staff who keep
this site running, and anyone else I might have left out. I have made a home here, and feel welcome
to be myself, which is just the right kind of motivation for my artistic endeavours.
I didn't really intend to write so much, but when I focus on something, I can get a lot done. Thank
you for taking the time to read all this way, I appreciate the effort.
Always and Forever Cosmic,
Anime Dreams for years to come! | |
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Toxic Nonsense
 | I didn't get to it sooner, but anyway things are running cool and quiet at the moment. I'll have a semi-almost-notquiteso-kinda-sorta-maybe-somewhat-notreally- interesting article next time I post. I really need to get back into doing (Repeat that long, horridly hyphenated blurb here) articles like I used to try to do. I have the perfect topic in mind, and will get to work on the article immediately. I'll have to pull my notice out of mothballs.
Anime Dreams, and enjoy the Full Wolf Moon on the 25. | |
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Toxic Nonsense
 | Returning to the ghostly shadows of twilight after a calming stretch of daylight reaching through the darkness illuminating a peaceful mind. Oh wait, that wasn't daylight, it was candles!
Sorry for the false hope there, but I like the dark anyway. It was a good day, but I'll be happy to go back to normal days once again.
Anime Dreams | |
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Toxic Nonsense
 | Happy Birthday to me!
I know it's corny and redundant(not to mention just plain wierd) for one to wish oneself happy birthday, but I had the time to spare today so I decided to post something.
I do have a related question though, for anyone else who might share the day with Former Preident Richard Nixon (He was also born Jan 9), How will you be celebrating the day?
To answer that question myself: I don't really have anything special planned, but my family might spring something on me last minute(they know I hate that last minute stuff so they do it to me anyway). Though I have decided to throw together a stir-fry dish of my own creation, just to give myself something to do. I will also be making the time to hop onto a message board I frequent(not Otakuboards, I'm no longer a member there but won't get into that right now) later on today.
Anyway it's a question worth pondering, and I'll hop back on here later tonight to update again, and see what people are talking about.
Anime Dreams | |
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Friday, December 31, 2004
Toxic Nonsense
 | Holiday Special Issue
Slowly fading into the realms of reality after being lost among the Wounded Shadows,
within the prison of my own making, my mind.
It's been WAY too long since I posted here and I'll bet people are
wondering just what in all the underworld pergartories happened to me, and why haven't I been posting once a week
like I said I would be so, so long ago. I have my reasons, which I will attempt to spell out here in this special
Holiday, last post of 2004 issue of Toxic Nonsense.
I don't even remember what my last post was about(I'm writing this one offline, and won't bother to check the old
one before posting this), but I know I may have mentioned that some family issues had come up which would take me
off my schedule, and that I wasn't sure about anything anymore. Well, during the time I was off, I made a
promise, and intend to adhere to it, that I would not be online nearly as long as I have been in the past, because
admitting one has a problem is the first step to recovery. I'm addicted to the internet, and have been trying hard to fight it since my
last post. that is why I promised I would not be online as much. I have seet up some time to make a weekly post
here, so that shouldn't be affected too much, barring the unforseen purple monkey invasion. It is something I'm
serious about doing because I try hard to keep the important promises. That reminds me, I have another promise
to keep before I log off here, which I'll get to today. Though it sounds good in theory, it's kind of hard to be
bound by convictions. To want something, and know you can't have it because of a promise can be a tough battle,
but the up front cost is worth more than the weight of the universe in gold if it means you've proven your word
is as good as your deeds. That's my sermon for the issue.
Aside from that, my holidays have been good. Christmas brought it's own blend of spice and excitement(I'd prattle
on about who got me what but that's not important, the thought behind the gifts counts more than the gift itself).
My interest in anime has become part of who I am, and I'm greatful for that. I no longer think they're just
humoring a passing interest hobby of mine. When I get the chance to show them Escaflowne, the first anime I ever
saw, I think that'll tell them so much more than I ever could about why I like anime so much. I do have to mention
the Wok. My sister-in-law got me a wok (part of a stir fry kit with the chopsticks[I taught myself to use
chopsticks about a month ago] the bowls, the wok, and a couple other things). I couldn't resist trying it out in
my own twisted way. I practiced up on my technique with assorted veggies from a party tray we had(carrots,
broccoli, celery) then my first official dish was, and I kid you not , Shitake stir-fry. I was thinking of
Session 17 of Cowboy Bebop when I did that dish, it turned out okay, but I like mushrooms so of course I liked
Anyway, I hope a pleasant and prosperous new year awaits all of us. I know I could use a break after what these
past few months have been. I'm looking into an art class(one of those at hoe learning courses) to hopefully
improve my artistic ability(maybe cut down on the time it takes to do a decent picture). I'll post updates on
that as they come in. Again happy holidays to everyone, and I'll see you next year.
C'est la Vie
Anime Dreams
Legal Notice
The opinions expressed in this issue do not necessarily reflect those of the website,
its creator, host, affiliates, advertisers, or any other party who may be unjustly singled out due to my big mouth. The
opinions are mine alone and I will take full responsibility for them. I stand behind everything I say, good or bad.
I am not responsible for other user's comments, and will make no claims, warranties(written or implied), or certifications
regarding content posted in a comment to my articles. I do not endorse products or services discussed in comments, and can
not be held responsible for any damages caused by use and/or misuse of said products or services. I am only responsible for
content I post myself. In short, I am disclaiming all liability for content posted by others in relation to material I post. | |
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Toxic Nonsense
 | volume #4 issue #02
November 14, 2k4
Sorry this week's issue will not even come close to the emotional intensity of the previous entry, and this one goes off the anime path quite a way. I'll try get back on track as soon as I can.
I have two major issues that are affecting me at the moment. I can't discuss either in detail yet. One I have to keep a lid on as it involves matters of a professional nature(I'm bound by a promise not to discuss "work" related situations). The other is family related, and as odd as this will sound, nobody tells me what the hell is going on anymore so I have to infer a lot. Learning things that way is not easy, because the answer comes back wrong long before it comes back right. I'm not sure if my inferences this time are right, wrong, or at that halfway point that I sometimes find them.
I have several projects I'm currently working on that I have to put a hold on until I don't know when. Too much going on at once is getting to be distracting for me, and I can't handle it. A much needed break is in order, and even thatI'll have to put off until at least tomorrow.
On an anime note, I've written off iTunes as they have not responded to my inquiry in two weeks, so [Censored] them all. I'll have to get my music by the brick and mortar store method and won't waste any time or money on that digital trash. After I contact Best Buy with a question later I'll be set to start compiling the long list of soundtrack CDs I need to find.
Anime Dreams
Legal Notice
The opinions expressed in this issue do not necessarily reflect those of the website, it's creator, host, affiliates, advertisers, or any other party who may be unjustly singled out due to my big mouth. The opinions are mine alone and I will take full responsibility for them. I stand behind everything I say, good or bad.
I am not responsible for use and/or misuse of information posted in comments by other users. I do not condone or endorse any information in any way shape or form that is not posted by myself. | |
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