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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
 | Part Two:
Chapter One:
The next Morning
The sun splashed in on my face, waking me up with a splitting headache. A subtle sound perked me up entirely and I slowly hefted my sword, still in sheath so I could be ready for anything. I saw Crystal slumped over the desk, like she’d been there all night. I found myself wondering why she went out of her way to make sure I was all right. It wasn’t normal for a Charge to watch a Protector. I stirred a bit, cringing from the pain of the bright light, and from various other aches that were beginning to present themselves. I’m not really sure what caused it, but Crystal bolted up with a start, and looked over at me, half tired.
“Are you feeling all right?” Crystal asked me. “You look a little pale.”
“I’ll be fine.” I tried not to sound like it was much of a problem, but my voice betrayed the level of pain I was feeling. I didn’t want to make her worry.
“I don’t believe that Tom. If you’re in pain, or just not feeling well you should tell me.” Crystal said in a voice that was half annoyed, and half concerned.
“Crystal, I’ll be okay, really.” I attempted to reassure her, but I was unsuccessful. “I need you to go with me on this one and not make too much of it.” I added.
“For now. But if you start to look worse, I’ll have to do something.” Crystal insisted. I just nodded my head in agreement.
“Mom told me you were walking around a bit last night. I can help you downstairs for lunch today if you want it.” Crystal spoke in a questioning, unsure tone.
“Thanks for the offer, I’d be happy to oblige.” I replied, beginning to focus my mind on controlling the chaotic pangs of pain writhing throughout my body. “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, could you help me to the kitchen now?”
“Why, is there something you need? I can go get it for you.” Crystal responded.
“I should move around a little bit before I get too stiff to do it.” I commented. “Besides, you’ve done way to much for me already, and I’m the one who’s supposed to be looking out for you.” I said as I sat up. Crystal helped me stand, and let me lean on her shoulder as we headed for the door.
In the hallway, Crystal’s father ran into us, and he also helped, the truth be told, I think he was still a little suspicious of my intentions. We made it down the stairs and to the living room where I had to sit down to make Crystal and her father happy, even though I didn’t need to rest. They insisted, and my being the polite person I am most of the time, I respected them and took a seat.
“Is there anything you need while you rest here for a few minutes?” Crystal’s father asked.
“Clipped to my belt was a cell phone. I need it to make my weekly report.” I replied in a businesslike manner, which just felt out of place considering my condition and attire.
“I’ll go get it.” Crystal volunteered and hurried off.
“Is that routine, to make a report every week?” Crystal’s father asked.
“No sir, it’s supposed to be a daily report, but I’ve been granted certain discretions when it comes to my cases.” I tried to keep my tone formal.
“Certain discretions?” Crystal’s father asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The details are confidential. I’ll just say it’s better for everyone when I have some room to do things my way relating to the protection of my Charge.” I was digging myself into a hole and I knew it.
“Really?” Crystal’s father studied me with indifferent eyes, almost as if he was staring right through me. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea at your age, but you seem responsible enough.” He said without flinching.
“Thanks, I think.” I started but Crystal’s reentry stopped me before I could continue.
“Here’s the phone.” Crystal handed it to me.
“Thank you.” I accepted it, and flipped it open, seeing that I had missed a message. It was not unusual for me to not return a call right away, so I doubted anyone was worried in the least about me. It would have to go a few days before the Program would begin the feel that something was up. I decided I’d better check the message before making my report. I could have been asked about something relayed in the message and it wouldn’t do to not know what was being asked. I punched a few buttons and held the phone to my ear, listening to the message as it played.
“Tom, knowing you, you’ve got your phone off so you won’t get this message until tomorrow. When you do get it, you’d better be sitting down. We finally did it. We finally beat the person behind all the drones. Granted a few got away, I’ll bet they try to take out the few Charges still under our care, but I know you’ll be able to handle whatever comes your way. When you get the chance you’d better phone in and make what’s sure to be your final report. You know I don’t like to spread rumors, but I’ve heard we’ll be decommissioned by the end of the week. Tom, if I don’t get to see you in person again, It was an honor to serve with you in the Program. Good luck, where ever life takes you.”
I closed the phone slowly. Holding it in the air halfway between the table and my head, I couldn’t seem to think to move any further. Crystal and her father both looked at me, then each other with questioning expressions. Neither one wanted to be the first to speak, but they both wanted to know what was going on. After a long silence, I remained stiff, but Crystal got up the nerve to speak.
“Is something wrong? You look like you got some bad news.” Crystal observed.
“It’s great news actually; there won’t be any more drones.” I said with a dry voice. “After I make my report, I’ll probably get new orders.”
“That means you’ll be leaving right? No more camping outside in the tree?” Crystal’s father asked. “The threat is really gone?”
“That’s right.” Was all I could say. “Let me get the report over with, so we can all get on with our lives.” I flipped the phone open again and dialed the number I needed.
“Instructor, this is Tom. It’s time for my weekly report. Are you ready?” I spoke quickly.
“Shoot” The voice on the other end, responded.
“Well, it’s been a heavy week, got three drones by Wednesday, and had one more hit me yesterday.” I kept things as basic as I could. “I did sustain some injuries in the attack yesterday, but I’ll be fine given a little time.” I paused.
“You got hammered by a drone? That doesn’t sound right.” My instructor commented. “I’d have sent a replacement over if you’d called in sooner.”
“It was an aerial sir, and no you wouldn’t have. I heard the message already, I know it’s over.” I didn’t like being mislead what ever the intention.
“Oh.” Was all my instructor said before a long awkward pause. “I guess you want your orders then?”
“Yes, please.” I let a little of my frustration out.
“Since you’ve been injured, I’ll send a ride out to bring you back to base. When you get here, you’ll have to prep for the Decomm ceremony.” My instructor said in a stern voice.
“I see.” I replied more casually than I was feeling. “This means I’ll have to ‘take the walk’ doesn’t it?”
“Unfortunately, yes.” My instructor was much better at hiding his feelings from me.
“I’m ready to accept that, but-” I stopped a moment and looked up at Crystal and her father. “I’m going to need some privacy on this one, if you don’t mind.” I waited until they left the room. “Have you seen what arrangements have been made yet?”
“What do you mean by ‘arrangements’ Tom?” My Instructor asked in a tone that I didn’t care for. It was hiding something important, and I wanted to know what.
“Don’t play dumb with me sir, I’m sore, not stupid.” I snapped, louder than I should have. “You know my parents are dead, so I’ll have no place to go back to after the ceremony is over.”
“Oh, I’ll have to check on that, but it may take some time-” Good news usually makes people forget simple things, which is probably what frustrated me the most. My Program Instructor seemed to be forgetting that I was smarter than I looked or acted. I cut him off with a bitter statement before he even finished his lie.
“Can the crap sir. We both know you won’t look because you already know nothing was set up for me, considering what I know about the incident, you’d think this would have all been figured out then.” I stopped myself before I said anything worse. After taking a breath, I spoke in a calmer manner, but still very angry. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that the threat is over, but I’m getting the impression that someone forgot to consider the details, or had no intention of considering them in the first place.” I waited to hear the excuse from my Instructor.
“Well, I don’t really know how to respond to that. You bring up some interesting if not paranoid points.” My instructor said, trying to get on my good side, and failing miserably. “I won’t begin to speculate on what the higher authorities’ in the Program intentions are. I promise I’ll look into your case and have an answer for you when you get here.” My instructor offered.
“I’ll have to accept that for now.” I commented reluctantly before disconnecting the call and turning my phone off. As I flipped it shut, a slight jolt ran through my head. I wasn’t the best at perceptions, but I knew someone was hiding near the doorway listening to me.
It wasn’t worth the trouble for me to start anything, so I just set my phone down on the end table quietly. I closed my eyes, trying to think without any distractions, a near impossibility considering my mind was it’s own distraction at times. After several attempts, I gave up and opened my eyes again.
“So, is there something you’re not telling me?” Crystal asked, her concern though appreciated was something I didn’t want to deal with right away.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about, internal politics.” I commented, with a bitterness that told much more than I wanted to say.
“I’m willing to listen anyway; you shouldn’t keep it to yourself.” Crystal offered.
“This is the one thing I can’t tell you about, even though I really want to.” I spoke softly, standing up slowly. As Crystal moved toward me, I lifted a hand, indicating I didn’t want any help. “This goes beyond the Program into the realms of something very personal to me.” I started to walk toward the door.
“What happens now? You’ll go back the Program for a new assignment of some kind right?” Crystal asked following me as I glanced out the front door’s window.
“No, I go back to get decommissioned.” My dull tone seemed to land heavily on the atmosphere of the room. “By tomorrow morning, I’ll no longer be in the Program.” I turned away from the door, seeing the plain dark car pull up. I returned to the living room slowly, picking up my phone.
“Decommissioned? Crystal asked, as if the word was strange to her.
I was at the front door when the knock sounded, but I let Crystal open it. She stepped back and let me face the cliché “agent” in his dark suit and sunglasses. I just glared waiting for him to speak.
“Tom, are you ready to return to base?” The agent’s deep monotone would have been very intimidating to a stranger, but I knew better.
“Sure thing Larry, let’s go.” I said beginning to open the storm door. I stopped and turned to Crystal for a moment. “Don’t mind him; he’s weird, but harmless. I’ll be back later, that’s a promise.” With Larry’s help, I made it to the car.
Non story notes:
For those that caught it Saturday night, the next ending theme to Inuyasha, Every Heart, played. A beautiful piece of music.
There's one more installment to go with this story, and for those who know where to look(It's not hard to find really) I'll have an "advance reader copy" of the last installment(Which will be posted here nest week) up later this morning. Don't ask me to tell you where it is, I won't point out the obvious.
Happy Reading! | |
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
 | Chapter Three:
My eyes opened slowly, seeing a very dark room around me. I must have fallen asleep while I was remembering. It was embarrassing to have done so, especially if Crystal noticed that I’d done it. A quick scan of the room revealed that I was alone for once, and I heaved a sigh. I needed peace and solitude to heal the part of me no bandage could cover, my mind. In the course of one day, I’d gone through so much that I wasn’t even sure I knew who I was anymore. I leaned up, finding that my strength was returning, in little bits. I shifted myself around and tried to stand up.
I was a bit shaky at first, but I recovered quickly and was soon moving slowly around the room. Even I knew it was foolish to rush into things after going through such an ordeal. I couldn’t help but think that sometimes being a Protector was a lonely prospect, but someone had to do the job. It was too bad I couldn’t let anyone help me through the toughest part of the recovery.
I had just made the fifth circuit of the room when I heard a faint sound. It was someone moving through the hallway, just outside the door. I heard a pair of muffled voices talking in whispers for a moment just after whoever was out there stopped. I kept myself very still, not sure what to do. The knob turned slowly, and the door drifted in so lightly, it barely made a sound. Crystal’s mother looked at me and blinked when she saw me standing up.
“Hi there, you feeling better?” Her tone was kind and sincere with a note of surprise.
“I’m okay I guess.” I replied, not really sure what to say. “Still a bit sore though.”
“Well, you should be resting, not up moving around. You’ll probably be sore for a few days at the least.” Crystal’s mother said, in that caring way mothers speak.
“You’re right Ma’am, I shouldn’t be up, but I was getting restless, and a walk is usually the best thing for that.” I made my way back over to the bed, and sat down on it.
“Please, call me Janice,” Janice insisted. “Don’t over exert yourself.”
“I won’t.” I stood up again, wanting to keep moving for a bit longer.
“I stuck my head in to check on you, but it looks like you’re doing fine. I never did thank you for saving Crystal today.” Janice had something important on her mind, so I prepared myself to listen. “It’s good to know you’re around to protect her.”
“That’s what my duty is.” I said in the most assuring way I could think of. “I protect.”
“Still, you put your life in danger, and nearly got killed, not many people would do that, even for the sake of duty.” Janice seemed a bit confused by my heroism. Granted I didn’t look the type, and I don’t think she believed everything when I sat in that kitchen explaining things as best I could.
“I’m not most people.” I pointed out flatly. “I take my duties seriously.”
“I appreciate you doing so.” Janice caught me up in a hug that was painfully tight. My wounds ached until she let go. “If there’s anything I can get you, don’t hesitate to ask, okay Tom.”
“Okay.” I replied, deciding to lay down again, the renewed pain being a bit more than I could handle.
I didn’t notice Janice leave the room, but that didn’t matter to me anyway, the wash of pain brought with it the desire in me to sleep it off. Closing my eyes usually cued sleep, but this time I wasn’t tired enough for it to work. I stared at the ceiling, noting patterns that resembled constellations in the bumps of the textured paint. Orion was there, and Draco, even Sirius Taurus. Being entertained by looking for star pictures, my mind finally found itself drifting into that healing sleep it wanted so badly.
I sat in my usual perch, staring out at the darkening horizon above the houses down the street. It would be raining by midday if I figured correctly. The dull gray-blue clouds sat menacing on the edge of time, where land and sky met. They were waiting to spring up and drench the town at the worst possible time. A bird in a nest about three feet from my head chirped pleasantly, seeming not to worry about the coming storm, but to enjoy the beautiful, pleasant, and cool morning while it lasted. I could feel something thick and heavy in the air, but it was distant, holding back waiting for the right time to pounce.
The window closest to the tree slid open. I didn’t have to look to know it was Crystal. She had taken the routine of looking out to see if I was there, I guess she was more worried about herself than she let on. I always made sure I unfastened the Concealment Sash when I heard that window, just so she’d be able to see me.
“You should probably come inside today, there’s a thunderstorm on the way?” Crystal asked bypassing her usual morning banter.
I looked over at her casually. “I know, I can feel it.” I responded. “I’ll stay out here until the first drop of rain falls. Something is using that storm for cover, and I intend to greet it out here.”
“Another drone so soon?” Crystal asked. “Why are so many of them after me all of a sudden?” Her voice was a bit worried, but more annoyed.
“Maybe something big is going to go down, and our enemy wants the Protectors kept busy while he attacks directly. It would explain the heavy air.” I replied, trying not to scare Crystal, but I think I did.
“I’d still feel better knowing you weren’t out here with all the lightning that’s coming.”
“You know it would normally take about two years for a Charge to get the level of information you got two weeks. Maybe that’s the reason we can do this without being all tense and formal.” I made a polite observation. “If you’re going to insist, I’ll have to come in, but otherwise I’ll stay out here for as long as I-” I stopped cold, feeling a very rapid spike in ominous energy around me. Something was coming, fast.
“What’s that?” Crystal asked urgently, pointing at a spot in the sky. I still don’t know how it was she saw it first, but in the swirling cloud of dust and moisture, was a new type of drone, one that could fly.
“Looks like my perception was correct.” I said shielding my eyes to see what was coming. “I can’t say for sure, but that’s a new drone. I’ve never seen an Aerial before today.” I drew my sword in a flash, and leapt up a few more branches to meet it head on.
The creature swooped in faster than I could react, trying to grab at me or knock me off the tree. I swayed a bit, but regained my balance. It came around again and it’s clawed foot kicked me, tearing a gash across my forehead. “Get inside!” I barked at Crystal, ignoring the wound I just received. Crystal stared at me with wide eyes, trying to say something as the drone slammed into me a third time. “I said get inside!” I yelled furiously, snapping Crystal out of her momentary freeze.
“But you’ll get. . .” Crystal began, I didn’t let her finish.
“Worry about me later, just close the window already! These things are coming for you after all.” I snapped with an angry tone. I think Crystal got the message, because she pulled herself back into the window, and closed it quickly.
Having lost sight of the drone for a moment I looked around slowly to find it. While doing that I steadied myself for an offensive strike. It came at me from behind, building speed in a downward dive. I felt it’s presence when it was enough to me that I could touch it. I quickly dodged sideways to avoid being hit in the back and brought my sword around, slicing it’s right foot off. I had to spin myself off the branch I was on so I quickly recovered and landed with a jolt on a lower branch of the tree. As the drone’s foot fell, it reacted to my movement, latching onto my side and clamping down with a furious grip. It came close to crushing my ribs, but I managed to smash it before it could do any major damage.
As the creature went by after several more diving assaults, some hitting me harder than I care to admit, I threw myself onto it’s back. It tried to shake me, but I held on gripping it firmly by the neck. It went higher, taking me into the clouds. I would have appreciated the soft cool clouds and the worlds that exist up there, but I had a job to do, so I forced the creature to swoop down again. It spiraled toward the ground after I knocked it hard on the back of the head with a tight fist. Then I took my sword and stuck it deep into the drone’s back. It let out a loud shriek, and rolled over before beginning to fall apart into the rock and dust that it was.
As the drone disintegrated, I found myself flying through the air at quite a fast pace. Before I could react, or even think, I was thrown into the side of the house, hitting it with a loud thud. The first drops of rain were already falling when I hit, and by the time I fell away from the house I could feel them hitting my face on the way to the ground. It was a pouring rain by the time I hit the ground, landing in a puddle that formed oddly fast underneath me. While I was still barely conscious on the ground, I heard as couple voices getting louder as they moved closer to me. They were panicked, but I couldn’t make out what they said.
Non Story Notes:
I'm long overdue for a regular update, so I'm tacking it to the end of this chapter as something extra, since I don't like to break the continuity of the story with random posts in between chapters and all.
It's been about a year since I really got into drawing anime-ish style pictures, and I'd like to comemmorate the ocassion by uploading those first few pictures that drew, but I won't. Before anyone assumes anything, I'll explain the reasoning. Those pictures I drew have too many similarities with pictures that have already been posted in the Inuyasha and Outlaw Star sedctions of the fanart site here. I do not have the time or energy to debate any alleged "copying," "stealing," or otherwise "Infringing" on the existing posted works. I'm choosing to NOT fight this battle by not even starting it, that's all I'm going to say on the matter.
The next chapter will be out in about a week, the weather may delay it a day or two as it did with this week's, and from there it's almost done. Part Two comes after Chapter Three, and it's not as long(Fewer installments) as Part One. I thank everyone for the comments on my works, and aprreciate them, even though I may not respond directly. Enjoy the rest of the story as it comes. | |
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
 | Chapter Two:
I bolted upright with such force I almost flew out of the bed all together. My breathing was hard, rapid, and a thick bead of cold sweat splashed from my forehead onto the back of my hand. I turned my head to look at Crystal, who was startled by my sudden waking. She looked at me with concern, and relief.
“Bad dream?” Crystal asked.
“You could say that.” My reply was more cryptic than I meant it to be.
“You want to tell me about it?” Crystal seemed genuinely interested in me as a person, not just the last thing between her and the odd creatures out to get her.
“Not really.” I sounded very tired.
“Come on now, You’ve been guarding me for two weeks now, and you still don’t want to at least think of me as a friend?” Crystal was a bit upset. I understood that too well.
“It’s more of a professional courtesy. You don’t need to be bogged down in my problems.” I failed at my attempt to belittle my own mental workings. I assumed that because Crystal just looked at me suspiciously.
“Do you remember what you told my parents when you had to explain this all to them?” Crystal asked with a directness in her tone that I didn’t like.
“I do.” My simple reply, though adequate lacked any feeling.
“I don’t think you do.” Crystal rebutted. “You said that ‘trust is critical in these situations, and a lack of it on anyone’s part will eventually lead to peril.’ Do you remember that?” Crystal glared at me. I lowered my head, letting the words roll around in my mind for a while, and soon the memory started playing itself.
I sat at the kitchen table, more nervous than if I were her boyfriend meeting Crystal’s parents for the first time. Crystal sat off to one side of the room peeling potatoes for dinner. In reality, I think she was listening to the conversation, hoping to learn more about what I did, and who I worked for, having told her I couldn’t say much. Crystal’s mother was brewing tea at the stove and Crystal’s father sat opposite me with the most serious look on his face. I was uncomfortable and I’ll bet anything that he knew it.
“So, Tom, if that’s your real name, you mind telling us just what you did out there this morning?” The voice that I was addressed in felt like a ton of lead being thrown right at me. Crystal’s father kept his face stern while he spoke. “And don’t tell me that was just a stupid prank.”
“Sir, I’ll try to tell you what I can, but the Program has rules about disclosure, and I can’t break those.” I used my most diplomatic voice. “The policy is normally not to divulge anything, but I’m in an exceptional circumstance at the moment. You need to trust me, so I can go about doing my duty. Trust is critical in situations like this one, and a lack of it on anyone’s part will only lead to the target’s peril.”
“That’s good to hear. Go ahead anytime you’re ready.” Crystal’s father left it to me to provide what I could by way of information.
“Yes, sir.” I spoke in a quieter tone. “Guess I should start with the creature, since that’s what this is about.” I studied his face for a reaction, and just got a stiff nod. Taking that as my cue, I continued. “The creature is a drone, something of a golem, a soulless body made of volcanic rock and magic. As you saw, they look human so they can walk down the street and not draw attention to themselves, though I’ve seen some nasty looking monsters made from the stuff.”
“Why was it after Crystal?” I was asked, not by Crystal’s father, but her mother who’d brought the tea over and was serving it. Nothing is better to have a serious meeting over than a cup of hot green tea. I sipped the mug that was placed in front of me, then cleared my throat to answer.
“The top people at the Program are working on that right now, but no one has come up with a reasonable explanation for it. Sometimes these things mistake one person for another or their controller knows something we don’t about the target.” I shook my head, the uncertainty in my calm reply wasn’t reassuring to Crystal’s parents.
“You’re telling us that those things could attack at random? They have no real purpose?” Crystal’s father was getting frustrated.
“All things have a purpose, why those things attack your daughter is one purpose not yet known to us.” I said in a mysterious way.
“Is that why you carry that sword around?” Crystal’s mother asked, stopping a question from Crystal’s father.
“That is why.” I tipped my head in a slight bowlike gesture. “It is one of few things that will destroy the drones.”
“And you’ve been put in charge of Crystal’s safety? For how long?” Crystal’s mother asked, sounding a bit worried.
“Until the threat is past, or I die, whichever comes first.” My stoic response only set more worry in the faces of Crystal’s parents.
I sat waiting for a minute while they whispered back and forth. I blocked out what they were saying, as a matter of courtesy to them. They seemed to be trying to decide if I was being truthful, or pulling a really elaborate hoax on them. Every once in a while, I’d see a suspicious glance in my direction. I just sat waiting to hear what they concluded, preparing myself just in case I had to answer more questions.
“You aren’t just trying to use our daughter are you?” Crystal’s father asked, leveling his gaze at me. “You won’t try anything while she’s under your care?” He implied.
“I’m not sure I understand.” I said in a puzzled way, though I was sure I knew what he meant, I wanted to hear him say it.
Crystal’s father looked at me with eyes that would frighten and FBI agent. “If you have to always be near Crystal to ‘protect’ her, say in her room while she’s asleep, what’s to stop you from exploring your maturing-”
“Steven!” Crystal’s mother interrupted before he could finish.
“That won’t be a problem. See the creatures have to come in from the outside, so I’ll need all the room to react I can get. That tree in your yard will do just fine.” I assured, doing one thing I wasn’t supposed to do, reveal my location of operation. They seemed to be satisfied with that.
“But what about sleepovers, and things of that nature?” Crystal’s father persisted.
“I wouldn’t exactly blend in at such a thing now would I?” I asked with a laugh. “I’d have to camp outside like I’ll do here.”
“Fair enough young man, but remember if Crystal is hurt in any way by something you do, I won’t be too happy with you or that program of yours.” Crystal’s father said in just the right way to give me the chills.
“I understand, and will be careful.” I finished my tea silently. | |
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
 | Part One
Chapter One:
The sound of rain, oddly muffled, slowly woke me up from an unwelcome and rather unexpected sleep. As my senses, which had been so bluntly dulled, began to return to me, I became aware that I was inside, laying on a bed. Gradually I became aware of a dull throbbing pain in my chest, and something soft wrapped around my ribs. A bandage? I thought still unable to move, or even open my eyes. Where am I, and who treated me? I found myself asking in thought. The slight smell of something tickled my nose, a light sweet scent that was familiar to me, but in my cloud of weariness, I couldn’t place it’s origins. Gradually my mind began to wake up, processing the sounds and smell around me more readily. A wash of pain flooded over me, which I was ill prepared to receive. My own breath, in shallow, pained gasps gave more away about my condition than I wanted. A sound next to me stirred, I made myself look, opening my eyes slowly. To my pleasant surprise, I wasn’t in any danger.
Crystal sat in a chair, her face flooded with worry. I caught the twinkling of a tear ready to fall as I glanced over. Upon seeing me shift positions, Crystal quickly gathered herself together, hiding her face from me for a moment. She walked over to the bedside and grabbed my arm at just about the wrist, gripping it tightly. Never once did her face falter from its worrisome expression. “Are you all right?” Her voice was dry, tense.
My face turned a slight pink at the display of emotion. I wasn’t very comfortable when people started getting mushy, and I felt the situation going in that direction. Not wanting to make something of nothing, I didn’t react to the touch as I normally would have. “I’m sorry, it looks like I’m not such a good protector after all.” I spoke in weak tone. “You saved my life, it’s not supposed to work that way.”
“Don’t force yourself to talk.” Crystal said firmly. “You need to rest for now.”
“Thank you for your kindness.” I managed to say before my throat stopped working from a lack of moisture.
Crystal let go of my arm and stood up. She seemed to take a cue from my voice, and left the room, I presumed to get something. That gave me time to survey my surroundings, and figure out just where I was exactly. The first thing I noticed was the bright shade of blue the walls were. A dresser sat next to a closet door on the wall opposite the bed I lay in, and to the left of the bed, in a corner was a plain wooden desk. Several shelves throughout the room were neatly arranged with stuffed animals. In addition, there were a lot of pictures everywhere, photos and drawings of all kinds. A hand drawn poster hung above the desk, the characters locked in a sword struggle reminded me of anime. Sitting on the desk, in a neatly folded pile, were my clothes. It was then that I noticed just how badly I’d been hurt. Most of my chest was wrapped in gauze, my right arm from shoulder to elbow also covered. I pulled the covers back to examine my ankle, which was pulsing with sharp bursts of pain. I had to slide the pajama pants leg up to see the wrappings on my leg, but they went up to knee level. I began to wonder about the situation, but my mind didn’t have time to dwell on it. Crystal reappeared suddenly, carrying a glass of water. She handed it to me before taking a seat at the desk.
“How did I get in here?” I asked after taking a slow sip of the water, which had an odd taste to it. You didn’t drag me up the stairs yourself did you?” I looked at Crystal, my eyes still heavy and tired. I emptied the glass, and reached out to set it on a bedside table, noticing that Crystal was staring at me with an odd expression. I knew the look, having seen it many times before at public pools, or when changing for Gym Class. It related to a scar I got in my training at the Program, the wound ran down the front of my chest from my right shoulder, all the way to my left hip. Since the bandages mostly covered it at the moment, I knew she’d seen it when attending my wounds while I was out cold.
“I had to get my parents to help. They’re a bit worried about you too you know.” Crystal answered. “May I ask you something?” She looked at me with a bit of curiosity.
“Go ahead.” My tone did not betray that I knew what she would ask. If I were right, Crystal would ask me about the scar. People always asked me about it, since it presented an enigmatic opposite to my usually calm and quiet persona.
“How did you get it, that scar I mean?” Crystal asked, fumbling nervously, not wanting to offend me, but curious nonetheless.
“I’m not comfortable discussing that subject.” I closed my eyes, lowering my head.
“I’m sorry if I offended you” Crystal spoke with a note of hurt in her voice.
“I should apologize for being so blunt about it. It’s one of those facets of my life I don’t like others to know about.” I was terrible with apologies, and that one came out all weird and wrong.
“You look tired. I’ll let you rest now. I’ll be back in a bit if you need anything.” Crystal got up again and started to leave.
“This isn’t right.” I observed. “It’s my duty to protect you, nothing will change that, but here you are, in a way, protecting me.” I added.
“Tom, someone has to save you from yourself.” Crystal said as she pulled the door closed behind her, leaving a small gap open.
I was a bit puzzled by the statement, but didn’t want to think too hard on it. I didn’t really notice just how tired I was until that moment. A weight of heavy air seemed to smother me, taking that last bit of energy I had to stay awake. I found myself caught between consciousness and deep sleep, floating in that midway point. It wasn’t long before I fell fast asleep, getting the recuperative rest I needed.
I sat out of Crystal’s way on the bleacher, disguised as a complete stranger waiting to use the Y’s pool which had been rented out for a party. I did that so not to call her attention to me. I tried to be as unobtrusive as I could when she was with others in public, and succeeded without any difficulty. It would have been awkward situation for her try explaining what I, ‘Tom’ was doing there since I was not invited to the party she was attending. Crystal appreciated my giving her the distance to be herself and go about her routine like nothing was amiss. She knew that I’d be there at the first sign of trouble though, ready to fulfill my duties. Having to hide myself let me use the training I received in the Program anyway, so I didn’t complain.
The splashing of water, a chaotic crackling mixed with a myriad of plunks, and other noises, which came from the pool, was oddly calming to me. Water, making any sound, put my mind in a state of higher alertness, which felt quite good. To someone who needed his mind running at its fullest. I leaned back against the plank behind me, not sensing any dangers around. I was relieved that nothing was going on for me to worry. It meant that Crystal wasn’t seen as a high level threat anymore. I watched as the group splashed and swam about, being glad of the mirrored sunglasses I used as part of the disguise.
“Crystal, you’ve been unusually quiet tonight?” One of the other girls there spoke up.
“I’m just thinking Amber.” Crystal replied. Her tone was distant as she panned her eyes around the room, stopping on me for a moment. Another girl swam up and leaned on the edge of the pool. She seemed interested in the conversation.
“Really, it must be important,” Amber said in a way that implied amusement. “Or are you thinking of a someone special?”
“He’s just a friend, that’s all.” Crystal said a little too much, wishing she hadn’t after it was too late.
“Sound’s like she’s got herself a boyfriend.” Jennifer, a.k.a. ‘Jen,’ said in a gossipy way.
“Sound’s like it to me, who’s the lucky guy?” Amber prodded. “I’ll bet it’s Ben from the football team, isn’t it?”
“No, there’s nothing like that going on.” Crystal said defensively.
“Right, you’re here staring off into space thinking about ‘just a friend’ that happens to be a he. If that doesn’t say boyfriend, nothing does.” Jen said good-naturedly.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Crystal yelled, causing everything in the room to get silent for a few moments. Crystal got out of the pool and picked up her towel. She wrapped it around herself and began to head toward the locker room. The others shrugged and continued about their business beginning to spread the gossip about Crystal’s mystery man.
Feeling a tingle on the back of my neck as Crystal went through the door of the poolroom, I got up, moving swiftly, following to make sure everything was okay. The tingle turned into an electrifying static coursing throughout my head, neck and shoulders by the time I’d gotten out into the corridor. I looked up and down it, seeing only one person, a janitor running a vacuum on the carpet. I was bothered by the fact that I didn’t sense it sooner, and it seemed to be emanating from the direction Crystal had gone.
“If I mess this up now I’ll be in some serious trouble at the Program.” I thought out loud which was odd for me. I wondered what was lurking and where it would strike. All I could do was wait, and make sure I was close enough to stop whatever it was when
it needed to be.
It didn’t take long for me to figure out where the attack would take place, as a scream broke the silence, and echoed down the hall. I couldn’t afford to hesitate, so I tore the Concealment Sash off my sword again, and bolted down the corridor to the locker room were Crystal was.
When I got to the door, it was either jammed or locked from the inside. I expected as much. Forcing it open I found myself tumbling into a scene of crazy chaos. A drone was lumbering toward Crystal who was pinned in a corner of the shower. The drone flailing its arms wildly attempting to grab her. I quickly dispatched it with an x stroke of my blade. It fell to the ground in a smoldering pile of black rocks and dirt, hissing and crackling as it disintegrated.
“Are you all right? That thing didn’t get you did it?” I looked over toward Crystal, to see if she had been in any way harmed by the drone. It was part of the training I went through to make sure the Charge wasn’t hurt during an attack. It never occurred to me to make an exception considering the circumstances. Only after I looked up did I realize I shouldn’t have done it. My face got really hot, an indicator that it was beet red by the feel of things. I managed to force myself to look at the floor before my mind completely froze up.
The shade of red in Crystals face wasn’t completely embarrassment, she was furious. She stormed over to me and slapped me across the face so hard I almost fell. “GET OUT YOU JERK!!!” She roared at me. I hurried out of the locker room as fast as I could to keep from being hit again. I found a place to hide myself from Crystal and still protect her. Where there was one drone, usually more would show up. | |
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Monday, May 31, 2004
Summer's Coming
 | With it being the observation of Memorial day, I find myself thinking. Now I'm not normally the sentimental type, but I do take the time to honor those I've lost over the years today. I also turn my mind toward the coming summer. Even though I'm not is school anymore, I stilldo it every year. I think about what I'll do over the hot humid summer months to pass the time, or further myself. The past few years have been devoted to job hunting, so that will probably be the priority this summer as well. I do make plans for time off of my routine, but rarely do I get to indulge those plans.
I do spend the holiday with family, and we have a sort of get together. Usually there's food, a lot of talk, and some good natured competition. This year though, I think I'll steal away for a few hours to quietly draw. I don't mind the family, they can just be a little too much for me at times(and I call myself the crazy one of the bunch).
Now for the shameless plugs:
I uploaded some hand drawn pictures, and it looks like they were posted. Yep, that's right, I finally have the ability to scan my art, so that means I'll be able to upload more of my work to show off. It will take me some time to get used to the scanner, it kind of trashes the colors and shading of my pictures. I'll get the hang of its settings first, but eventually, I'll have the scanner making my art look okay.
I am still working on that story, I'll post the first part of it tomorrow if I can do it(the weather has been nuts trying to keep me offline) If I don't get it up, I'll have a revised post date for you as soon as I can get one up here.
Have a safe holiday everyone,
Anime Dreams | |
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Drawing Nearer
 | First off, for those of you that watch Tech TV, at midnight tonight(eastern time), it will be no more, and G4TechTV will be born. The website will also go the way of the dinosaur into quiet extinction. I learned to role play on their Anime Unleashed board, and it was the first MB I ever posted on at all when I started to get into that sort of thing about a year ago. Only time will tell if the new format which combines programming from both channels(not everything was kept) will be an improvement, or disaster. It's kind of silly to get sentimental over a TV channel, I know. Even I must allow myself certain exceptions to my own persona. I only have one thing that is remotely appropriate to say in a time like this: In Pace Requiescat Tech TV.
On to important things now that I've had my moment.
I keep saying the story is on the way. This post is a rough schedule as to when the first chapter will be up. The story is at least four chapters in two parts, kind of long, but I'll be posting it only one chapter at a time, so I can finish writing it even as it's being read.
Expect to see Chapter One of Mission up here early next week, (Monday or Tuesday), from there It'll be a week between posts if the weather cooperates and lets me work on the story. I've put it off for way to long now and I if I start posting it, I'll have to settle on a version and not rewrite it every few minutes.
Anyway that's the rough schedule, I'll have a more exact one up when I know for sure what I'm doing.
I'll see you all out there somewhere.
Anime Dreams. | |
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
More Updates From My Mind
 | Thank you everyone for your patience with me, I've tamed the wild beast as best I could for the here and now, and have been diligently transcribing this next story as Tom presents it to me. It'l looking to be at least four parts, and may blossom into more depending on how the write sessions go.
I can't say when I'll post it yet, but it looks good for me to have the fist chapter up by the end of the week barring any unforseen complications. I've gotten involved in some other projects as well this week, a few good role plays on the boards I now call home, but those aren't that important at this time. I'll glady explain what RolePlay is about to anyone who asks, so if you don't know, go ahead and ask me, I'll put something together that's comprehensive, but simple.
Anyway, things are still a bit chaotic but I've got them managed for now. I'll try to be on here more often that I have been, andmay have a surprise or two in store for everyone here, but I don't want to jinx it, so that's all I'll say for now.
Until our paths cros again,
Anime Dreams
¥ CosmicSailor | |
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Friday, May 21, 2004
News and Such
 | I'll be on and off a lot in the next few days as I attempt to get the hang of the new computer I was long over due to get. I'm a bit bewildered by all the settings and things that are much different from the old Windows 98 I'm used to running. I'm still working on that story, it'll be a while before it gets up though, I have other things to worry about right now.
Thanks for stopping by, and humoring me in the transition period. Also you'll note that I took down my Yahoo! messenger screen name. I don't intend to install Yahoo! messenger on this machine for the time being, so having that up ther would be pointless.
I'll see you out there,
Anime Dreams | |
Comments (1) |
Sunday, May 16, 2004
 | First off, thanks to everyone who commented on my stories, though I didn't get around to all your sites individually, I appreciated the feedback. It means more to me than I can say to see that people are enjoying my works.
I managed to pursuade Tom to tell me a little about what happened after Secret. It'll be a while before I get any part of that one up, but look for it under the name Mission.
My reasoning for not taking the time to go around to all the sites, or even check up on the fan art section these past few days(which I'll do shortly for as long as I can tolerate sitting here) is due to a slight mishap I had with a stairway this week. I pulled a muscle in my back, so I can't sit down for long periods of time without getting sore. I'll recover, but until then, I have to be careful.
Thanks again to those who commented on my stories, I'll leave them in the archives for others to read and enjoy. Pleasant and very,
Anime Dreams
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (1) |
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
 | And now the conclusion. . .
Part 2
Crystal sat on the sofa in her living room, holding a glass of lemonade with trembling hands. She was confused by what had happened, and very scared. I owed her an explanation, but didn't know where to begin, so I promised to tell her all I could after I made a quick phone call to the Program, to tell them I'd be running late among other things. I stood in the doorway between the living room where Crystal sat and a dining room where a wall mounted phone with a long cord was. I had the phone held to my ear while keeping an eye on Crystal.
The voice of my Instructor in the Program said sternly.
"Look, you said it yourself that the misson sometimes chooses the Protector, and I think this one chose me." I tried to keep my voice low enough not to raise any more concerns. "She's seen the drones, and my weapons. Like it or not Crystal's on the hit list now, and I'm the closest Protector to her."
"I'll need to assess the situation to be sure it is as severe as you think-" The voice said, not really putting much stock in my urgency. I cut him off angrily.
"They attacked her once today already, she' still got the mark on her neck where the thing grabbed her. I don't just think it's bad, I know it'll get worse if someone isn't here." My tone grew a bit, luckily I caught myself keeping my voice down, but harsh at the same time. "Now are you going to authorize full disclosure, or am I going to be left to fend for myself again?"
"Okay here's how you'll handle it, Tell her only what she needs to know, not everything, you got it?" The voice asked in a demanding tone.
"I understand." I replied.
"Good, I take it that you'll need a new Concealment Sash as well?" My instructor asked.
"It would help, I'll be by later to pick it up. I think I'd better stay here for a while." My concern must have gotten through to the Instructor.
"I'll bring it to you. I don't think I need to remind you not to let this get personal. We're still cleaning up the mess from your last mission." The instructor hung up before I could answer.
I hung up the phone and went into the living room where Crystal was and sat down in a chair opposite the sofa. She looked up at me while setting her glass on a coaster. The turmoil in her eyes hit me harder that I was expecting.
"Well, you going to tell me what's going on?" Crytal asked, not really annoyed, but her tone came out that way.
"I can't tell you everything, but I can tell you a little." I said in a firm voice. Even the tests never prepared a person for the moment they had to break the Secret and tell an outsider.
"Can you at least tell me what those things were that attacked us?" Crystal asked, her voice quivering a little bit.
"Drones, creatures of lava rock and magic designed to look human, but completely without a soul." I didn't want to sound scary, but I was never good at telling that part of the Secret, even in the tests.
"Then how is it they moved if they have no soul, doesn't that mean they're dead?" Crystal started to sound like she wasn't believing me, the denial stage I'd been trained for, or so I assumed.
"Not exactly. Motion can be given to the inanimate by magic, making what isn't alive to appear so." I took out one of the shards of my Concealment Sash and after setting it on the table, touched it. The strip of cloth writhed a bit before stopping. "That gets into what I can't tell you about though." I said when Crystal's eyes went wide. I didn't want to talk too much about the nature of the drones anyway, it was difficult to explain them to an outsider.
"Why did they attack us?" Crystal took the hint and moved on, lifting her glass to take a sip.
"Any number of reasons. I think they were initially after me, and you just happened to be there when they made their move." I didn't know the answer, but wished I did.
"Can you tell me about that?" Crystal pointed at my sword, which I'd been painfully aware of it's being visible since I tore the sash off it to use it. I was surprised that when I'd been introduced to Crystal's mother, she said nothing about it.
"Not much, just that it's an old Katana, and I have to keep it concealed so that I may carry it even at school. The drones don't often attack in a timely manner." I said shaking my head, wishing I'd been granted Full Disclosure.
"You can't tell me much about anything that's going on at all can you?" Crystal asked directly.
"Only this, I'm a Protector, and my mission is now to keep you safe from those things, and whatever else may come after you." The line sounded like something out of a really bad old movie, corny and full of sap.
Crystal started to respond, her face reflected worry, but the bell rang and she got up to see who it was. From where I sat I knew it was my instructor bringing the much needed Concealment Sash. After a while Crystal came back with a small paper package and a note. She handed them to me with the weirdest look on her face. She sat down and waited for me to read the note, and open the package. I took the package and opened it first. There were two Concealment Sashes in the package, the first was a small crimson one for the sword, I wrapped it gently around the Katana's blade and tied it off, as soon as I'd finished pulling the knot tight, the sword vanished. The second one was a larger, midnight blue shimmering one. I'd have to use it later to keep an eye on Crystal without her knowing I was there. I kept it folded, and slipped it into my coat pocket, I then turned my attention to the note, it was hand printed, and had only two words: Mission Approved In big black letters. I folded it up and stuck it in my pocket with the Sash.
"Anything important?" Crystal asked, seeming not to notice the sword had disappeared.
"Only a confirmation." I said looking at the sunset's light being reflected through the curtains and blinds on the front window.
I had been trained for such missions, and knew what I'd have to do eventually. I thought about the mission choosing me, wondering if there was more to it that just protecting one classmate. Those things usually revealed themselves only at the right time, so I pushed the thought out of my head. I readied myself for Crystal's little get together keeping in mind my duties, and not to let the night get the better of me. At some point during the party, I quietly slipped out and perched myself in the branch of a tree near a second story window. I had accepted my duty, and was not going to complicate things by getting too close to the target, as I'd done before. Combining my training with the second Sash, I melted into the darkness of night. I took my post as fate had intended for me, not knowing what, if anything would come of it.
finé | |
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