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| CosmicSailor
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
 | This is the Second Character Narrative I've written. I've been promising it for a long time now, and well, here it is. I do want to thank those that commented on my first story Rain. I may not have followed up individually on those comments but I appreciated them. Please enjoy this one, done in two parts.
Secret(Part One)
"Mister Harris," The stern voice of my Algebra teacher brought me back to reality. "I trust there are more important things outside than the coming finals?" He said, trying to emabarrass me. I didn't really care, but I played along, forcing my face to flush a slight red color.
"I apologize sir, it won't happen again." I promised in a subtle voice, barely loud enough to hear.
"I'll hold you to that." The Teacher replied. "Now if you'd all-" The bell ringing cut him off. He changed directions in an instant. "Have a good weekend everybody."
"Tom, wait." The voice struck my ears before I could even stand up. I turned as I stood to see Crystal, a classmate of mine who was usually surrounded by the popular set.
"Crystal." I acknowledged, and didn't say anything else.
"Would you do me a favor?" Crystal asked, her voice was very serious.
I thought a moment, wondering what it would be. It could have been another prank, or some other sort of cruel joke, but I didn't think she'd do that to me like many of her friends did. Crystal didn't look like she was hiding anything, so I decided to give it a shot, it couldn't be that bad anyway.
"Sure, why not." I finally said, after deliberating on it.
"Would you meet me out by the main doors in say about five minutes? I need to ask you something, privately." Crystal asked, catching me by surprise.
"Okay, I'll be there." I assured then hurried to my locker wondering what was so important that Crystal would want to talk to me privately about something. I gathered everything together and was out by the door just in time to see Crystal walking up.
"Walk with me for a bit." Crystal said as she started down the sidewalk.
"Mind if I ask you something now?" I caught up with her and kept in step. "What is this about?"
"You want to know why I asked you to come along with me right? Well that's simple. You don't normally daydream in class, so I thought there was something wrong, and you know I'm always trying to be a friend." Crystal responded directly. "There was something in your eyes too. The clouds, they remind you of something you lost a long time ago."
I was a bit confused by the perception Crystal seemed to have, I did want to tell her, but I was sworn not to say a thing about that part of my life. I remained silent for a while, not sure what to say. If I said too much, it would be a disaster for both of us, and too little would leave her wondering what kind of person I really was.
"Was there really something in my eyes?" I asked after an uncomfortable few moments.
"Yes there was, a glint of hope, whether or not you believe in it." Crystal said hinting at my outspoken belief that hope is a sham.
"I see, I guess the clouds do remind me of something, but I can't tell you anything more than that." I tried not to sound mysterious, but it came out wrong, and I got a curious look. "Well, ask me what you wanted to ask me." I said with a bit of impatience.
"Give me time to get to it." Crystal said with mock annoyance. "I'm having a few people over tonight and I'd like you to be one of them." She added casually.
"You want me to come to a party?" I was almost sure that I was being set up for something. "Why?"
"Well, I wouldn't call it that, it's just a few people getting together to talk, listen to music, and maybe catch a movie or something. Besides that, talk around school is that you don't get out much and socialize, and you don't invite people over to your place either." Crystal answered. "I think it's time that changed."
"I don't go to parties because I'm not invited, save yours just now, and the Program won't allow me to bring outsiders into the dorms." It came out a little more bluntly than I wanted it to, but I think Crystal understood.
"Oh, that's right you're in that Program for kids who lost their parents in that plant disaster about ten years back." Crystal reacted, having just remembered. "It must be hard for you there, not having your parents and all. They will let you out tonight won't they?"
"I manage." I pushed it off as nothing. "I don't think it'll be a problem, but it's hard to say. I'll have to check in with them first." I tried not to sound like I didn't want to go, but in truth I was really not in the mood to try and socialize with a bunch of people who wouldn't give me the time of day under normal circumstances.
"You can do that at my place." Crystal offered as she turned a corner on the street.
"Okay." I said suspiciously. "If you insist." I noticed something tagging along behind us as I rounded the corner. It wasn't something I was concered with right away, but as it came closer, ducking in and out view behind me, I knew it was going to be trouble. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and grabbed Crystal's arm. Leaning in close I whispered in her ear. "When I say down, jump behind that bush over there, cover your head, and don't get up until I tell you it's safe, okay?"
"Why, what's going on?" Crystal's voice was concerned, having picked up on my tone of utmost seriousness.
"I'll explain later, now isn't the time, Please, trust me." I said with renewed urgency.
We took a few more steps, and I could see in the corner of my eye the thing following us was still moving closer. I stepped back from Crystal and whipped around to face the empty sidewalk. My hand went to my side, but I knew it wasn't time to break the Oath and reveal my weapon. I waited a moment, looking for the pursuer carefully, not seeing it I turned around and took another step with Crystal. Then, everything happened at once.
The pursuer lunged at us from a tree, and I pushed Crystal toward the bush. "Get down!" I blurted and couldn't wait to see that she had done so. I grabbed at my left side and tore the Concealment Sash off of a very old sword I had been issued by the Program. Drawing it quickly I cut into the pursuer, it's body crumbled apart and turned to dust right before my eyes. I didn't have time to resheath my sword as two more enemies popped up from nowhere. They attacked both at once trying to catch me off guard, but I moved too fast for them and quickly sliced through one, then spun around and took the other down.
"Tom?!" Crystal's voice came, and it was terrified. I looked to see another of the drones had grabbed Crystal and was holding her hostage with a hand to her throat.
I resheathed my sword, taking out one of three knives that had also been issued to me by the Program for defensive situations. Holding it up to my forehead, I closed my eyes and threw it quickly. The drone took the blade right between the eyes and let Crystal go. As it crumbled to dust on the ground Crystal ran to me, very much shaken by what went on.
"You'd better have a good explanation for all this." Crystal said, her voice shaking.
"Let me get you home first, the drones that can spot us out here can't see us through walls."
To Be Continued. . .
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Monday, May 3, 2004
 | This is the rerepost of Rain (Brought back due to popular demand). The first part of my next Narrative, called Secret will be up Thursday.
Rain, cold and steady fell indiscriminantly on the city and the few people who were out so late in it. The thunder and lightning were subdued, enhancing the clean, peaceful atmosphere without all the noise and chaos of a storm. A brief fleck of light whispered among the clouds in a dance that took it skipping across the dark night sky. As the gentle static of rain fell softly on everything, a slight grumbling of thunder could be heard telling its secrets to those who would listen. The lights from the store fronts glowed brightly off the pavement, polished to a mirror shine by the layer of water laying on it, though blurred by the dancing raindrops.
I walked slowly through a small park nestled in across the street from a line of stores, noting tht though the night was filled with sounds and activity, it was rather still and quiet. An occassional jogger would run by, casting an odd look back, as if trying to figure out the stranger in his dark trenchcoat walking in the rain without even noticing it pelting him. The damp, chilled air carried with it a salty, earthy scent brought with the rain from wherever the clouds had been before. Finding a bench and sitting down, I waited. A shadowy figure had been following very close and kept dropping in and out of my field of view. It wasn't treatening in any way, just a nuisance to see the slightest hint of movement flitting around, and know something was behind it.
"Some weather tonight?" A voice asked me from the other end of the bench. I recognized it instantly, though I cringed to here the voice of my Special Instructor, strike that, former Special Instructor again so soon.
"I like the rain." My tone was dry, a bit distant. "It's calming, and it doesn't care who you are." I turned to look at my shadow. "Why have you been following me?"
"You left in such a hurry without saying anything, I had to make sure you were okay." The Instructor said with concern in her voice.
"I didn't have a choice. You know the circumstances, don't make me repeat them." I probably said that too harshly, but anger makes one lose control at times.
"It was a setback, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on the Program entirely." The Instructor spoke in an odd tone, hiding something very important, something she didn't want to say.
"Instructor Heart," I spoke firmly, using the name assigned to the Instructor by the Program, they had this thing with human traits. "I took an an oath that states when I can not longer live up to the mission, I will step down from my position and leave the Program completely. I lost the charge placed in my protection, that's all there is too it. I can't go back." I turned my eyes to a couple standing by the fountain in the park's center. They were discussing something important judging by the emphatic gestuing of their arms. A wash of emotions came from that conversation, frustration, anger, jealousy, and a lot more all began spinning around inside my head. A quick blink wiped it all away.
"You're quitting after all you've been taught, just because of one small thing?" Instructor Heart asked, sounding like she didn't believe what I'd said.
"A person is dead because I froze at a critical moment and couldn't do anything. I can't be a Protector if that's how I handle attacks." I snapped bitterly, turning my attention to the sky, letting the rain roll down my face.
"You're letting the results of only one test ruin it for you?" Instructor Heart surprised me with some information I hadn't been aware of, and her tone of amusement.
"It was a test?!?" I barked so loud the sound eched off buildings, and could be heard over the rain and thunder. "Tell me, is the victim sitting back laughing at my expense right now?"
"It's not like that, the situation was real, but it was under observation." Instructor Heart corrected.
"Then don't waste your time. I'd violate the oath I took if I went back." I stood up and took a step away from the bench.
"Before you go," Instructor Heart took a long thin box out of her coat and handed it to me. "You should take this." Her tone was giving, but buried the truth again.
"If that's what I think it is, I can't accept it." lifted my hands back to keep them from touching the box, which I was pretty sure contained the symbol of the Program given to those who successfully complete it, a rather ornately hilted dagger. After a moment of my standing still, I could barely feel a note of hesitancy coming from Heart. It was well masked, but there all the same.
"It's not exactly what you think it is," Heart spoke in a lighter tone, "and I have my reasons for giving it to you, please take it." she offered it to me again, I still didn't take the box.
"You're not telling me something, what is it already?" I asked straight out, picking up a spike in the uncertainty as the question came.
"I was sent out her to try and get you back, because the Program doesn't want to have to go with the alternative." Heart said slowly, trying to get up the nerve to tell me.
"Alternative?" I asked.
"If you don't go back, you'll be assigned a Protector of your own." Heart got it out after a long pause. "They just want to make sure your gift is safe, and won't be warped into a Dark Power."
"What you call a gift, is a curse to me. It isn't easy having to sort through all those projected emotions every day. Who's been assigned? It can't be you there's a conflict of interest." My tone was firm, perhaps unjustly angered, but it got the point across.
"I'm only temporary, that's something we both agree on." Heart said assuringly.
"Good, I'll want to speak with him, so make sure he knows to show himself when I address him." The fountain, now unoccupied looked like a great place to think, so I headed toward it, but used what training I had from the Program to melt into the shadows and disappear.
At the fountain's edge I sat staring at the water. The ripples from the rain cascading into it seemed to represent thoughts and how they warp and twist with a drip in the right place. The center column, lit by a plain white light, gurgled an bubbled splashing the waters even more, adding turbulence to the serenity of the rain. It bothered me to know I'd have a living shadow, that I was considered valuable enough to warrant protection. Instructor Heart chose to leave me alone to think about the situation, and get used to the idea, but she did leave the box on the fountain's edge where I sat without my noticing. I opened it up, and sure enough, it was a Program Dagger, but the insignia on the hilt was the one issued to those officially released from service. I studied the dragon's image, and its fire breath closely before closing up the box and going over my choices.
Finé | |
Comments (1) |
 | Breakthrough!
I've been having problems with the Otaku Jukebox for a long time now, I've mentioned it before, but I have good news. I've got the Juke running now, and it seems to be doing fine. I don't know what I did, but it may have been part of one of the updates I ran recently for my computer that fixed it. I'm not complaining.
I think I'll repost Rain on saturday, barring any unexpected complications, and go from there. hopefully I'll be able to edit my previous postings to remove it(I don't need the same story posted three times in my archives) by then.
I have to admit I'm a bit curious about what the new version of Myotaku will be like. I look forward to it, and at the same time I'm apprehensive about it. change can be scary at first, an understandable thing. Patience is something I find very difficult, but I'll certainly try to keep it and let the surprise truly be a pleasant one. Okay, now I know I'm tired, I'm rambling nonsense again.
Anime Dreams
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (0) |
Thursday, April 29, 2004
 | Well, I'm back, and after a bit of rest I decided it was time to post here again with an update on things from the Desert Wastelands of my mind. I'll start with another postponement of my narratives. I want to be sure everything is working before I try to repost my first one, and it looks like things are still being done in a major way onsite here, so I'll hold off another week to give things time to settle down.
I've also given some thought to the idea, and decided I'd turn off my guestbook for the time being. It's a good thing to have one, but I need a break from it for a while. Depending on how things are set up in Version 2 of myotaku, I'll bring it back eventually. I do want to thank everyone who signed it, sorry I don't have a list of names to post here.
You'll have to excuse me, but a sandstorm is brewing up and I have to go shutter the windows before my mind is turned into a real mess.
Anime Dreams
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Friday, April 23, 2004
 | I've decided it would be better to put off posting my stories until the major renovations being done to myotaku are finished. I'll Rerepost Rain and post my other Narrative when I know the work is almost completed. I apologize for breaking my promise, and for pulling this at the last minute, but it'll be better for me to wait until everything is fully functional again before I try to post my Narratives.
I get easily frustrated when things don't work, doing and saying things I shouldn't(relates to that arrogance thing I mentioned a few days back). That kind of stress would only interfere with the quality of my work, and bring it down to something I would not be satisfied with posting.
I do like the way some of these changes are going. I'll be able to draft up my posts offline and just paste then in here without having to cut out all the line breaks I put in so that it formats right when I check my coding. The highlighted update thing is a plus too, it'll be a time saver in the long run. I'm curious to see what all will be done by the time this renovation is complete. So far it looks good.
I'll make this announcement formally now. Some personal matters have come up and I'll be offline for a while, I'm not sure how long, but the matters that need attending will take up the first part of next week. I think I'll have to take the full week off to recover from what I'll be going through, which is fine by me, I need the rest now as it is.
So basically I'm saying that this post will be my last until at least next Saturday, due to the personal matters, my need to rest, and the renovations on site here. I'll try to explain all I can when I get back, until then,
Anime Dreams
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (2) |
Thursday, April 22, 2004
 | Reposted from April 10, 2004
Story removed for reposting
I'll be offline for the first part of the week next week, so this story will be up until I get back and post the first part of my second Narrative.
I'll provide the details of my offline ventures when I get back.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
 | Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them.
It looks like I'll be on track for having the repost of Rain(My first Narrative) up either Friday Or Saturday. I'll post the first part of my Second Narrative Secret a few days after that(Monday or Tuesday). Then by the end of next week, part two of Secret will be up. That's how I'm going to handle it I think it'll work out.
Now that I've got the kink worked out of my shoulder, I can type pain free again! The chair had it in for me I suppose, but it's not going to be a problem anymore.
I was able to meditate and came to an understanding within myself, so I'm moving on. I'll be recycling the quizes at some point to have some fresh stuff up here for a change, don't need the same things repeated all the time.
Anime Dreams | |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 18, 2004
 | I'll have to postpone posting those Narratives until the end of the week. I got into moving some furniture and well, my shoulder feels like it's been on the receiving end of Kenshin's Reverse Blade Sword. I haven't completely typed up the second Narrative yet, and whatever I did will make it hard to type for a few days, that means I may not post an update for a short while. Don't worry I'll have them up as soon as I can.
It's interesting that some people don't notice that something dark about themselves until they are forced to face it. In the past week I've seen a part of myself that I did not want to believe existed. I've known I can be stubborn and impatient, so those didn't surprise me, but I saw a level of arrogance in myself too. I did not expect that in any way, as it means what I've been telling myself to believe may not indeed be what I think it is, but an illusion to hide me from my true self. I've claimed to have a Code of Honor to live by, but now I'm not so sure. Good and right have been twisted by that one truth, and I'll need time to figure out just what it is I stand for. I don't know anymore.
I'll meditate on my own demonstration of arrogance, and what I thought was my Code of Honor. Maybe I'll even put my code down in writing, I should have a hard copy of my principles at the ready, just in case I lose myself again. It's scary to see yourself from a different perspective, and not recognise who you are. I know I'll never take who I am for granted again that's for sure.
I've got to go now, my shoulder's thanking me for typing this long in the only way it knows how, pain.
Anime Dreams.
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, April 17, 2004
 | Comes another mental picture:
Golden orb retreats behind jagged teeth of rock in the distance, a soft sigh flows in coming away from the liquid treasure. Twilight shadows dance in an age old ceremony to welcome the night, crawling out across trees and fields. Slowly, in the tapestry above, little lights wink on one by one, and in the fields below, the soft yellowy green dancing glints start up as well, writing messages in the dark, flashing and pulsing in a merry celebration, while the chorus of night stikes up thier instruments and either sing or play to the party.
That's a strange one I know, but it's been in my head for days now and I just got to putting it to writing.
I'm looking forward to the new Inuyasha episodes coming tonight(if the information I have is accurate) I'll be lost for a while, still haven't gotten caught up from the last time my cable was out, so I'll just have to wing it I guess. I'm interested in the ending themes. They seem to run those still, and I've like them so far (My Will, Fukai Mori, and Dearest are what I've heard to date all good). Anyway. it's great news to me that new episodes are coming.
Anime Dreams
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (2) |
Thursday, April 15, 2004
 | this is the trial run of something I'll be trying to do at least twice a month. Basically it covers important stuff I've mentioned in past posts, that need to be refreshed. Here's the rundown.
· Sheet Music Publisher Search.
The quest is on for the names of sheet music publishers who specialize in anime music, specifically arranged for the violin. Any pointers, possibilities, or rumors would be helpful to me.
I'll be running searches on the major engines this weekend again, maybe something will come up with a renewed more specific search.
· Open Picture Request.
I do have some interest in the picture request I made a few posts ago, thanks to those interested so far, I look forward to seeing the pictures.
The Request:
Take the self portrait of me that's posted below, and turn me into a youko. Draw it in your own style, and don't just add details to the image below, be creative with it.
Anyone else interested, tell me in a comment below or via email(click the link to the left). I do ask that anyone sending emails put their username in the subject line so I know it's really from someone. I'll leave this open for another week, accepting any interested artists up to that point, once accepted, take all the time you need to draw it. I'm working on one myself, but getting it digitized to submit it here will be hard.
The best way to get the picture to me, would be to send an email to me without the picture, and we'll work out the details from there. I'm very paranoid about attachments, that why it's best to contact me first, and lets agree on how to handle the picture. I also encourage the artists to submit the pictures here as well.
· My story.
I'll be reposting the first Character Narrative as I call them, next week. Then I'll have the first of a two part Narrative, following a different character's story up shortly after that. Both are in first Person Perspective, which I will explain at the bottom of the first Narrative which is only one post long.
That's my Bi-Monthly Recap, feel free to comment on any of the topics mentioned. | |
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