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| CosmicSailor
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
 | Sometime soon I'll be posting a sort of recap thing in an effort to keep open topics fresh. If I can manage to do it I'll make a bimonthly thing out of it. Other than that I haven't got much for today. It's been a rough one all around.
My next post may be a couple days away, I'm running a little low at the moment from a lot of things, Until my next update then(sorry no mental pictures today either, just some very creepy imagery I'd rather not share)
Anime Dreams,
~CosmicSailor | |
Comments (1) |
Monday, April 12, 2004
Brain Motor Runnning (That Explains The Aroma Of Ozone)
 | I've been thinking about the story I posted, it's in the archives and not going anywhere, but I may repost it anyway, to keep it fresh, that would be later this week or maybe even next week. There are a couple different directions I can go from here regarding it:
One, continue to follow this character in his adventures, seeing where they may go, or
Two, Follow various characters who's lives have been changed by the mysterious Program(read the story to know what I'm talking about).
I have a couple of those(other charater stories) handwritten, just need to take the time to type them. Any input would be helpful so I can continue to entertain in the best way possible.
Open Request
I have an interesting, and somewhat shallow request for any and all persons interested in humoring me. It has to do with having a picture drawn. I'm not good at beating around the bush so I'll just out with it. I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in taking the time to draw picture of me(Using the self portrait I posted as a guidleine) as a youko. I'm working on one myself, but I won't be able to submit it(its on paper) and I'm curious to see how others see me seeing myself(that's a mouthful). Don't just add details to the self portrait, I could do that myself. Be creative with it and do it in your own style. I'd like to see a few different artists attempt it, and If I can manage, I'll try to find a way to submit my version when it's done. If your interested in trying, post a message in the comments and tell me so. Should be fun whatever happens.
Anime Dreams,
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 11, 2004
 | I promised a bit of an explanation on the format of the story I posted yesterday(click the archive link, it'll be the very first one you see) so I came in today to do that.
Well, it goes along with a passion of mine other that anime, that being the theatre. I've done a lot of things in the three years I was really wrapped up in it, but one of my all time favorites was In Character Monologues. Simply put, create a character (Much like doing for any story, or Role Play) and figure out his or her story, then present that story in character(as an actor it is important to take on all aspects of the character including dress, mannerisms, and speech patterns, among other things) to the rest of the class, trying to keep it between three to five minutes.
The story I posted was one such experiment I did on my own time, more recently than my theatre days. There's a lot of subtext in that one that I could go into in future spinoff installments, but I'd need to know the first one was well received before I put any more work into it.
There is a saying "truth is the greatest treasure." Granted it may not seem like much, but it's all I can offer to make sense of the first person format of my story. Read it, and tell me what you think. I'll have another mental picture up tomorrow.
Anime Dreams
¥ CosmicSailor
This edit thing has got to be changed back! I don't like retyping ten subject lines just to correct one post! | |
Comments (1) |
Saturday, April 10, 2004
 | Here's the story I said would be up today. It's short enough to not need multiple parts. The format may be a little strange to those who don't know me in person, but I'll explain that later.
Removed for reposting
| |
Comments (0) |
Friday, April 9, 2004
 | I've given some thought to the idea of trying again with a story, and here's what I came up with. I'll try to post the first section(of two, maybe three) Saturday(Tomorrow). If I don't have a section up then, I'll have a timetable of when to expect it up. I'm currently in the process of wrapping up the story, and I'm not sure how long that will take. I will try to have the first part of it up Saturday though.
The desert wasteland which is my mind is in the middle of a sandstorm at the moment, I guess I put a little too much thought into the rebirth of my storytelling "career" here. I'll get the broom and start sweeping up when it all subsides and I can think(a dangerous thing for me) straight again. It could be my lack of sleep too, although I do my best work when I'm tired, so I shouldn't complain.
I've put the mental picture for today on hold, only because it would be redundant to have a scene from the story posted twice. My mind is locked on it right now, so other "thinks" are put on hold temporarily. I'm just hoping my mental picturing can blend with a good plotline. Anyway, we'll see what happens.
I've got to get that story finished so I can get it up here as soon as possible.
Anime Dreams,
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (0) |
Thursday, April 8, 2004
 | For those that hadn't noticed, I've changed my Avatar to be more fitting to my mood. Anyway, I hope what I've done to this site is unique, but not too bizarre.
My mind is going now on many things, and I'll be burnt out again from a lack of sleep before I know it. I'm trying to sort out everything I've mentioned in the past few days just to make it clear to me what's going on. I'll do it as a list just so I don't confuse anyone more than I am already.
I asked about converting paper pictures to digital without having a scanner or digital camera. That it not important anymore so strike it for now.
I asked about publishers of violin arrangements for anime music. No feedback on that one yet, so it's still open.
I pondered the idea of posting on of my stories here, also an open topic right now from a lack of feedback.
I posted a mental picture, like many that I get. I asked others to share theirs too. That one is weird so I'll strike it, but I'll continue to post my pictures, because I like to do it. They kind of show how I write anyway, think of them as samples of my ability.
Wow, I've been busy the past few days, it's a wonder I can keep track of it all. Hang onto something, here comes another mental picture!
A soft sound, staticy yet fluid, rising and falling in random order blends with the thick, salty, and slightly stale aroma flooding the air. Warm sand glints brightly as the sun begins to retreat from the deep blue green ocean, heaving as if it were alive. The waters reach out onto the sand, grabbing at anything that might be standing there, breathing a sigh as blue turns to white in a rushing charge up the wet sand toward the drier parts. A blink way out in the haze signals the coming night with its lonely vigil. It pulses again, ever brighter as the sun takes to it's place behind the hills. The haze, growing thicker, comes out of the waters a meanacing monster, hiding everything from view. The breaths of the ocean become the only sound in a still night. The light in the distance pulses again, dimmer as the pale haze tries to conceal even the beacon to those lost in it. Long and low, the beacon whails a sorrowful note, almost roaring in challenge to the veil of gray taking hold on everything. Another sighing breath from the reaching waters is answered by another long and low note, filling the night with an odd song as sad and beautiful as time itself.
It is impossible to put into words the beauty of a visiting a real lighthouse on the ocean's shore at night. For those of you who've had that pleasure, you know what I'm saying. It's not easy to capture the very essence of the evening and describeit without losing some of the details. Not my best mental picture, I know.
Anime Dreams.
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, April 7, 2004
 | I seem to be back to my crazy old self again. That is apparent by the nonsensical title of this post. I don't know what it means, It sounded good at the time. Maybe I'll use it as a name for one of those stories I'm always typing up for no reason. It's interesting how a day or two can change one's perspective on things. Oh well, I've never been the sentimental type so it's time to move on to less thought provoking subject matter(I do so hate to think for long periods of time, makes me look smart, and I don't want that).
I've been considering whether or not I should attempt to post one of my stories here again. I'm still leary of doing that with how well my last one was received(The sarcasm should be apparent). Anyway, I'm working on a short story at the moment for myself primarily, but may post it here at some point. I'd need to test the waters first to see if there's an interest in such things before I waste that much time and effort again. Don't go looking for the attempt I'm talking about, I've taken down that material permanently.
Now that the important stuff is out of the way, onward to the desert wasteland which is my mind. Watch that first step, it's a killer.
A slight chill graces the air, mirroring the rich blue of the lazy sky overhead as the sun peaks up over the horizon below. Thin veils of white drift along, sailing toward an unknown future off in the distance. Green stretches out across the land far out of reach underneath, and just on the edge where land meets sky is a thin jagged silvery gray line of mountains stretching as far in both directions as any eyes could see. The gentle touch of a morning breeze teases the landscape below with it's cooling sigh. rippling the greens in various waves rolling from one end of the horizon to the other and beyond. The soft, billowy, white fluff beneath my feet holds me suspended high in the air, looking down on a world that is mostly oblivious to its own beauty. The sight of a sparkling lake is wonderous from the heights, adding a magical touch to a splendid morning.
I get stuff like that going on in my head almost constantly. I see things in dreams, when I'm listening to songs, even when I'm typing up these posts some crazy mental picture will just pop into my head. If I could draw them as well as I see them, I'd be happy happy.
Anyway, comment on my mental picture, and share one of your own. I was imagining what it would be like to live on a cloud(my mind is scary sometimes)
Anime Dreams
¥ CosmicSailor | |
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Here's that Something Serious
 | I said I'd have a serious post this week. This is it. I'll try to be less so in the future.
I got a bit of bad news from an online friend (No it's not anyone here, I do frequent other sites as well). Basically he told me that he might not be online as much anymore, giving me that reason(I'm not going to go into the details here). I thought about it, he asked for my input on the matter, and I decided that I was okay with whatever he decided, because after all, the only way he knows me is as text on a screen. I'll know for sure later what he decides, whether I post that here will depend on my mood at the time.
Now to get Unserious.
That didn't last long did it?
A bit about myself before I go on: I play(Attempt to anyway) the violin. I've played it for a couple years now, I'm not that good with the classics and all, but I can do a mean Row, Row, Row, Your Boat I refer the Star Trek fans to the Fifth movie to get the joke, others will have to look a bit for it right here. Anyway, If anyone could help me out with where to look for information on who publishes sheet music from anime I'd be much obliged. I could talk my local music store into special ordering it if I knew what to tell them to order. It has to be arranged for the violin though, I've seen a piano arrangement for Change The World(Inuyasha first opening), and it goes a couple notes too low for me (Below open G for any other violinists out there) and I'm not that inclined on a keyboard instrument of any kind. Anyway every little bit helps. Thanks in advance.
I've got a couple of projects I need to start on tonight that I've been putting off too long as it is. I had an interesting picture request by a relative that I need to have done soon. I can't even think about posting that one as I'm drawing it on paper. Oh well, if it makes my family smile, that'll be good enough for me at the moment. I also have a story I'm working on, whether or not I post it is up in the air. I want it finished first in any case.
With all that talk of projects I thought I was getting serious again :P to me for that. Anyway I'll be busy, but I always make time to check this out and see what's up. I can feel the springtime coming in my allergy to Tulips. Gotta sneeze! I mean go.
Anime Dreams.
¥ CosmicSailor
~Spock: "I am well versed in the classics doctor."
McCoy: "Then how come you don't know Row, Row, Row Your Boat?" -ST V (Near opening of Movie) | |
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Monday, April 5, 2004
A Little Light to Read By?
 | I thought I'd take a moment to do something completely random and unexpected. I'm going to explain where I got the new colors for my site. I've been way to serious the past few posts, and need to lighten up a bit for now to be ready when I make a very serious post later this week.
The orange-red main background color, believe it or not, is actually my hair color. I don't know why exactly I went with it, but it works for me. The secondary background color is a fleshtone I pulled from a Tenchi Muyo screenshot I found a while back. The header text is a dark red, so it kind of goes with my text, which is almost always firebrick. I used firebrick text when I had a whole InuYasha theme going here, so I kind of reverted to that. The link hover color was supposed to be Kenshin's faded red outfit, but it didn't have the pop I wanted so I lightened it up a little to make it work. That about covers everything, if I haven't mentioned something, I'll probably be changing it soon.
That's it for my off the wall and totally unexpected post. I'll probably be serious next time, but that remains to be seen.
Anime Dreams,
¥ Cosmicsailor | |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 4, 2004
Anime Realities
 | First off I have two things I need to say. One, I apologize for my harsh words from a while back relating to art. They were insensitive, rude, and uncalled for. Two, Thank you to whomever accepted my picture for posting. It does me good to see that I was able to do something right for a change.
On to the post.
I have this big red mark on my arm where I've been pinching myself all afternoon to be sure I'm not in some kind of dream or hallucination. I was surprised to see that at least one of the pictures I submitted was accepted. That was an unexpected, and pleasant shock for me when I checked in here yesterday afternoon. I'm not quite sure what to think now, I've kind of been knocked off balance for once.
With that first step up here, I'll have to begin to plan other art projects, and begin them as soon as possible. With my schedule, it'll be tight, but anything worth doing well is worth the extra pain suffered in the process. I won't say any more than that right now, because it seems Lady Luck likes me when I'm secretive, and she's not the kind of person you want to make angry.
Guess that means I'm in good spirits for once, and odd departure from my usual reserved calm or explosive temper. I like feeling good, it makes me want ot create something, and share that with others. I've got to go now, those projects I mentioned yesterday aren't going to finish themselves, and I've added a few new ones to the list too.
Sweet, Beautiful, Anime Dreams to everyone who reads this, and those around them.
¥ CosmicSailor | |
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