I got another submission in for my open challenge of the lizardman soda jerk. Check out my response to Hop's last comment for more info, and a really neat looking thumbnail of th picture.
That's a piece of art I stumbled across on TheO and I thought I'd share it. Why?, Well, I liked what I saw. The artwork was very nicely done, and I kind of like that two-tone manga quality to the piece, and the caption surprised me too. Heiros used Pixia to make that artwork, remember Pixia? The program I talked about a while back? It's nice to know I'm not the only one using that program here. If you feel up to it, take a look at the art for yourself.
I have to show off my latest piece too, since I rarely upload art, I'm going to make a big production of each piece that makes the cut here. My piece is actually a second art trade, this one with Shi-sama07, oh and it's an early birthday gift for her too, her birthday is the 21 this month, coming up next weekend. I'm just glad I took the extra time with this one. I'd have been a little ticked if it was accepted. If I add up all the time, it would come out to half a day, maybe longer, I spent a couple two and three hour stretches on it.
On that note, I need to go back to the drawing board (literally) for the "Something Mecha" piece for Breakfast Squid, I'd like to do something that's quality enough to be accepted on the site here. I am running new ideas through my head and I hope to have something better submitted soon. Every time I finish one art project, I create two more for myself, no wonder none of them get done quickly! Anyway, I'm working on that too, but it's kind of on the back burner since I did get the one attempt at it done.
Actually, I like the idea of doing art trades with people, it lets me be creative in a controlled way, and it forces me to work more quickly on my artwork. I think I'll take tomorrow to finish up the Chibis and the other picture for my sister who's waited half a year for them already, just to get on top of things, add to that a special project for whtdragon (her birthday is Tuesday), and I'll have a full week, then I have to work on those pastels for my nephew, a promise is a promise.
Best of luck to your brother on his project. I can write scripts, but I do that for hobby, not seriously.
You can start your own project any time, even if you only work on it five minutes a day, you can still do it. Honestly, I have the same problem with my writing, I almost always end up rewriting everything while I'm still writing the story. This time I wouldn't let myself do that. What you do is pick a target date, say November 20, this year, now you start writing, take a few minutes every day, or every other day, or once a week, whenever you get a spare moment to think, and just write. Don't reread what you've written (I recommend OpenOffice.org's Writer program, it saves your cursor location so you don't have to scroll through to get to where you left off typing), when you get it done, then you take a week to not even look at the thing, put it away, then pick it up and read through it, and make edits, but go through the whole thing once, don't hang in one area, when done, put it down for a week again, then pick it up and edit it some more all the way through. Keep doing that till you're satisfied with your work, then publish it yourself if no one will do it for you.
In all honesty, I don't care what the people who "knew" me growing up think of the book, I didn't write it for them. I just don't feel it would be appropriate to lift them up when they never gave me a hand in the years I needed it most. I'm an unemployed, anti-social grump now because of them. Why should I let that bunch of freeloading leeches try to ride my successes when they were the ones who wouldn't accept me while growing up? That's why I'll use a pen name. I'm not going to give the people who I went to school with, most of whom were bullies and ignoramuses, the satisfaction of being able to claim an association with the book through my having written it, because they don't deserve that honor or privilege.
I've heard from a lot of people in other countries that English is a tough language to learn. Business, and Legal, English is like speaking Klingon to most people who speak English as a native language, it's very different, and there are lots of words most people, including myself, wouldn't recognize right away. Good luck, I hope you do well on that.
I'll be blunt: that jerk doesn't belong on that forum at all. He's in the wrong place if he wants to keep his code to himself. For that, he should sign on at Microsoft. I have seen nothing in any of the licensing agreements, or on any of the newsgroups or forums I've visited regarding Open Source programming that says College students can't use it. I have a feeling it wasn't your English that caused the misunderstanding, from the sound of things that guy just didn't take the time to read your e-mail thoroughly before answering it. People like that frustrate me to the point I'm exhausted too, keep trying, and try to find other places, other people, who might be less egotistical, and more willing to help. They're out there, it's just a matter of finding them.
All good authors should start in their native tongue, worry about branching out from there if you happen to be multi-lingual.
Outlaw Melfina:
The nice thing about computers is the price of typewriters is way down. Check local classifieds in newspapers too, you might find a good used one cheaper than a new.
I just go by what people tell me, and they tell me I'm good at drawing, I'm good at writing, and I'm good at cooking! Three things that I can't get a normal job doing, so I'll do things my way. The whole process is fun for me, because I like to create.
Actually, I just took the most comically off base typos from mail addressed to me to make my pen name. That's the bizarre humor in my pen name, and it's enough to keep people guessing.
No, I can't be funny to save my life. The book itself is fiction, Sci-fi/Real-fi blended together with a bit of a *bracing for collective cringe* love story angle to it, but that's all I can say about the story without giving away too much, and if I do that, there's no point in trying to sell it later. I'm working with the pseudonym as a means of self-preservation. After all I've blasted this state for, and depending on how well the story does in the marketplace, I don't need people thinking they can bank on my story to promote the state, I won't allow that. I also won't allow those jerks I knew in school to try to ride the success either.

Since I was, well, that ˇű, when I got behind the wheel of a car almost twelve years ago, it might be better if I kept my vehicular notions to myself from this point forth. I deal with the "assumption of ignorance" in my job search all the time, having it applied to my amaxophobia too, well that hurts.
death alchemist03
A true Renaissance person, that's nice. I do more short stories than long ones, maybe I'll make my second book a collection of my short stories. I'm currently trying to learn to play the recorder, it's got a nice flutie sound to it and I'd never play for fortune, I just want to be musical too, and since I couldn't keep up the violin lessons, I'm going with a self taught cheap route.
Don't forget Osamu Tezuka, that was a pen name too. I highly doubt I'll live up to their caliber, but I know my name will be kind of cool anyway. I hope it's a success too, then again I wrote it so it being a success would be better for me! Thanks for the luck I'm sure I'll need it, now if only a little start up capital would fall my way. Maybe time to investigate a writing grant to try to get this thing off the ground when it's ready.
The Pen Name is already chosen and written on the title page of the book, and it's one that I won't have to pay to use. I intend to announce the book formally here before I do it anywhere else. Depending on the publishing method I choose, it's availability might not be obvious at first (i.e. the bookseller might have to special order it). It's a promise that I'll let you know what's going on.
Just the technical stuff there, the boring statistical data that most people don't even bother with looking at when viewing a book. It was easier to preformat the word processor to the size of the finished pages and type that way, so I can get an idea just how it should look when it's published. Clever idea that I got from one of the self-publishing houses.
When the book is ready, then I'll tell you.
When I go on my searches, if I find anything at all, it's usually a low bit rate file that makes old time radio sound Hi-Fi. A lot of my current collection is like that.
Then I don't need to go on about it then. It is a nice little mag to get, I think the first issue for 07 comes in March. It's quarterly so you only get 3 or 4 a year, but it's better than nothing. I've got the first issue they ever put out, that was when they were calling in Manga Takuhai.
Thats' my stubborn streak, it can be vicious at times. Gets me into trouble a little, but it gets the job done too.
I guess so, I'm not familiar with Final Fantasy to know. All I can tell you is they take the same characters and tell different stories with them. I'd love to get my hands on the PS game, the storyline in that one seems interesting.
Hop-Frog (Back)
I'll tell you that when it's ready to come out. I don't want to jinx it by saying too much too soon.
You mean this one? It looks great to me. I'll add it to the thumbnail table with the others and get that up again in my next post. Thanks for working the project, if there's anything I can do for you, let me know okay?
I haven't mentioned this little project to the family yet, I don't want them to get all gushy with support for it, just in case it doesn't pan out (I'd especially hate for anyone to put money into the project for me and lose it in the end). If it's a success, I'll be letting them in on it. I've said before that the Pseudonym is more for my protection, and it's to prevent the free ride effect. West Virginians in authority (i.e. Governor, Congress, etc) like to latch onto the fame of a person even when they have no claim to such fame, nor the right to association with the person or project getting the spotlight. I'm not going to allow that to happen with my work. I won't let my writing be poisoned by the self-serving government of West Virginia. That's the worst kind of publicity and I don't need it.
To be honest, I'm not really sure. This is my first completed major project, I've never gotten this far before. I am a little concerned, but I know where I'm going with the story. To borrow the Geode example from Whisper of the Heart, the story is rough right now, it's the course crystal embedded inside a rock. What I have to do now is clear away the rock, and crystal, and polish the gems I find inside there. To use my own analogy, I have to iron out a few bumps, and patch a few holes. Given the conservative estimated costs run $700 should I choose to publish this myself (that's copyright registration, acquiring an ISBN, getting the proper software to publish the file correctly and so on), I have to make it really jump out at some prospective publishers with whom I'd like to submit it for consideration. All I've edited before were my short stories, and those were all necessary edits. How editing a big project will affect me is yet to be seen. I hope it makes rather than breaks me though.