Congratulations to KanuckGrrl, third place winner in the Breast Cancer Awareness art contest sponsored by AnimeFF. To see the full list of winners, click the link. I didn't really feel up to linking all eight pieces of art, but they are all good. Go check them all out and congratulate the artists on a job well done, they certainly deserve it.
Now, before anyone offers me sympathy for my own work not making it, let me be honest with you. I would be lying to say I'm not at all disappointed, but truthfully, I didn't really expect my work to even come close to the top eight. I would be interested to know just how many votes my art did get though, so I might try to get that info out of Adam later. I only hope he's more willing to part with that than he has been about the con itself. Speaking of which, there doesn't seem to be any new con information available right now. I will try to make whatever I learn available to you all here. I did find out that local advertising (in Vegas) wasn't done for the con, contributing to the low turnout. That's what's up on the official AnimeFF page as of today anyway.
I promised some details on that one time moneymaker thing, well, I can tell you that it was an all day focus group thing, and that's it. You have to love those confidentiality agreements they make you sign. Wish I could tell you more about it specifically, but I can't. It did earn me a reasonable amount too, and was fun for what it was. One of the people I met there talked about other ways she has of earning money, including plasma "donation". I'll have to investigate that one more thoroughly when I have the time. I need to start thinking of some way to produce a steady income for myself.
I did ask you to send some of the white stuff my way not long ago, so thanks for doing that for me. It' practically all melted now, but it was nice to see.
As I stated earlier, apparently, no one checked to see that the con got local media coverage, so no one locally knew it was even there. Other factors aren't known to me yet, but that one came right from the AnimeFF website itself.
Lucky you, I don't even get cons near enough to think about going to them.
It certainly is a wonderful sight to behold. I love the snow, it reminds me of the Raymond Briggs picture book The Snowman (actually the animated short that was made from it too), and a Robert Frost poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening which I can recite from heart, and in a semi-New York dialect too!
Outlaw Melfina:
I'm no stranger to the evils of ice. I love the snow, it has a calming purity to it that just hooks me, and it someone seems to stretch me out of time when observing it. Most often when it is snowing, all other sound seems to stop, next time it snows, see if you notice that too.
Angel Slayer:
Actually that was the first time it's really snowed in WV where I am for several years. We've gotten a couple dustings, but I don't count those because the snow disappears in an hour.
Valentine's Day, or St. Valentines Day epending on where you're from, isn't one of my favorite holidays either. I'm a lone dragon right now, and all that togetherness and true love, and romantic crap turns my stomach. when I find the right dragoness I'm sureI'll feel differently, but till then the holiday is a stessful bore for me.
Aside from my getting behind in my art yet again, not much is up with me.
o_O; Snow Yoshies? Well I suppose that's on par with my snow alien heads. We don't get a lot here either, this was the first multi-incher in a long time in my area.
Since I'm not really sure what project you're talking about, I can't really respond with anything of substance. If you're referring to the money making deal, well, a one time thing is hardly a project because there's no guarantee of repeating.
I'm serioulsy beginning to wonder about your ISP, I really am. My guess is it's not easy to switch to another one either is it? Are there any others even available? I guess you'll have to put up with the lag, and site blocks, or try using a proxy site and see if that works around the restrictions. There are sites that let you browse the internet through them so that your ISP can't track where you've been online, or know where you're going either, it just looks like you've been on that one site. I don't have any names to recommend, but some archives from TechTV (now G4) might yield some information, if those archives are there anymore.
Saving up for something necessary, or important to you is a good thing, it makes getting it all the better. I don't know what the format of the new Art of Otaku Sessions is going to be, so I'd wait till that comes out, maybe that version will be more practical for you to buy than the e-book first version. I don't think you could download it, it would take, well most of the day with your connection speed, it's a 40 MB file. I was hoping Adam would look into some options for making the CD available internationally (currently it was only available to US customers), I did offer him a suggestion relating to that, but time will tell I guess.
I'll have to agree with that.
If you have the make and model number of the MP3 player, I might be able to find an online instruction manual for you, not all manufacturers do that, so it's not guaranteed, but it's worth a look. I have seen that kind of thing before, so I kind of know what you're talking about.
Always use a good external mic if you can(not all recording devices have and external mic jack), they generally give you better sound than a built in mic. I have a $10.00 Magnavox mic that I use for most of my audio recording, and it works great every time I've used it. A simple dynamic mic is all you need for basic to intermediate stuff. You don't want to get the kind that has a small preamp in the line, those just cost more and you have to keep putting batteries in the preamp, and they don't sound any better. The key word to look for on the package is dynamic, trust me on that, I know my audio equipment, it's a hobby of mine.
Nah, that could open a really nasty can of worms with US customs, and I'd rather not attract unwanted attention to myself, or you by doing that. I'll give the demo a try and if I like the program, I'll save up to buy it, or just buy the Debut version if I see it in a store somewhere.
Lucky to get a wonderful sight for a change, yes. Lucky by having to shovel off the walks, well, actually I like doing that, so yeah, I guess I am.

Well, given the paper I signed, I'll concur and leave it at that.