With all the attention that's been directed at the Tour for the Cure con in Vegas, and the Awareness art contest, and all the questions that still remain unanswered, no one has ventured near the obvious, no one has even brought up one little detail about the whole thing, and I got to thinking about it last night, and this is what I asked myself. How is what happened with this art contest going to affect Adam's future contest attempts on TheO? I for one would be far less willing to participate in a contest sponsored by, or hosted by TheO in the future. It's a matter of lost trust with me. It'll take a while for that trust to be rebuilt too, I'll have to see that information won't be withheld inappropriately first. Just some stray thoughts from a rambling mind.

YES! Finally someone who was actually there! I was beginning to think Adam had you all hold up in a hotel on the strip or something since not a lot of info was coming out about what happened there. I read your post on it, and I think you've answered some of the questions that a lot of us who didn't go were asking, paritcularly in relation to Adam's rather unpleasant mood regarding the whole thing. I'll just direct everyone who wants to know something about the con over to that post so they can get it in context. Thank you for being open and honest about the con. I said it once already, but I'll say it again, name it and I'll try to draw it for you, it's the least I can do for you providing the information to solve some of the issues surrounding the con.
As for my artwork, mine was the only dragon in the whole thing that I'm aware of, so if this looks even remotely familier to you in the context of the gallery at the con, then it was featured there, and that would satisfy another one of my curiosities.
She did a great job, all the winners did excellent work.
I'm just completey weird about stats like that, I like to know those things. So far Adam hasn't given me any indication of what the actual count for my art was. He may decide it's not important enough to answer at all, but I hope he does tell me, even if it got nothing at all.
Most people tell me they don't read the main TheO page that often, so I figured I'd let you know ti was there. Since Adam posted the e-mail link for the winners to contact him there, I also assumed he wasn't e-mailing you all individually. Most people don't really expect to win something like that, but you did excellent work. There were a lot of good pieces of art, as for why some of the pieces didn't make the top eight, well those are the lingering questions about how the art was chosen by AnimeFF to be featured there. And those questions may never be answered to their fullest, if at all.
I happened to check out the AnimeFF website and saw their little blurb had changed yesterday, indicating the lack of local advertising. I also noted in my searching for information there were at least two other cons, one in Sacramento CA, and one in PA somewhere in the same date range (Jan 13-15) which may have also contributed to the lower than normal turnout if people were at other cons. There are still many details that haven't been revealed yet, still some unanswered questions. Adam's posted this, this, and this about the con (presumably, it's not clear in all of those posts he was talking about the con), in his blog, I linked in response to Neko's comment to her post about it, and here's the official AnimeFF site with it's little blurb on it, but so far, there's not a whole lot of info coming out about it, and well, that's still very suspicious.
Blood donation and plasma donation are two different things. Apparently blood plasma can be handled differently, in that you can donate more than once a week (theoritically), and it's not as incompatible as whole blood (you can put it in people with different blood types from what I understand). If I know what you're talking about in terms of other donations, we don't have that kind of facility around here for it to be an option.
Well, I wouldn't call it a kid's thing in my area, more adults deliver papers than anyone else. I have yet to see a kid delivering papers where I am. See, I delivered newspapers about ten years ago, and I wouldn't wish doing that on my enemies, that how horrible it is. Paper carriers are independant contractors, which means they're not delivering the papers for the newpaper as employees, they're buying the papers wholesale, and reselling them to the customers for the listed price. The net profit per paper was only 0.065˘ (six and a half cents). On daily papers, we bought them for 0.185˘ (eighteen and a half cents) and resold them for the 0.25˘ (twenty five cents) that was printed on them. Sunday morning papers were a little different, but I can't remember those figures. I did more daily stuff anyway, I had an afternoon route for most of my career delivering papers. We had to buy the rubber bands for the papers, and the plastic sleeves to keep papers dry. Add to that customers who don't really want to pay for their paper, and the customers who have to have it delivered a certain way, and get nasty when it's not, and the newspaper office being so dense they cite you with a missed paper notice when they stopped the paper the day before, not to mention they don't give you the proper 10-99 forms when it comes time to pay taxes either, and it makes for one heck of an adventure whether you're getting up at 2:00AM to have papers delivered by 6:00AM, or pushing to get papers delivered by 5:00PM after getting off from school. It's a worthwhile suggestion, but it's not worth the stress to get involved with that again.
I have to agree the art that got the top spots was all deserving of it. And naturally, I look out for my friends here, so of course I had to post that. I hope they enjoy the prizes too.
It is good art.
I did a little bit of research, and it turns out PayPal doesn't require a bank account or credit card to set up an account with them. However, they do have some issues regarding their legitimacy as financial institution. There's a lot of stuff they do that makes me hesitant to get involved with them right now. I can't afford the risk with them right now, all I can say is, they're not as clean cut as the people who swear by them would try to have consumers believe.
I kind of figured there was something like that holding you to them. My only other suggestion would be to try a proxy, that may get you around the limitations of the ISP. I can't promise it would, but I don't really know how they work.
That might be a good idea if it works. I'm not exactly sure how you'd do it, but it can't hurt to try it.
I see, oh well, you didn't doo too bad with it, and it's always a learning experience when doing audio work.
Yeah, it's a good mic, I've had it for at least eight years and it still works great. I don't really know why men are drawn to electronics and audio stuff but we are. The difference between a true audiophile and a wannabe is volume. A true audiophile knows louder does not equal better in terms of sound quality. Those guys that drive around rattling windows with their 200 Watt car stereos, they're just turning their insides to Jell-O and damaging their ears. I can get a broader acoustic dynamic, and crisper sound from my 80 Watt system, and I'm not running several hundred dollar Bose speakers either.
IT does seem to be a good program, so I'll certainly look into getting it as soon as I am able to do so.
She certainly deserved it.
Yeah, that first place piece was stunning. It blew me away the first time I saw it, and every time I look at it I notice new details I didn't see before, It deserved the top spot, that's for sure.
Well, I'll have to take my chances and go in for that physical, that's about all I can do. the worst they can tell me is I'm not healthy enough to donate and it'll be just like any other job interview I've ever done. I'll say [Censored] them and try to come up with another way to produce income. I'm used to being rejected so it wouldn't be anything new to me. But, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
It was all right, for what it was. the check at the end of the day was the best part.
It's not a guarantee, even for me, so I'd just have to take a change and see if I am physically capable of doing it. I'mn not sure what the physical requiements are for donating plasma are, so after I look into it a little more, I'll know where I stand on being able to do it.
I was thrilled to see that someone I knew placed high on the list. That first place piece was phenomenal.
Mamma Vash:
The focus group was all right. It's a start in terms of income anyway. I can't invest, I don't have enough money for that, and I don't bet on uncertainties, I have to know I'm getting a returen before I put my money into something. The lottery is a nice diversion once in a while, but it's nothing to bank on with my lack of luck in the money department. I saw the pickle, that was cute, and funny. If anyone ever needs a crazy idea when they're in a slump, point them my way, I'll be glad to concot something insane for them.
The art is good, all of the top eight are.
It's not rude, it's honest, and I like that. I'm the same way, I don't like people to feel sorry for me.
Good luck trying, but I did sign a confidentiality agreement so I can't tell you anything.