More information on the AnimeFF thing. Please note you'll need to go the the main page to read all the articles, as some are just short blurbs that don't have links to them.Story 1: Gail and John's Journey, Story 2: A Dealer's Disaster, Message Board Posts. Having read thorugh all of that info, I have to say I had one of those Holy s[Censored] moments. In my opinion, the widespread range of inadequacy from AnimeFF is mind boggling. More and more things are falling into place in terms of answering the questions I had, but it's still a lot to process, so take it in small gulps.

Since I've been away fro a while, I just thought I'd give you a little blurb about how things have been. Yes, that thermometer is reading 0°, it got that cold, just yesterday morning. It hasn't hit 20 degrees all day, and the wind chills have been below zero. I had to thaw the pipes under my kitchen sink twice yesterday, the valves under the sink, inside the house, froze.
On top of all that, it snowed, and it was still snowing last I checked at around 2:00AM Eastern time. So far it looks like about 3-4 inches out there, we may get another one, I'll know when I go shovel off the front walk later. I love the way that shot, right from my front porch turned out though. The idiot camera cooperated with me to pick up that nice view of my street. I may take the camera out in the daylight to shoot some things, but I can't promise anything since it is bitterly cold (and I don't want to damage the camera). On a lighter note, Here's a bit of eye candy for the ladies who visit the site (It's nothing crude, I promise!) Guys, I'm not going to leave you high and dry, Here you go too. All that done, I've got to get some rest, the snow's still coming down and I'll have a walk to shovel in a couple hours.
I needed the rest for other reasons, mostly becuase I tired myself out trying to do too much at once again. Helping someone out always makes me feel good, even when I'm down about other things, so no worries about that. I'm always glad to help out when I can.
If it were an emotional exhaustion, I know I've got people here who'd lend me an ear or two, but this time it was physical exhaustion, from trying to do too much at once. I'm better now, or at least I'm all rested up I think, though I may actually cut my posting and comment response back to once or twice a week for a while, till I'm sure I'm really all right.
death alchemist03
Yeah, I think they'd work all right. They won't be the salty contrast to the sweet red bean paste, but I think the flavors will meld all right. I won't know till I make them how it tastes.
Stress is the pits, that's for sure. I'm back for the time being, and doing all right for now.
I've been in that position before too, but this was just pure physical exhaustiojn, I was too tired to do anything. I probably shoud do more exercising to boost my energy levels (sounds bizarre, but it actually does work) some, which I'm going to work on starting today anyway.
If my mind was troubled, a simple story, or talking to my friends here on MyO would ease those troubles. I was just too tired, physically, to keep up with responding and posting at the pace I was going.
I'm feeling better now, and hope to stay that way for a while.
Given that the dish is called sakuramochi, I think the sakura leaves are supposed to be an important player in the dish. Given the weather here lately, I may not get to make them for March 3, but that can't be helped. I'll make do with what I've got it to work with.
Road Kamelot
I certainly needed it.
Yeah, we all do need some time to ourselves, and I'm glad I took it. I'll be all right as long as I don't push myself too hard again (that'll last a coule days at the most, then I'll be right back to pushing hard and fast like I always do).
Can't speak for others, maybe it's the winter months that do it.
Magnus Lensherr
Yeah, I'm refreshed now and ready to tackle the blog circuit again. I did make some plans for some things that I want to do here in the future, those are still pending, but I'm working on them.
I won't know how the dish turns out till I try to make it. I had my first run in with suchi rice the other night, I ddon't know what's stickier, that or the royal Icing I use on gingerbread houses.
Magnus Lensherr
I'm not really up opn law, but the only remotely plausible suit I can see is a libel suit (would probably fall under some type of defamation of character thing), though if what Adam posts about AnimeFF is true, they wouldn't have a leg to stand on in court anyway, but even at that, legal procedings are costly.
I was a member here when Adam had to buck his old web host because of problems. He founded Velegant Media (which hosts and because of his old Web host, and his not wanting to let this site die. If he'd found his own web hosting company to save his site, I don't think a little [Insert prefered vulger term here] shyster outfit like AnimeFF is going to scare him off either.
There's a lot I don't understand right now either, but I'm hoping that information will be made known soon. I'll be posting links here as soon as I see that information posted.
Funny you should mention that no local coverage in Vegas thing, which happened to be the last blurb on the website I saw before the site vanished from the web. I thought it strange that they got no local coverage, and that they didn't go out of their way to double check local station adverts. Given that most of the radio stations in the area stream their broadcasts (See here), it wouldn't be hard to sit there and listen for a while to hear the commercials. Since I didn't go to "the con" itself (how ironic in this case that bears a double meaning), I can't really say anything about how it was run, or wasn't run as the case may be. I only know what people have posted about it, but it does sound like the lack of professionalism they demonstrated is par for the course with them.
As I mentioned, the only thing I can see them attempting would be libel, based on Adam's wording of the article linked in my ALERT post. They won't get far with that, because from the sound of things, Adam can back up what he says with some facts. In my opinion, AnimeFF and their parent company may have gotten away with bullying others by threatening lawsuits, but they're in for the shock of their lives this time. In my experience, New Yorkers are very stubborn people, if you push one, well, you'd better hope you can run fast enough because the people back east, from New York, and New Jersey are Hell and nasty when they're pushed. They don't stay down, they get up and push right back, hard. I just wish I was in a better position to support with more than just words. Clicking all the ads on site can only do so much.
Outlaw Melfina:
In a nutshell, the people who are behind AnimeFF have resorted to trying to bully silence from the people who attended the con, and know what really went on. the thing of it is, while they can threaten all they want, they'd have no legal standings in court if the statements posted are proven to be truthful.
I think I covered a bit in a commet to your post yesterday, if there's any other questions, let me know, I'll do what I can to answer them.
death alchemist03
I hope everything works out too.
I see no need to insult the French that way. Your "hillbilly English", is pardoned.
I hope things turn out all right too.
the real yojimbo
I posted to keep a promise I made to my readers, I'm posting the links today because of that promise too.
Digging their own graves, I like that choice of wording. Yeah, this thing is serious, it needs to be watched, and any measure of support that we can give the site, we should give the site.