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Friday, February 9, 2007

Podcasts and Movie Reviews

Here is another piece of the puzzle, it doesn't really cover much, but it should be read to keep things in perspective. (link posted on theOtaku.com. On top of that, Adam posted some more information that'll probably make you react like I did with the "Is this guy for real or did he go out of his way to dig his own grave?" question. There's a bit of a quagmire with the news bit on the con's logo being one of the contest entries used without permission. I'll get the bits of Title 17 of the US Code, and the US Copyright office's statement on registering works for copyright up here, so you can see what I mean when I say, it's a really mess to bring copyright infringement into the fray. On a related note, Adam will be heard in the next edition of the Anime Pulse podcast, I'll listen to it when it's up and go from there.

Some questions for you all: What do you look for in a movie review? Is there a particular area you like to see featured? Do you like to see plot summaries, or do you just want information about the film on a technical level? And which type of rating systems do you prefer? A number based system ( 1-3, 1-5, or 1-10), with or without half steps, a graphical system of up to 3 or 5 symbols (usually stars), with or without half step increments? There's a reason I ask these questions, you'll understand more fully why I'm asking them later.


Wave those banners high, and stretch them far.

Don't take my statements as serious legal insight, I'm not a lawyer, I don't play one on TV, and I have nothing by way of legal training. The possibility of a lawsuit is very real, but if the guy's character really is as questionable as it seems from all the infomrmation available, he's better off hiding away somewhere and not raising too much fuss, because he would have to come out of hiding to plead his case, which would not be smart for him. At any rate, he'd be stupid to come forward especially if there's a likelyhood he can be charged with fraud, which, as I mentioned earlier, I'm looking into.

We had snow like that twice since I lived here, most other years we hardly had snow at all. The 3 inch range is normal for this area, so we're on track. I just hope we don't get slammed in March again, that was when we got the eighteen inches of snow the one year.

It's ironic that he himself said in a newsgroup post As the old business adage goes . "Make 1 customer happy and he might tell 1 friend. Make 1 customer angry and he will tell everyone who will listen". If Karma is indeed real, he'll get what's coming to him, history has always looked unkindly upon hypocrites.

It's a neat little thing to play with, though it don't always export the PNG files cleanly, it's still a lot of fun.

You're one of a few readers here who keeps up with the main page. I post the links to keep the promise I made to inform my readers of what was going on with Tour for the Cure, AnimeFF and that whole thing. I made the promise when no one was talking about the con, and I intend to keep it til lthe whole thing is settled.

Mine struggles with it more than a little too, but if you can get it to work, it's a fun little diversion.

Nice to see you stopping by, even if it's just for a moment. Those articles are things every member of MyO should read, but take your time with them, they go down like bad egg salad sandwich, slimey, disgusting, and brutal on the stomach. That is if you take them all in too fast.

60� sounds wonderful to me right now. It's been in the teens/low twenties the past few days (single digits at night). Give me the rain too, I'll take it. I love the rain, there's just something serene about a gentle rain that's hypnotically calming to my nerves.

Yeah, it's deep stuff.

Credit where it's due I always say, even though it takes me a while to give it sometimes.

Anim� Dreams!

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