I've pushed off posting this part for too long now. My Movie Review. A couple techncial notes before you click that link. It is a PDF file, if you do not have a PDF reader (like Adobe Acrobat reader et.c) do not click the link it will give your computer headaches. If you do not have a PDF reader and would like to see the review, Here is an alternative format for you. Oh, and because I know someone will want to see a better copy of the image, Here you go. That's the image that I used in the review. I probably should point out that I did my review cold. I had not seen it before, and I knew very little about it other than the name and that critics seemed to like it (I never put much stock in "professional" critics).

On another note, this whole AnimeFF thing is really affecting me more than I expected it would, more than it should really, so I'm going to break off the coverage for a while to let myself get some bearings and resituate my thinking. Keep on checking the Main page, new stuff has been added quite regularly, but I have a feeling we're going to be seeing the end of information about this thing here sometime, I don't want to say soon, but I feel it coming. Some of today's information is just ridiculously insane. It might actually make you laugh. Not goingto direct link it, but you know where to find it.
I didn't fully realize the difficultly of the situation I'm in with planning my convention until a very valid point was brought up in the Anime Pulse podcast the other day. They mentioned that something like what happened with Tour for the Cure would make people in the convention scene more cautious of unknowns who are trying to start a convention. I happened to be, among other things writing the first draft of the base letter I'm eventually going to send out when that part came up in the interview. What it means to me is I'm going to have to change my methodology, because I'll now have the burden of establishing my own credibility to those I approach for information, and assistance. I don't expect that to be an easy feat given that I am unemployed, have no financial resources, and have no contacts in the industry (the Unholy Trinity of establishing oneself). I've been wrestling with this concern the past day or so, but I didn't really know how to put it in writing, that's part of why yesterday's post was like that. I need to look at the situation, and figure out the best way to move forward. I need the advice and input, but I know I have to tread carefully to get it without compromising my efforts. Basically, I now have to redraft the whole letter that I was writing. Since it'll be my first contact, I have to communicate the right message. Guess I'll go get started on that now.
Sorry I put it off twice, it's there for you now though.
the real yojimbo

That's a lot easier than it sounds when you get hit by the ton of bricks that is the brutal reality of a difficult challenge ahead. All the same, I manage though.
I would like to see those people who scammed the animé community brought to serious justice myself. I'm keeping up with this thing because it affects all of us who use this site whenther we want it to or not. Adam's a New Yorker, like I mentioned before, you don't push a New Yorker and not expect to to be pushed back harder. I admire him for diving head on into this fight and finding out those details that aren't easy to come by.
It's only a vacation if you enjoy the time off, and right now, I'm not really enjoying myself.
Magnus Lensherr
It makes sense since I do have a consistent number of less frequent, but regular visitors, I may kick it up to 5 if it becomes necessary, but three will do for now.
Planning the con will be the easier part of this whole thing. Because of that jerk's con game, establishing my credibility to get everything together, that's more likely going to be the nasty part. Tell you what, if I get this thing off the ground, I'll send you some tips so you can maybe put one together for where you are.
I thought that was a good idea when I changed it. And thanks for the luck too, but I'll need more than just luck to get this thing going.
Thanks. And I'm sure I will. Even though I may complain about it, I'll probably have fun along the way too.
I thought it was a good idea too. The feedback I was getting indicated that having a quicker access to previous post information would be a benefit, so in testing the waters I think the three post spread on the front page is a good call.
Yeah, and as much I rag on the podcasters for being insensitive at times (the reason I stopped listening to the TheO podcast), they brought up a very valid point their interview with Adam that I see making the process for me a lot harder. Basically, they brought up the point that the established convention scene is going to be leary of an unknown (people like me) trying to get a convention going. I wish you the best in your moving process (I always hated moving), and hopefully you'll be able to get out to that con.
It's been one Hell of a week for me so I might have read more into it than I should have. To me, Reality TV has lost its luster, it's a fad that needs to quietly fade back into TV obscurity. That's my opinion, and that's the last I'll speak of it.
I'll also say I'm starting to think you're right about the AnimeFF coverage. This whole AnimeFF thing is really wearing on me (part of the rough week) to the point it's affecting my concentration, and even offline things now too. That's never good for me. I tell you I'll be glad when this whole thing is over, it's just insane. I'll even celebrate the conclusion of it all with a theme change for my site here, something a little more positive is in order.
Yeah, I have a few visitors who don't get on as regularly as others, so I'm going to keep the three post spread up.
that's kind of what I was thinking of when I went with this spread. It would be easier to see stuff, and you won't have to fight with the archive loading. Yeah, it probably does make it load slower though. One thing you can do to help the page load faster, You use Mozilla FireFox Right? In the Tools menu, find "options" then slect the "content" tab. About halfway down is a checkbox "load images" uncheck that. Images take up a lot of bandwidth, so not loading them should make the page load up faster.
I've kept up with it because I wanted to know how the con (I think I'll refer to legit conventions as conventions, and this AFF thing as simply a "con") went. I also promised that I would keep everyone I could informed about things back when Adam made some unsettlingly out of character posts. I can certainly see now that he was being tame when he made those vague posts. One bad apple isn't going to spoil my limited trust in humanity, and Karma is a funny thing like that isn't it?
I've already hinted at what the review is about, but I'll let you read it for yourself to see. It will be the first of several reviews I plan to do if this one goes over well. Seems that's a popular choice, and I've already decided I'm sticking with it, so I'm glad it's a welcome improvement to my page.