It was one of those days today. You know they kind, where you go out of your mind and even simple things don't make sense anymore. Some people blame stress for those days, others blame people, or events, Me, I blame Mountain Dew. I've mentioned here before that one particulart soda actually affects my mind, that being Mountain Dew, and what happened yesterday is proof of that. My Mom and I were out shopping because we're supposed to get hit with some snow and freezing rain today, Anyway, we're out and we decide to stop off and get a bite to eat before going home because shoppig was a disaster (the people in the stores were nuts!). We go into a Subway (the sandwich restaurant) get oursandwiches and sit down to eat. Now, I always wear a cap when I go out, especially in the winter (keeps the head warm), and I've gotten in the habvit of taking it off when I sit doewn to eat, it's rude to wear a hat at the table, that's just a me thing I think. Anyway, we eat, get up and leave, and come home. I go through the proces of hanging up my coat and putting my gloves away, that's when I notice my hat's missing. I retraced my steps from the back door all the way to where I'd gotten in the house, and couldn't find it. My mom couldn't figure it out either because she saw me with it when we were out at the car unloading it. We check the car, all the way down the sidewalk to the back porch, everywhere. Unable to find it, my Mom gets the idea that we should go backup to the Subway and check there, even though we both knew I had the hat on my head when we walked out. We go up there and guess what's sitting on the bench where I was sitting earlier. The hat.
Needless to say, I picked it up and we came back home. Sine the only thing I'd had to drink yesterday (up to that point) was the FDA approved LSD that is Mountain Dew, and I already know it does seriously messed up stuff to my head, I've sworn off the stuff since it had to play a major role in my being so immensely mental that I'd go for about a ten minute stretch thinking a hat was on my head that wasn't there. As much as I like the stuff, I'm going to have to completely stop drinking it. I need my mental faculties intact as much as possible.
That said, I think I'll wrap this up and try to get some rest.
Magnus Lensherr
Yeah, the repercussions from this will reverberate throughout the anime community for a long time to come. I'm not going to let it stop me from trying anyway. Who knows, I just might get the right the attention of the right people in the process of doing this, and that woudl be a big help.
I doin't think you'll have to worry about that aspect as much as I will, but one never knows, so I don't want to sound like I know what I'm saying. Thanks for the luck, I'm going to need it.
I like to pull a surprise out of my hat now and again.
I'm on the same page with you there. Those [Insert string of appropriate profanities here] have done a real number on the whole anime community. I'm going to need the luck, I really am.
A wise choice, one I've been exercising to a degree through the whole thing. I'll let myself go when all is said and done though, that's going to be an interersting post. Thanks, I need it, and I'll certainly be keeping in touch as always.
the real yojimbo
That's a piece of advice my Mom would appreciate. Yeah, and there are an unknown number of others in my position who'll be affected by this, one way or another. If I can get this thing to work, hopefully I'll be able to inspire others to try as well.
It actually occurs during the latter portion of the war, and funny thing, I don't recall any indication of the Atomic Bombs being made in the film, but I'll have to watch it again to be sure I didn't miss anything. Studio Ghibli films are really good about that, you have to see them more than once to appreciate the subtle bits you miss the previous time through. It's a heavy film in terms of the emotional experience, but all the same it is a great work.
Hm, I'll have to try to find that film, I love to expereince animation from other countries and cultures. The story does sound interesting too.
It's unfortunate, but it's how thing will be from here on. I'll have to make the best of it, and keep on trying.
Thanks for the offer, but at this point, even the advice is a big help. I'm not in college myself, but there are countless colleges around that I could check with to see if any of them already have an established anime club, and put myself in contact with them on this project. I will also keep the option of establishing my own club open too, but I don't think my town has a local "community center" to work from, but I'll look into that too, see what my options are.
the letter is a long way from being how I want it, but it's started. I'm sure it'll work out for the best.
I have been an anime fan for probably close to 7 years officially, and in that time, I've had countless people on message boards and what-not tell me there's one film I had to see as an anime fan, and that film was Grave of the Fireflies. I have been wanting to see that film for years myself. It is a profound, yet simple film it's really moving. As for how to find it, I had to buy my copy from Best Buy (the gift cards work on the website, and those are poppiing up in stores like Giant Eagle now), I've never seen it on a store shelf.
Don't worry about comparing your process and delivery to mine. This whole thing is a fun little hobby project to encourage the exchange of ideas. Since most people relate to movies, I figure why not do a review exchage. It'll be fun to acutally see how different people assemble their reviews. Thank you for the compliemtn on my review though, I just write from the heart, and let me tell you it wasn't hard to put that one together.
You know, now that I've pulled back from really covering (if posting links can be called that) the AnimeFF thing, I'm finding myself in lighter spirits. That whole thing is really emotionally chaotic. It stirs up so many things that it's disruptive to normal thought. I just came off a break, so I dont' want to take another one so soon, but I may have to stay offline for a while, just to regain some level of serenity to my troubled mind.
Adam has said that the winners have been understanding of the situation as it's unfolded, and that's great to hear. Whether you like it or not, I have the feeling he's going to try to do something for you all, but that's just a hunch on my part. I'd like to see this thing wrap up soon too, or gain some major media attention which would expedite the frauds being caught I think. the death threats don't help anything, they hurt it actually. This isn't the kind of situation where you can go off half-cocked, this is one of those times when you have to take the same approach the scammers used. Sit back, watch how things play out, then, when you know everything, that's when you strike. And you don't have to lash out physically, there's other ways to fight battles. The pen has always been mightier than the sword.
Well, I may have tasted a little bit of the sour right now, but when life throws lemons at you, you make one butt-kicking Hot Toddy. I'll be all right I think, I just have to make sure I know where I'm going is all. I'll be the one having to provide the written assurances that I'm not a fraud more than I'll need to worry about getting such things from the big boys in the industry, but I expect that. It won't be easy to get an establish convention's backing, there aren't any really close enough for that to have a significance, if I could get the backing of a major convention from anywhere in the US though, I think I would be all right.
death alchemist03
That's all right, no hurry. Thanks, I did try to do it right by my standards and criteria.
Yeah, I've heard that a couple times, and I'm thinking that's going to have to be the way to go. My biggest technical hurdle is going to be funding no matter what size the first convention is. I'm just an individual, unemployed, nobody (in the convention scene) so I don't have the money to put up for this kind of thing on my own, or the means to borrow the kind of money I'd need. I don't think it's wise to approach potential sponsors cold either, so I need to have something organized and ready for presentation before I go out asking for money to run a convention that no one's ever heard of before. It probably would be more feasible to try running a low-level mini convention to start out with, because the losses, if any would be incurred, would be lower than if the thing was supposed to be a huge event. As for finding local vendors, there aren't too many in the anime field around me, but I will try to find some, because I do like the idea of getting locals involved as much as possible. As much as I hate where I am now, I do appreciate the value of contributing to the community economically. As for the community center, well, I'd have to see if I even have one. I know of a couple places that have "conference" rooms which might be worth looking into if there's no "community" center.