Just yesterday I got one ofthe best e-mails. FUNimation now has a couple anime series available for download on the iTunes Store. They run about $2.00 per episode (techncially $1.99), and are in the US store, but I followed up on that and I've seen the episodes listed myself. It's nice to see anime is finally coming into a sort of recognition here in the US on the mainstream digital media scene, it's been a sort of sub-mainstream thing for so long. Hopefully this exposure will lead other licensors to follow suit and put some of their offerings up too. Only time will tell, but just seeing that made my day, probably about the same as when iTunes opened their Japan music store, I think it's been two years ago now.

Since I started the mood shots (hover your mouse cursor over the picture to see the mood, should work in IE and Firefox, not sure about Netscape or other Mozilla builds) I've been meaning to mention that if you see one you like and want to use as an avatar or something, let me know. I can get you a larger size, better quality one without my initials ghosted into it somewhere. I'll be happy to do that for anyone. I still have a few more moods to capture yet though, but I have the basics well covered for now I think. I won't know I don't have the mood till I go to find it and it's not there.
More bits on the main page and in Adam's blog to mention. Even though I'm cutting back on my overage of the whole thing, I do feel I still owe you all the courtesy of posting info as it comes, because I did promise. Oh, NekoMimi16 (link below) also posted her experience at the con too. It's a nice written snapshot of the event from the eyes of one attendee.

Anyway, it's Valentines day, and rather than post pics of flowers, candy, hot guys and gals for you all to look at, I'll just wish you all the best. I hope you're contented, whether you share the day with a special someone, spend time with friends, or take some time to yourself. For the record, I'm not spending the day with anyone myself, and I think I like it that way for now.
Magnus Lensherr
It's not the first time I lost something like that, it probably won't be the last.
I'm not sure anymore,but in her case, the stress of being in and out of stores for most of the monriing probably affected her mind. Yeah, it gave us a story to tell later on when we need a laugh.
So far, the storm hasn't been bad, but it could change at any time. We had rain last night, but now it's snowing again, which means all that water on the ground is now ice, and ice underneath snow is never a fun thing to encounter.
Funny thing about me, a couple years ago I went to bed one night, so tired I could barely think straight (this was prior to any Mountain Dew mental issues, and I hadn't had any all day). Well, I went through my routine, and laid down in bed watching the TV, fell asleep. When I woke up, I couldn't find my glasses (I'm Myopic - near sighted). Thinking they had fallen off the shelf, I looked for them on the floor, under the bed, on the table that was on the other side of my bed, I looked absolutely everwhere but couldn't find them. After about half an hour of looking, I gave up and was going to go the day without them, and try to find them later. I was downstairs i the dining room getting ready to do something when I needed to itch my eye. I'll bet you know where this is going. I reach up and smack, my hand runs into something clear and hard, the lens to my glasses. Turns out I had fallen asleep with my glasses on, and oddly, they stayed on my face all night. I had apparently been so tired when I first woke up (not uncommon for me, I'm a very slow-witted, very grumpy dragon when I first wake up), that I didn't realize I was seeing things way too clear to not have my glasses on in the first place. I tell people I'd lose my head if it wan't fastened on, and that's the truth, I lose things that are right in my hand, in my pockets, sitting right in front of me, and even right on my own face in front of my eyes. I'm glad I got the hat back too, it's one I've had for a while, so it's broken in nicely.
Regular Mountain Dew doesn't have aspartame in it, that's in the diet last I knew. No one in my house can stand that nasty aftertaste aspartame leaves in your mouth anyway so we stay away from stuff that has it. Yeah, it's some seriously nasty stuff, go figure it poisons people so the FDA approves it. I didn't know it had anything in common with ethanol, that's just sick. High Fructose Corn Syrup, which is in jst about everything, is apparently cheaper to make than regular sugar, and something in the way it's chemically modified isn't good for the body either.
I'm not sure why Mountain Dew's taste is different now than it used to be, but it is, It's way sweeter than it used to be, it's actually got a bit of an oily texture to it as well which is kind of funky. It's not the same Mountain Dew I used to like way back when.
I'd like to stop, but it's hard to convince the grocery shoppers in the house to pick up good stuff like juices and teas (I love tea, especially green tea), and stuff without all those bubbles. I do try to have a plain water now and then too. Cold water on a hot day is really good, I mean good.
Well, one can dream can't one? I think Disneyland would be a real stretch, but you guys who won do deserve something other than a link on the site saying you won. Yeah, that whole thing could have been handled better, but that's another failing of AnimeFF, not Adam or anyone else involved. One thing that I'm wondering though, is what happened to all that artwork? After the con was shut down, who took the art, what did they do with it? I'd actually pay to have mine (if it was even featured) shipped to me, just to have it in that state. I should have thought of that sooner though, no chance anyone would know at this point I'd bet.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I concluded. I have to stay away from the stuff.
I read your convention report on Anime Tour for the Cure, it's nice to have different persectives of the event, from people who helped put it together, to the people who attended. I still want to see pictures though, so if you know anyone who took pictures there, please let me see some.
death alchemist03
I have to wear hats in the winter for two reasons. My scalp suffers from Psoriasis and gets really itchy when exposed to the cold for too long, and two, the head is one of several point of the body wherre heat is lost the most, so, covering the head keeps the body warm.
Outlaw Melfina:
I'm beginning to think that's a good idea.
From my last post on, I'm not drinking the stuff either.
We all have them, some of us just get the mworse than others! I comment when I can, I can't promise a comment on every post, or every picture, but when my heart moves me to, I'll speak my piece about something.
I don't get hyper, I proved that with a double fudge brownie and a bottle of Dr. Pepper at school one day. Settled the argument about how hyperactivity is as much a mental thing as it is a physical one (My thesis for the unofficial experiement was "if you tell yourself you won't get hyper, you won't get hyper"). Mountain Dew has made me jittery though, like those TV specials where they get a bunch of losers to go into a haunted house and show them jumping at every little thing that ticks, creaks or moves. If you need the anti-Dew badge (the graphic I posted) for anything, go ahead and take it.
the real yojimbo
If you say so. ~_^
There was a study done a couple years back, it showed that of all brands, of all flavors, Mountain Dew had the most caffeine in it. I think they said one can (12oz) had the same amount of caffeine as two and a half cups or more of strong coffee. I don't drink anything with caffeine to wake up either, but I do get the headaches if I go for a day without at least a little. I'm more of a tea person, but I do have coffee now and again, Irish coffee that is, which in reality isn't any better for the mind, but it sure tastes good!
I can't speak for others on that. The stuff used to taste better, it was never as syrupy, oily and sweet as it has been in the past few years. It used to have a little bit of bite to it when you drank it, and it was lighter in the mouth.
Yeah, if you haven't already, read my response to KanuckGrrl up there, about my losing my glasses once. That kind of thing is par for the course with me.
My only problem with the Lemon-Lime sodas is that they get really nasty when they lose their fizz. Of all my favorite sodas, I like a good, real ginger beer. It's like root beer only made with real ginger. Most of your main label ginger ales use cayenne pepper for the bite now. Birch beer is also good. I like those ambiguos sodas with beer, and ale in the names.
It was fun in retrospect, but at the time I was out of my head.
Hm, I just checked and I did miss a few misspelled words, but other than that the writing was okay. Were you tired when you read the post? I know my eyes do funky thinkg to me when I'm tired.
I used to say I've never met a mountain Dew I didn't like. So far, the only one I know of that don't frag my head is the Baja Blast one that you can only get through Taco Bell (they did the same with the Code Red for a while too when it first came out). So while I do like the stuff in terms of taste, I don't like what it does to me and that's enough to make me stay off it for good.
I don't remember if she had any that day or not. I don't think so. I have gotten the headaches, and the pains that are kind of like a cramp from the stuff, so yeah, I should have known better than to keep crinking the stuff a long time ago. The only6 reason I used to keep drinking the stuff is that my Mom does when she shouldn't, it affects her blood pressure and her doctor told her to cut her caffiene intake. I can't do that anymore and I'm the only other person in the house who can stomach the stuff.
It's only this year that were in the artic circle, any other year we'd be getting icy cold with no precip (very boring) or 60-70°F weather in January/February, and that's just not natural! I used to live in down Texas, andI liked it there. The heat in the summer was dry heat (humidity is bad for the body when it's hot), and the winters were mild. It snowed once when I was down there, I think we got an inch at the most. The rain that followed it, coated the snow and trees and grass with ice. It was spectacular to look at.