I'm in a meditative mood today, not really sure why. I've noticed my temper is shortening a little again, seeing people post about injustices being handed them has really set me off lately, and I don't like going into that mode where I type without even being aware of typing. I scare myself back to reality, end up having to change what I've written, then go right back to typing logically blinded again. I guess I just want to take some time to clear my head of all that I've been exposed to lately. I guess I want to step back, look at what's before me, and try to assemble the loose bits into something.
I want to try to salvage that convention project of mine, I really do. Every time I look at what I've got put down on paper, every time I see the marks and notes I've jotted telling me what I need to do, I hesitate. I've never done this kind of thing before, I've never planned something beyond small family functions. I've never been put in a postition where I want something this big so badly I'm willing to build it from the ground up myself even though I know there's really no way I can do that. In the animé convention scene, I'm nobody right now, and with the whole AnimeFF thing still pretty hot, I'm torn between trying to move ahead, or just giving up on the whole thing. Every time I've gone to rewrite those letters to ask people in the convention scene where do I begin, I just can't do it right now. I can't bring myself to impose upon the community that way. It's a decision that I don't want to make lightly, nothing that's important should ever be decided on a whim. I have much thinking to do on that.
In lighter news, I finally, FINALLY watched Howl's Moving Castle in Japanese, I'd promised long ago a review of that movie, after I watched it in Japanese. I don't have the review yet, but my initial impressions (of the Japanese version) were very good. I still like Billy Crystal as Calcifer though, I think that was an excellent casting choice for the English dub.
While I am here today, I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for all my friend here on MyOtaku. You've been there for me when I needed you, you've put up with my rants you've given me a lot of helpful advice, encouragement, and direction. You've welcomed my input on various things, even when it wasn't helpful, you've welcomed me as I am, a simple, daydreaming, dragon who loves animé and the company of good people even though I say I don't like people. No words at all can express the appreciation, the sense of kinship I have with you all. You all mean the world and so much more to me. I don't say that kind of thing often enough, I don't thank my friends for being my friends often enough, so with all my heart, I thank you.
It was all right.
Root beer, Birch Beer, Ginger Beer, Ginger Ale, Sasparilla, cream soda, things like that are all good to me.
Magnus Lensherr
You got to bring it up somewhere.
I've seen mood icons and emoticons and such being used by people here for a while now. I thought I'd get into that too since I do like the idea, and the "custom" emoticon thing on the add post page hates my smiley links.
iTunes does have a UK store, but I'm not exactly sure how video content is handled. In theory, if you have a credit card, you should be able to buy music from any of the stores (you can switch stores right in iTunes), not just the one for your country (the prepay cards only work for the country in which they were bought, ie a US card would only work in the US store, and so on). Whether that applies to video content or not I don't know since Apple's support is completely useless and don't have any info on that. I guess no one important on their user forums has asked that question yet.
It was all right. Hope yours was all right.
Kuroi Akurei
I hope you had a good one too.
Same here.
I guess they had to do that to make marketing their video iPod more sucessful since not everyone who owns a computer does their own video editing. It is a good idea in theory, but I'll wait to see how well it works before I jump on it myself. There are a few questions I need answered about the whole process. I only took notice of iTunes when they opened their Japan store. I'm still not to keen on their inability to make the prepay cards work internationally though, not having a credit card really sucks.
death alchemist03
Same to you.
They don't have FMA up yet, they have Desert Punk, Samurai 7, and Speed Grapher up, but I expect they'll add more. I can keep checking their iTunes channel and let you know.
We all have off days, that's all right.
the real yojimbo
If it's a video iPod, that would be a great use for it. Almost makes me want to go out and buy one myself, almost.
If you buy the whole season its's like 38.99, which is about the price of one or two DVD volumes (depending on the series) here in the US, maybe a discounted box set would be a little more. It is a good price on a per episode basis. I hopeto see a lot more content like that show up there, it's the kind of thing that would make me rethink my stance on certain products and services.
Mozilla doesn't treat the alternate text tag (alt) like IE does. Firefox doesn't pop it like a tool tip, it uses the alternate text in place of the image if the image doesn't load. There is a tag I learned that both IE and FireFox treat the same way though, popping them like a tool tip, and that's the "title" tag. Since I'm switiching back and forth between the two browsers all the time, I like to use things that work in both. Now if I could find a plug-in to play midi files that's not that mal-ware Quicktime.
That's the truth, I'm easily amused too *stares for hours at clacky-ball thing(Newton's Cradle) on desk*

Yeah, it's looking like a good thing I put multiple posts on the main page here. Those of you who don't get around every time can still keep up for the most part. Life happens so I understand that some people can't get on as often as others. The fact that you come around when you can means something to me. It shows that you value me as a friend, that you want to know how I'm doing, and maybe that you value my input on things you mention here too. As for the Mountain Dew thing, well, that deserves it's own mood pic, so there you go. Hope you had a good Big V day.
Since I needed to set up the new modulator for my DVD player (it's one of those DVD VCR combo units that oddly doesn't have a modulator built into it), I took the time to watch a movie I've been meaning to see again. Howl's Moving Castle, I watched it subtitled this time, wasn't in the review frame of mind so all I can say it it was pretty good in Japanese, but I still like Billy Crystal as Calcifer.
Yeah, I'll probably call them all kinds of things, like shots, badges, and so on, but those little shots are going to be an indicator of my mood at the start of a post. Normally, I won't have multiple ones in a post, but when I'm in a good mood, I'll probably have a few posted.
By all means you have to see that movie. It is a great film.
Seeing anime reach out to newer audiences is wonderful, it means those of us who've been fans for years now can actually take pride in being fans from before it became "cool" if you know what I'm trying to say. Basically, we're the ones, and the ones that came before us (the anime fans from the 60's 70's and 80's) are the ones who, in keeping up with the genre, and spreading awareness of it, have, in no small way, gotten it to where it is today, and it's nice to see that. We can't stop now though, we have to keep on being fans and spreading the word of anime to the masses.
If the prediction made in The Day After Tomorrow becomes true, that really will be the start of the Artic Circle.
No Pocky, but I did have a lot of Hershey Kisses (the dark chocolate raspberry kind - Mm!), and I did see an anime movie so I got that covered.
I thought it was a neat idea to add more interest to the site rather than plain old text all the time.
You're talking some good stuff there. Real ginger has great effects for an upset stomach, it's a pain reliever too (I learned that recently) and it has that bite to it that you can't fake. I haven't had a good ginger ale in a long time. Real cream soda is so good too, but it's hard to find. You can tell a good cream soda by the color. If it's a light yellow-gold color, that's a good sign, the vanilla that's used to flavor the soda actually colors the liquid like that, if it's clear, if it's red, blue, green, orange, or darker brown, chances are it's been colored, which means the vanilla flavor probably isn't natural either. In thinking about it, a 24oz bottle of Mountain Dew has the caffeine equivalent to 5 cups of coffee, I think I'll take the coffee thank you, because I never drink 5 cups in a day, shoot I don't even have cofee on a regular basis (like once or twice a month maybe). Funny thing with me and energy drinks though, they put me to sleep. I've tried several brands, including the Mountain Dew one, Amp, but not a single one has kept me awake or made me feel peppy. In fact, I was wiped within five minutes of drinking the Amp one.
I've heard of that phenomenon before, that makes sense on many levels. In thinking about it, I didn't notice my hat wasn't on my head until I went to take it off. Up till then, my mind beleived it was there, so it felt like it was there. Even though I couldn't see the bill hovering at the top of my vision. It also makes sense as to why some of us aren't as inclinded to be in the public spread (which I'm going to have to get over really quick).
It was okay, hope yours was too.
Well now I can't condone that kind of thing, and my ISP don't take too kindly to people doing it either, so I don't do it myself either. Right now iTunes only has three shows, but I expect to see more to come. I would think you can use the US iTunes prepay card like you would for music, you shouldn't need a credit card, but don't quote me on that. If I can get one of those cards myself and try it, I'll let you know. I can't get a credit card myself because, well I don't have a job, and I already have some black marks on my credit history, so I look at prepay options all the time.
They'll be popping up often, so keep your eyes out for them. Though I may pull double duty with them (applying them to more than one mood that they fit), I think it's a great idea to give you all a visual representation of my mood. Ein is the dog, Radical Edward, or just Ed, is the girl. I think I got that capture from the Bebop movie, opr I found it online, I'm not sure anymore. It is an amusing pic that I can use for many different moods.
Well, okay, Here you go.
I'm not really looking for anyone at the moment either. Why should I try to support someone else when I can't even support myself? I'm sure the right person will come along, at the right time, till then I'll be content with my own company, and that of my family.
The "never found" kind of lost bothers me, especially so when it's important items like cell phones and keys. But , I guess we're the few proud people who're supposed to lose stuff right in front of our faces.
Carbonated green tea? Is that something I can get somewhere, I want to try it. I like tea, especially green tea for it's flavor. I know it has some anti-oxidants in it which is part of why it's becoming a popular recommendation for healthy people (like dark chocolate in moderation). Never sweeten tea with anything but honey, and your tea will thank you for it by giving you rich flavor every time. All it takes is one or two teaspoons of honey if the tea needs sweetening (not all teas do) and you're golden. Aspartame, Saccharin, (trade names such as Nutra-Sweet, and Sweet n' Low) are both artificial sweeteners, neither leave a pleasant taste in the mouth, and both kill people. I have tried some things with Sucralose, (trade name Splenda) in them, that's a sugar derivative no-cal sweetener that's not too harsh on the palate. Generally though, I'll stick to natural sweeteners, like honey or raw sugar for my tea, coffee or other drinks, it just tastes better.
I hear tell that the art was put on posterboard, beyond that I know nothing since I wasnt' there to see it. My picture is on an 8.5"x11" piece of manga paper, it would be nice to see it at double, or triple that size though. We know for sure eight of the pieces that were featured, and right now I think that's all were going to get. Yeah, I'd like to know every piece of art that was featured too, but (I can't believe I'm the one saying this since I was one of the loudest people wanting to know stuff way back when) I think Adam would be smart not to tell us what art actually made the gallery until this whole thing settles down a little. Think about it, if Adam posted that list of featured art, and it turned out to be a poor representation of the entries(like say half the total number or less), even with people knowing what AnimeFF did, and that it was their fault, there would be some ruffled feathers and hurt feelings. How would I react if I learned my piece was in the gallery? Well, I'd be relieved and want to know what the total number of votes it got was (for my own morbid curiosity). But, how would I react if I learned my art wasn't featured? Well, that's not something I can answer until I experience it for myself firsthand.
You know, calling Jeff and his associates scum would be an insult to protozoa everywhere, so I don't even do that. Soulless, inhuman garbage is just that in my book, they lost the privilege of personification. They are not people, they are not creatures, they are not even demons or spirits to me.