I just saw some wonderful news over on the main TheO page that I thought I'd bring over here. It's great to see something so good happening after being barragd with all that negative stuff the past few weeks. I don't want to spoil the surprise for you all so I'll just send you over to the article. Click the akanbe to the left, and it'll take you right to the piece I'm referring to. It's things like that which restore my limited faith in humanity, that's all I'll say for now.
I got a couple little feelers out into the local market, and since I haven't checked my e-mail yet, I don't know if I've gotten any results yet. I'm going to do some more legwork on trying to find people. I've put some thought itno this, and I don't think I'd be able to do anything without having a group of people here locally to work with. Some research on Anime Vegas prompted that, Anime Vegas is a monthly thing that screens various anime, and they also have the convention every year. It started out with only 9 people, and grew to what it is now. That gave me a bit of inspiration, and I have to admit that everyone who told me to start small, you were right. starting small is a wiser choice. Shoot, at this point I'd be glad to get a loose association of animé fans together just to talk about anim&3233; in a form other than text on a screen. We can work up a convention later on.
So from this point, I'm going to look at college and university web sites, to see if I can find any hint of animé clubs in the local college scene. If I can find those people, then I know this convention has a chance. I've got a busy day ahead of me, so I'll cut this short for once and get to the good stuff.
Well, I won't know how good I am at this till kind of planning something comes of it or doesn't.
I'll have to watch the film again when I'm actually in "review mode" to be able to do a review of it, but I'll get to that.
Red River, I knew it! I can't watch horror films so I'll have to stay away from that one.
The snow never does that to me, I love the snow. The cold maybe, but never the snow. I'll get over it and move on. The review will have to wait for another day, and I saw at least one of those videos, my computer hates to load too many of those things one after the other so I coudln't watch them all.
the real yojimbo
Meditation has always helped clear my head.
Kuroi Akurei
It's a good movie, one that never made it my local theatres (reminds me I need to add something to my Yahoo! group's mission statement). Meditation always has worked.
Miyazaki has a way with characterization, though don't forget Howl's Moving Castle is based on the book by Diana Wynn Jones.
I haven't lost mind, I know exactly where it is. It's on a prop table at a school where I attended a theatre convention in High School. There are certain things strike that "snap" chord with me, knowing what things do that (you know at least one already) is a good way to figure out the kind of creature I am.
Well, at this point I think doing anything solo would just be doomed to failure, that's why I put some feelers out to try to get some others in the area interested in the idea. If I can get a group of people interested in this thing, it'll probably happen.
The meditative mood was brought on by the shortening temper, not the other way around. I have this really bizarre way of wording things in a hindsight perspective. I'll say sommething like "this is where I am now" the I'll go into the why's from before. Once in a while I have to remove myself from the chain of reality to get my bearings, but most of the time I do all right.
Actually, the convention project is to bring in one, or establish one, for the Mid Ohio Valley where I currently live. I'm just a little tired of seeing all those conventions everywhere else (Even Alaska had a convention this month), and none even remotely close enough to where I live that I can attend. So I figure if no one else is going to get a convention going here, I'll do it myself, with help, however, but there will be a convention here.
Give me a moment to process the "never heard of " Howl's Moving Castle part, that's a little odd to me. Okay, I'm good now. Howl's Moving Castle isn't horror it's animé and it's a very good film. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it considering it did hit the theatres when it came to the US, but if it didn't make it to your local one, it's possible you couldn't have missed it. Well, it wasn't in the theatres where I am either, but I hope to correct Regal Cinemas on that discrimination big time with my animé convention (nothing like trying to get exclusive presentation rights for films to make arrogant know-it-all boors stand up and take notice of something important).
Yes, it is your first visit, I hope you've enjoyed yourself, and please come back often if you can. I've been on MyO here since long before those social networking sites were cool, and I'll stick with this one because I like it. I don't have a Facebook thing, MySpace, or anything like that, the people here are good enough to me that I don't have to go anywhere else. MyOtaku is actually a lot like MySpace, Deviantart, and any number of other site types all blended into one, it's a social network, a portfolio, news, blog, entertainment site and more. The only thing that's missing from making it a true "web portal" for animé enthusiasts is the username [at] myotaku.com e-mail address. So very true but opportunities are often missed if one isn't reminded of them.
I have figured out a few of the things I need to know, and I can't really move on till I get a few more things assembled. I'm hoping I can get people, local people, on board for this thing, and that'll make things go a lot smoother. I think in terms of getting some guidance and support from the convention scene itself, well, that probably should wait a little bit.
You'll have to try to get it, it's a good movie.
I don't express it enough, so it was long overdue.
To be honest, I don't know how I'll do planning this thing. Little family gatherings are one thing, something that's going to have a couple hundred (wishful thinking) or more people at it is somethng I've never done before.
Video CDs never caught on here in the US, but I have seen one or two. Of course, I can remember my neighbors back in the 80's having a laserdics player (the really big probably 12" CD looking discs) which was strange to me then. My how technology changes. Sorry, lost myself there. So the price is a good one in terms of per episode stuff, that's good to know. I'd love to try out to do voice work myself, but they don't really do a lot of that kind of thing here. I've heard of some of the dubbing studios doing stuff like that at conventions, but since there's no convention here in WV yet, well that's all non-relevant to me.
I don't think it's possible to do that kind of thing for FireFox. Firefox requires the Quicktime browser plug-in to play midi files, the problem is, Apple Quicktime does not play files with the extentions .mid or .midi even though it has the ability to be associated with those file types. So, till the developers of FireFox actually add midi support to the download actions (where you can have it open with something other than that mal-ware Apple Quicktime browser plug-in), embedding midi files on pages and expecting them to work in FireFox is a no-go. When I use FF I can't even play the midi on my own page here (the button under my Avatar) because I will not associate the midi file type to a program that cannot play them properly. Quicktime Also hates MP3 files by the way, another association it has in it's MIME settings which should be removed by the Apple developers.
It's a good movie, do try to find it.
I know that feeling. Funny, Anime Helps me that way a lot too.
Animé is an extention of my personality, so my family appreciates it for that, and they find that when they watch it, they like it too. My Mom loved My Neighbor Totoro, she was amused by the Catbus. and she was interested to find out both Speed Racer and Gigantor, series she remembers from her youth, were early forms of animé My sister likes a few different things, but she really laughs when she sees Session #17 of Cowboy Bebop (That's Mushroom Samba). We're all in it together here, which is kind of nice because I don't have to hide the reason I stay up all night.
They both start with E, which is enough to make anyone slip up a few times, not to mention Ed is a really, really, I mean REALLY bizarre character with a very plain sounding name whcih makes things a little funky too.
Sure thing.
Ugh, that's okay, I think I can make my own non-cancer inducing version here at home. A homemade soda is a 6:1 ratio, six parts carbonated water to one part flavor syrup, so I just need to make my own green tea flavor syrup which is as hard as brewing the tea, sweetening it with a little honey, then reducing the whole thing into a syrup. Now see what you got started here? I'm going to have to make that just to see if it's possible, and if it tastes good in the end. If it works out, I'll let you know, and tell you how to make it.
Once again, I will not speculate on that, and will react honestly when the time is appropriate. Adam's doing what he can, and that's why I'm keeping some of my questions off the table right now. I'll ask them when things settle down some more and those details can be covered with less potential for volatile or abrasive responses from the members here.
Actually, I could have done one better and said "calling those things scum would be an insult to amino acids everywhere" but I don't think the reference to the evelotionary theory's explanation of how life formed in the primordial ooze millenia ago would have been appriciated quite as nicely.
Minor therapy? This is my substitute for hundreds of dollars in psychological counselling! I jest, but it is good fun and nice to have people to exchange ideas and opinions with in such a way that's open, honest, and leaves people respecting one another in the end even though they don't agree all the time. My civility toward humans is hit-or-miss at best, and the more I have to deal with ignorants in the real world, the more I find MyO here a better place to be. It's sad but true. I mean, I got out and apply for jobs, being myself, being honest, and I get ignorant crap in return. I come here, people actually speak and think intelligently, on a level I can relate to and keep up with.
It's calmed down quite a bit thankd for the concern.
It's a good film, see it when you can.
The way I see it, I can approach this thing a couple different ways. I've got a couple feelers out there now to test the waters a little, and try to get some local attention, if that goes somewhere, I'll be doing something, if it doesn't then I could fall back on approaching one of the major conventions (that's not too far away) and see if the people running it would be interested in setting up an offshoot of their main convention closer to where I am. I'm not ready to give up on it just yet. but I am only one person, I have no financial resources, I have no backing, and I have no connections, so I'll only be able to ride this thing so far if nothing stirs up.
It's something I don't like about myself, but I am working on it.
Wanting it, and actually getting it are going to be two wholly different things. I've gone the route of trying to get other people involved on the local level. I'm going to start checking college and university websites to see if I can find out about any animé clubs any of them might have, if there are animé clubs, those are the people I'd need to get on board for this thing to really work. Mot of the waiting now will be waiting for people to respond to the messages I've got out there.
Miyazaki did like Cars when he saw it, just to let you know. I've heard that the movie strays from the book, I'd like to get the book to see how much it does. Like you said though, Miyazaki has a way with characters that's fun to watch.
Still, from my perspective, it doesn't hurt to remind my friends how much I do appreciate them now and again.
Then you probably like todays mood pic way back up there. I still have to capture some more, to cover the many moods of me, but I'm off to a good start.