Where to start today? Oh I know, on the convention plans, I still haven't gotten to the university/college sites yet, I've just been so tired since I got up around midnight. When I'm done updating here, I'll get right to that since I wnat to have that part done. I won't really know anything else about starting a club or getting a convention together till I put myself in contact with other animé fans in the area. Worst case scenario is the idea could flop, but I think even if I don't succeed in getting a convention off the ground, I'll plant the idea in someone's head to do it, and that'll be fine with me. I've got a couple angles on the drawing board so I'm not going to give up just yet. There's more than one way to peel a banana.
I didn't get around to all the sites, I didn't forget, I just didn't have the time to get to them all. I do try, but even I can only work so fast.
Oh, if you have Singingfish bookmarked, AOL's finally taken over that search engine, all you get is garbage for search results now. Go ahead and delete the link if you have
Magnus Lensherr
I posted that one at an oddball time during the day. I've been posting at oddball times during the day lately.
Knowing how to do it, and actually getting it done are two different things, but knowing is the best place to start. Yeah, getting a college animé club involved would certainly solve the venue problem (If they'd go along with hosting something like that), I did think of that, which is part of why I'm looking in that direction.
Yes, good news in this whole ordeal is a great thing.
I hope you've seen the article.
I'm not sure if someone suggested it to me, or if that was one of those "eureka!" moments I had while tripping up the stairs as usual, but it seems a sound place to look. I know several people here suggested I try to contact other fans in the area because having a group put together the conention would go a lot more smoothly than just having one person try to do it all. I'm liking that concept so I'm rolling with it.
when I have more energy, I'll sit down and watch Howl's again in review mode. Grave is is great film and it's one any animé fan should see.
Well, I've had personal encounters with paranormal entities, and I'm a bit of an amateur paranormal investigator, there are certain things my overactive imagination does not need to have implanted in it before I do investigative work.
Hope you checked it out, the news is good, and thanks, I'll certainly try.
death alchemist03
Anime Vegas was the other hard hit group that helped out that [insert choice explitive here] AnimeFF con. Theyr'e a big group apparently, but when my research told me they started out with only 9 people, that did me some good. Because, if one group can start off small and turn into a monthly meeting plus a yearly convention, then I'm sure if I do it right, I can have similar (though not as large scale) results. The news that came last time is good though, it's very good.
the real yojimbo
Research is only fun if you find out hat you want to know.
There are a few colleges near me that I'm going to check out, even the local extention of WVU has a Japanese language class, so there just might be some fans there.
I hope I'm going the right direction, I won't know till I get there if I'm in the right place.
I have no doubts that Adam is doing more than just chasing down those consoles. If I know anything at all about him from keeping up with his blog, and reading all that AnimeFF news, I know he's looking to help out the Susan G. Komen Foundation too, because he said he is. I happen to have the mailing address, the address where to send donations to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which can also be found here. Even if only 3,000 members of TheO/MyO sent a single dollar to the foundation, it would certainly add up. Imagine if every one of those members sent in five dollars, or even ten instead of just one. Now imagine if instead of just 3,000 members, that number was 6,000, or 9,000, or 20,000, or even 100,000. It doesn't take much to see it could really make a difference.
I don't really have a "major" city close enough to me for it to be significant, but I will keep that in mind, it never hurts to try. This thing of mine is more than just face-to-face meetings with others who share the interest, it's about getting that chance to interact with the animé industry the same way people who get regular conventions in their backyard can. If you look at it, there are a couple spots in the US that are neglected by the industry because there's little or no convention coverage, the midwest, and the westerm mid atlantic states.
Yeah, I hope I find it too.
Outlaw Melfina:
I'll need it.
I'll need the luck and I certainly try.
It's good news to see someone stepping up and helping out after such a devestating attack on the animé community like that. Adam does what he can because this is his site, he built it from the ground up, so it's no surprise he's doing what he can for it. AnimeFF has a lot more to worry about than one site posting the truth about what went on back in January, they've got some real serious matters to contend with having used the name of a charity to commit fraud. If Karma, faith and justice exist, those guys will have their butts handed to them on rusty old trashcan lid platters.
Yeah, we were long overdue for some good news on that fiasco, it's a boost to morale here on site that was really needed.
At least when I get mine together, I'll be doing it right and by the book. I can take pride in the fact that I will be honest with anyone I approach on the subject, and through the whole process. I think that will be my best tool to get anywhere with this.
My sister has seen Spirited Away, she said the best thing about it that I couldn't have put in better words myself, she said simply "You get lost in it. You forget you're watching a movie." I'm working my Mom through all the ones I have on DVD, I want her to get used to the Studio Ghibli style a little so I've shown her Totoro, and Whisper of the Heart, then she'll see The Cat Returns, Porco Rosso, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and Grave of the Fireflies. The thing most people forget when they see animé if they're not used to it, is that the culture which created it is very different from our own. You can't watch anime with a Western mindset or you won't understand it, and it will seem very strange and "weird".
I certanily will. It's a challenge that I can't ignore. Actually, I might try to make it with Oolong tea, the kind you'd get in a Chinese restaurant.
I still run into that a little bit, but I kind of came on the net when people began to take expression seriously again and that netspeak was considered annoying for the first time. If a person can take the time to type that nonsense, then they can certainly take the time to type out a normal word. I've only really been in few places where animé can be discussed without some board troll spamming and flaming the threads.
This year it'll be May 25-28. If I were out on the West coast, I'd try to get to that convention too. They're doing a good thing.
I tend to get out of sorts when I'm tired, so after a little rest and a fresh look things always seem better. Until I exhaust all my leads, I'll try to keep my spirits up about getting something going in my area.
It certainly is good news.
Really, that would be the convention to try to get to if you could manage it. the guys over there at that convention deserve a face-to-face thanks for their help.
I'll need the luck, and I hope I find something, but I doubt the high schools here have antyhing like that. If it's not one of the core sports, they just don't care about it too much.