Yesterday, I lived up to the self-proclaimed title of Trained Professional Idiot in a big way. I've obviously got to learn how to do my research a little better than I have been doing because I missed something so blatantly obvious that it completely changes the entire core of my convention mission now that I have this bit of info. So what exactly did I find? What piece of information can be so powerful that I'd have to alter my whole approach to the convention scene? Well, I found an animé convention in West Virginia. I'll give you a moment to soak that in.
Moment's up, now for the good stuff. Tsubasacon just happened to turn up in a search using the method timechaser suggested in the post before last's comments. Considering I'd not heard of the convention before yesterday, and it's been happening yearly since at least 2004 as near as I can tell from various postings referring to it, they must not advertise very well, at least, not up this way in WV. That actually gives me a divergence path to take with my information collection. I'll continue trying to get more localized interest in the idea, but I'll also talk to the people running that convention to hopefully see what it takes, on a technical level, to get a convention started in WV, and what the steps of the process throughout planning and implementation of the convention entail.
Some technical notes: Huntington WV, where Tsubasacon convention will be held (it's in October), is probably around an hour and a half to two hours driving distance away from me, which doesn't make it a convenient convention for me given that I'd have to get a ride from someone in the first place. There's also the cost to get in, and having some spending money while there too which are things to consider. I still want to see a convention closer to where I live, it would make attending it easier for me and other fans I'm sure. I also want to see one with an admission price that's not completely ridiculous either, so that's a consideration I'll be working on with my convention too. Keeping the costs down enough to be able to charge a smaller admission than other conventions, not to undercut the other conventions, but because I believe that admission cost shouldn't be a deterent to fans on a budget who want to attend. If it were feasable, I'd let people in for nothing at all.
Magnus Lensherr
The US isn't as straightforward as that, we're a big country with a lot of clannish little regions that don't really keep pace with the outside world sometimes. Anime in my area isn't really a big thing from what I can tell right now, but I'm hoping to find some people into it. When it becomes stressful is the day I'll have to stop the whole project, because that means I'm not having fun doing it anymore and it's not worth it. It's a hobby project to get a convention closer to me than Huntington, it's not a life's ambition type of goal where my life will be over if I fail to complete this task.

I posted that one at an oddball time during the day. I've been posting at oddball times during the day lately, so it's likly you missed it because of that. Since you brought it up, yes there are different ways to peel bananas, but I l just like watching them dance instead :P
Every plan has to start somewhere, and now I've got two really good directions to go. That's what I'm hoping anyway, if I just plant the seed and nurture it a little, I know it'll grow into something wonderful to look at whether or not I'm the one actually tending to it.
Mamma Vash:
That's my little secret, I can't have everyone out there being able to keep up with me now can I? ~_^ As for the project, I hope it goes well too.
The little mood pics are actually captures I made from random DVDs in my collection. I still have a lot more moods to go, but I'm off to a good start with the 26 moods I have captured so far. A lot of times, it's hard to determine a person's mood from reading plain test, I hope to alleviate that with the mood pictures.
If you're ever stuck in a rut again, give me a shout, my muses have many, many more crazy little bits like that one waiting in the wings for someone who needs an inspiration. I saw the picture you posted of that, I still laugh when I see it.
It's not really stressful because I know what I need to do, I just need to do it. There's a lot of leg-work involved in this kind of thing long before those doors open to the public, I didn't realize how much went into putting one together till I started all this. If I can find the right people, I know I've got a chance.
Very smart.
Luckily for me, I haven't faced the worst kind of encounters, but I can say that not everything I've come across has been friendly. For people wanting to do that kind of thing, never do it alone, EVER, and it never hurts to have a Demonologist, or an ordained minister along, just in case you do come into something serious.
It sure is.
mysterious rei
Hopefully I can be involved throughout the process, but if someone else can do it where I can't I'll be all for it and supporting them all the way.
Since I'm learning this as I go here, there's not much I can suggest right now, but I will put together a "how to" package a little later, as soon as things start to come together a little bit more. With something like a convention, if no one else will do it, sometimes you have to do it yourself.
I'm doing all right, though I do need to actually get a good sleep, I've been up and down at all unnatural daylight hours and it's throwing me off. You have a good weekend too.
Yep, there sure is.
Something someone pointed out to me just yesterday is that not all animé fans are open about it for various reasons. So, while it's a given that there are animé fans almost everywhere in the US, it's not always going to be easy to find them.
Since I don't miss that often (unless a person regularly updates at a freakishly weird time), I'm not overly worried about it. I get around when I can, and that's all anyone should expect of me.
Yeah, the whole AnimeFF thing is in the back of my mind, I expect things to be a little rough when I approach some people about an animé convention because of that. If anything is going to make or break my attempt at a convention, it'll be the trust issue.
I'm not forseeing that kind of trouble. In my experience animé fans come together when something is important, and who'd want to get in the way of establishing a convention that's easy to get to and affordable to attend? Aside from that, the arts community is pretty strong here, and I've got a feeling that's where I'll find myself as I dive deeper into this project.
We all have those days, I've had several this year already.
If the convention thing fails it won't be for lack of trying, that's for sure. Even if I just get a small group of animé fans together to dialogue about the convention idea, and maybe plan a formal area club, that would be fine with me for the short term. I'd have no problem with someone else getting a convention going in my area, I'd welcome it, and I'd do my best to show it my support, because it would be better than having nothing here at all.
Yeah, I run into that a lot everywhere, it's easier for people to talk about how things could be done differently, but they don't actually take the action necessary to make things different, or "better" in their eyes. I haven't sent my donation yet, but I'll get to that this week. I was thinking of including a little note saying something like "from a friend in the animé community at theotaku.com" as a means of showing the sense of community we share with the foundation, and that we're serious about helping them out.
I do want to thank you for suggesting that search method, it didn't turn up anything like I expected, but it sure churned out a gem for me.