Yesterday was one of those days for me. It started off with a simple trip, an hour and a half away, to find an Asian market since I'm still looking for those sakura leaves. We get out to the town, chase down the address, and the Asian market isn't there. There was a pizza parlor there, but the Asian market wasn't. So, anyway, we tried calling the phone number that was listed with the market, and got the "out of service" message. We decided to look around town for pay phones hoping to find a phone book to see if we can find another Asian market, or the one we were looking for (thinking it had moved and changed phone numbers or something). Not one single pay phone had a phone book, not one. And we checked at least ten phones. My mom went into a hotel to check with the front desk, they didn't even know what she was talking about. Needless to say, I didn't get the sakura leaves, and I came home really annoyed. The lesson in that is simply, don't trust a Google map/local search, and double check your results with a comnpletely different search engine than the one you start on.
I missed quite a few sites yesterday, that's because I didn't really want to take my frustration out on you guys. For the next few days I can't guarantee I'll be able to get to everyone's sites either.
I have one last feeler to put out for information on getting a convention up and running, but at this point I'm starting to feel that there's really no market for such a thing where I am. I'm not finding the fans I thought I'd find, that means I don't have the animé club back-up to getting a convention off the ground. After I get some initial information, I'll decide from there if continuing is even going to be feasable for someone in my position.
Oh, get over to the TheO main page when you can (too lazy to link it), there's some more news over there worth mentioning.
It'll work or it won't, I'll know that after I try.
Yeah, they're trained in doing exorcism rites, but they also have other training as well dealing specifically with non-human entities. That's what investigating paranormal phenomenon is about, collecting concrete evidence of the activity to prove it occurs or disprove it if it doesn't. I try to keep an open mind though, because I've seen some freaky stuff happen to people. I've got some EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon), those are voices or sounds that show up on a recording device that weren't heard at the time of the recording from one investigation. By itself, it's not much, but it's a start.
An hour would be easier for me to talk a relative into driving me than two. It's not likely I'll be able to go this year, the money's just not there now, and I don't see it being there in October either.
death alchemist03
It's not nearly close enough for my liking or convenience. I wouln't cosplay my first time out to a convention myself, only because my first convention would be the most stressful because I'd be new to the whole experience. Aside from that I'd rather save up the money I'd put into a costume and spend that on stuff at the convention.
Nothing is convenient when a person is amaxophobic and broke, and getting anything started here, even something as simple as a local animé club isn't as easy as I thought it would be. The fans just aren't outgoing about it here, so they're not easy to find. It would be nice to be able to have so many conventions to choose from, being that close I'd even try to volunteer for at least one of them.
I can imagine a multi-day pass would cost more, but in the end it would be worth it to have so you can access the full range of events. A smaller convention that's nothing more than vendors is a poorly planned convention. I don't intend to fall into that rut.
Hopefully I'll get somewhere with it, but I'm worried now that there isn't going to be enough local support to get it off the ground.
It's good to see a convention in WV, but it's not good to see it so far away from me.
The town I live in actually had the nerve to reject a proposed convention center a few years back, and they talk about wanting to bring people into the town, that they need tourist dollars. Well, it's a dump, no tourist would want to hang out here. We've got a main highway (actually two now) running through the town, and there's nothing here to hold anyone's interests for more than a few hours. If they want to keep up and bring in tourists, they need to say yes to that conventin center next time it comes up. Since the nearest one to me is inconvenient, yeah, I'm trying to start one up, but I just don't know if I can do it anymore.
Kuroi Akurei
Two hours driving is hardly close in my book, but it's better than three or four or five hours I guess.
It's not a complete surprise to me, what caught me off guard is that this one has been happening since 2004 and I only heard of it now. It tells me they don't do advertising very well on a local level or I'd have heard of it already. Geez, if it were as easy as this, I'd just give you one, or two of my Wal-Marts, we've got three clustered so close together here it's not funny. They're always building new stores though, so keep your eyes out, maybe one will pop up near you.
I must not understand the nature of what a sponsor is that a sponsor would want a peice of the action after putting money out to get their name assoicated with a project. That defeats the purpose of a sponsorship. As for vendors, they make profit on whatever sales they make. There's a lot I still don't know about the whole process, but if I find out that's the way sponsors and vendors are, f[Censored] the whole thing I'll have no part in that kind of self-interest.
Yeah, that was quite a gem, even if it wasn't exactly what I was looking for at the time, it was great to stumble across the convention.
If by some miracle I actually get a job, or find another steady means of income that doesn't rely on having a paypal account, I'd seriously consider going. Till then, I'll have to make do with just getting some information about starting up a convention of my own.
That's the right idea if you have the group to suggest it to. I certainly hope they see the potential in going and actually put something together. At least I have the time to try to figure something out.