I didn't really communicate clearly a few key points last time. The people element and the convention element were separate issues that I felt I'd failed at. While it would have been nice to find the people to get both an animé club going and have them help with a convention, I was mentally prepared for a while to accept an either/or scenario, either a club or a convention. I had hoped that if the convention angle fell through, I would at least have a couple people to get together and share animé chatter with. I did not consider the possibility that there would be a neither scenario, which I probably should have thought of sooner. Anyway, I hope that clears up a few things.
I still need some time to myself, I just came on to let you know I'm still alive. Maybe a few more days will do me some good, I'll know then. I might just have a piece of art ready for when I get back too, I won't promise that right now, but I am working on something.
Some Good news on the AnimeFF front, TheO has officially reported everything they know about it, and has now resumed normal news operations. I know I'm slow to post this, but I promised I'd keep you all updated, and there it is.
That's a good suggestion, but I can't do that. Adam's been through enough already with AnimeFF. It wouldn't be right for me to solicit advice or anything else from him or TheO. Believe it or not, one of the e-mails I have typed up and saved (though I'll never send it), actually is to Adam. I wrote it in late January, before the news of the AnimeFF thing broke. I have my reasons for not wanting to send that e-mail. I don't think it would be right to ask him for help because I've been a member here for a long time, I wouldn't want him to feel an obligation to assist my efforts. Aside from that he's still recovering from the AnimeFF scandle which did cost him and the site a lot of money.
In my experience, the majority of the fan base here isn't in WV (I have run into a few WV Otaku, but they're from other areas of the state), and couldn't travel to WV to make a convention "local" to me really worth putting together at this point.
I'm sure I have a lot of the traits I need to actually do the convention thing, the trouble is, I don't have the capital to get the business end of the convention up and running, or keep it running once it got up.
That just about sums it up better than I can put it myself.
That kind of assumption is the very reason so-called "legitimate" science will never be trusted with collecting this kind of research data in an accurate and unbiased manner. Science always assumes that the people who have encounters go into the event with prior knowledge of paranormal activity in the area of encounter, well, I can tell you that's not always the case. Most of the people I've come into contact with who reported activity had no prior knowledge of any activity in the area they had their encounters. What that means is they had no preconceived mental prejudices influencing what they experienced at the time it happened to them. They didn't "think" they saw something because they "wanted" to see it, they didn't even know they were looking for that kind of thing. There were no fears, or stresses influencing their minds. Let me tell you, these are credible people with nothing to gain from being included in the flawed "mass hysteria" theory's explanation that they just saw things to fit in with the "people who say they see things" group. Some of the people were downright frightened by what they experienced because up till the moment they had their experience, they didn't believe in such things themselves. This topic has to stop being discussed here, for both our sakes, it has to stop here.
A lot of those shows like that aren't really good investigations, the best one I've seen in terms of investigative protocal would be the Ghost Hunters on Sci-Fi. Granted, those guys are a little too quick to dismiss potential evidence pieces, they generally do a good job in the data collection department, and they don't have people faking possessions to get higher ratings either.
I forgot to mention that the first one's volume is way down (because it's the natural audio level it was recorded at). Basically what you're hearing is a whispering voice (the enhanced one which I amplified, noise reduced, and adjusted the speed on to make it clearer, is louder). I could tell you what I think it's saying, but in doing that I'd set a preconceived prejudice in your head and that's what you'd hear the next time you listened to it.
Outlaw Melfina:
I'm not a people person but if it's for something like animé, I'd make an exception. I did a little bit of research on those White Rabbits, and my theory on those being milk candies turned out to be right. That's probably why they have an odd taste to them. I've never had anything with rice paper on it, it doesn't really sound to appetizing, but I tried octopus once and liked it so I won't say for sure rice paper isn't appealing till I get a taste.
If only trying were enough.
I thought I knew there were a lot of animé fans in my area, but now I'm not so sure if what I thought I knew was actually what really is. Don't really matter now, I just don't have the energy to keep reaching out to to people who won't answer.
I hope you're around when I get back too, I've missed your company.
I wanted to put something together for the animé fans here too, I really did. C'est la vie.
As long as I'm without employment, nothing will change. This is an issue of start-up capital, it's not about the people anymore, it's not about the place anymore, it's about the pelf. I'd probably need to have, ideally, a couple thousand to start with, to make it really work. I have less than a hundred to my name, and nothing to put up for collateral (not that my credit is good to begin with). If I ever have the money to move to a metro area, I'll move to one that has a convention already established there, and it'll be moot for me to start my own.
Sure would.
All we have out here are the SuperCenters, and that's all they've got in flavor variety too. I'd like to find the dark chocolate (they call it "men's pocky") to try, My whole family loves dark chocolate.
It's a start to suggest the idea, now you've got the job of keeping it fresh in their minds without seeming like you're nagging at them. Good luck finding that balance, and I hope your club does plan something of a group trip.
My drawing board was made of flash paper, once it caught it went up in a snap. There is no other route I can go at this point. To be legit, a convention needs something organized behind it handling all the financial stuff. I can't as an individual go out and drum up the money to run a convention, and I don't have the resources to put together the business end of a convention right now.
I'm not even sure how to react to that.
How can I put this in a way that everyone will understand? Like I said to Shonigoneyes93, I couldn't do that to Adam. He knows I've followed the AnimeFF story throughout, so contacting him is out of the question. AnimeFF had a company "backing" them which is part of what made Adam a little more comfortable with helping them out (He said so himself somewhere, I can't find the actual wording anywhere, but there's a lot to go through), I don't even have that much. Just because I've been a member here for a few years, just because I comment on Adam's blog a lot, does not automatically make me any more credible than those swindlers. I would not feel right asking Adam to put anything at risk for my little hobby project, knowing how much he's out already because of AnimeFF.
I am only aware of a handful of WV fans here on MyO/TheO, and they're all in other parts of the state. It's not a lack of people that's the primary stop to the whole project, so all the shoutouts in the world to get people can be made, but if the money isn't there to get a convention off the ground, that Spruce Goose ain't going to fly. Collecting money for such a thing could prove to be problematic too, being an individual, it would be hard to explain that kind of thing when reporting the income for tax reasons. I'm disappointed about not getting the convention going, and not finding the people to at least get a small animé club off the ground. The two are separate things, they always were.
Finding the people would have been nice, not for the conventions sake, that was failing of money. I'd like to at least have an animé club put together, but that's not happening either at this point.
Given that a convention takes a year to get off the ground at least, that luck would be for 2008 or 2009. If I have a job by then, or some other means of steady income, I'll probably try again, but till that time the local convention is a no go.
light shadow
The impossible can do a lot of things, but it can't finance itself. It doesn't want to get arrested for counterfeiting. I'll feel better when I can see a convention with my own eyes, but I know that's not happening anytime soon so I have to suck it up, move on, and bite my tongue when people talk about conventions.
Magnus Lensherr
The only comic book shop in town is run by people out to make a quick buck, all it had in it was mainstream DC and Marvel comics in it, nothing else. Big companies like Borders, and Wal-Mart aren't too particularly keen on solicitors in their lots or posting signs in, on, or near thear buildings, so they're out too. There is one other thing I can try, and I think I'll give it a go, just to gauge responses, but I don't really expect too much to come out of it.
Hopefully I'll find them at the next store I try, which will be in mid to late March. I really do want to find them, even thouhg by then it'll be too late to maked the dish for the holiday they're traditionally served on.