I have returned from my trip back to New Jersey, and I'm doing all right, I've been around to a few sites in the past few days, but not a lot. I caught a cold or something and I've been so tired I could hardly stay up to really type out a full post, get my pictures uploaded, and respond to comments. That said, I'll be in and out till I get better, which will hopefully be soon. My mom made some great chicken soup that I've been eating with rice so I'm getting along. It may be a while before I get to everyone's posts every time you update,but know that I'm trying my best.
The artwork I mentioned is coming along, doing digital coloring is a lot more tedious than I first thought, so I'm taking it slow. I'll have the finished work submitted soon. I'm not sure how much time I'll work on it while I'm sick, but I will work at it in little bursts till it's done. Now, about the new Jersey Pictures, I'll get to those after the comments.
Magnus Lensherr
I'm in a lot better mood now than when I first read that, I just happened to be online checkign something and thought I'd answer some comments while I was here. I didn't really appreciate the lecturing tone, but I could have read more into that than was really there. There's a method to my madness, and that means I can say I'll be offline for two weeks and long in and post every day of that two weeks if I want, because that's me.
I probably should have, but I wanted to update wince I was here checking up on things.
Unfortunatley, no, no one's interested in an animé club near me so that's out too. The fans are here, they just don't have the spunk to get together with other fans.
So would I.
I really like your choice of words "insane cultural vacuum" describes my area perfectly, the people here are wannabes, and have no sincere interest in anything cultured at all. The hope isn't going to die, it's just going on the back burner till I can get an income going to make something work.
Back in New Jersey, I found an Asian market (they didn't have sakura leaves), that carries the green tea pocky which is really good. If there's medical concerns involved, you'd better check on that before eating anything you're not sure of.
If you can't get something going for this years, keep on the club to put something together for next year, even volunteer to head a committee or something if it'll get the job done. Also keep your eye out for other cons happening later this year, you might be able to swing one of those if not this one coming up.
I was having one of those weeks where I couldn't seem to communicate exactly the way I wanted, I'm glad I could clear things up.
I think, given a little more time and if I can get something off the ground and maybe going for a year or two, I'd gain the credibility to extend something to theO, and they'd be more likely to get involved.
The fans are here, they're just weenies about getting organized. Who'd have thought even the college kids would shy away from it. If the WV animé fans would unite, we could hammer the businesses that descriminate against animé like Regal Cinemas, as well as get more than one WV convention going.
Yeah, the break is good for the mind, body and soul.
Wise choice for both of us.
Ghost Hunters, they set themselves up for failure a lot, in terms of bad camera angles and what have you, but the process they go through in investigating with the DVRs and the cameras, that's about as scientific as it gets till technology improves.
I ran it by my mom and my sister, and we all heard "pull up a chair", which is kind of odd because my sister and I were looking at a faded headstone, discussing an inlay in the shape of a shield on the stone, wondering what it symbolized (the stone's writing was very faded, it couldnt' be read) at the point where that EVP was captured.
I'm still alive, thank goodness.
Angel Slayer:
Nyquil is supposed to put you to sleep, not wake you up, but oh well, I've been pumping myself full of meds the past few days to get over being sick. It's working out for the most part.
It's been a while since I've been by your page, I'll try to get by there soon. I do want to get back into the habit of visiting pages again, so I'll try.
My family and I welcome all your support and kind words. We appreciate your sympathies, the warmth, and concern you've expressed for us. Thank you all.
Expedition: New Jersey
Photos of New York City, the Twin Lights at Navesink (the cannon is on the grounds fo the Twin Lights), the bay, the Atlantic Ocean, and gulls. I couldn't take too many pictures, I was really sick, and it was bitterly cold and windy the whole weekend. I'll ask my sister's friend if I can upload some of the photos he took (he got a nice one of the Verrazano Bridge at night I'd like to share with you). Questions about a specific picture? Please give me the row and column where the picture is located in the table so I can respond effciently.