I'm getting better and better each day, though I still have a cough to contend with, I don't think I'll have that much longer with my treatments. I am still way overwhlemed with the number of people updating, so I may miss pages here and there as I try to get back into my routine of responding to people who update. Eventually, I'll be back in my full form, I hope it's sooner rather than later.
The artwork is still a couple days away at least, I'm doing the finishing shade work on it now, and then it'll be a matter of polishing and finally submitting it. I'll try to have it submitted by Wednesday, but no promises.
*takes cookie* Actually sweets do me some good in that department, but I will say something for a little bit of chicken soup poured over some sushi rice. Not only does it taste good, but it does wonders beyond the soup alone. Since I'm mostly better now, I think I'll be staying away from chicken soup though, I had way too much of it while I was down for the count.
Pixia, pardon me, Pixia, doesn't have a whole lot of high end effects and such, and that's the program I'm using for this piece. If I had the kind of money to waste on Photoshop, I'd take care of other things with it, not spend it on an overrated program.
You know, I knew someone would get a kick out of that shot, that's why I took it. There's nothing like looking down the barrel of a mystery cannon. If I could have gotten a better shot fo the plaque, I'd be able to tell the cannon's story.
Magnus Lensherr:
It'sd hard to say who was in the worse mood, I know I was really irritable when I read your comment, but that tends to jade my vision a little too. Forgive and forget, that's what I say, most of the time.
The cannon has a story behind it, but asI just told HF, I didn't get a good shot of the plaqu beside it, so I don't know the story. I remember that it was fond on the grounds of the lighthouse when they broke ground for it in the 1860's, there's speculation that is was used as a signal cannon (before fog horns were invented) and that it may have been used to defend the bay which you can see in other shots I've posted. Funny thing though the Twin Lights was once used as a Convent, and only the north tower (the octagonal one) still lights, the lense for the south tower was broken, and couldn't be repaired.
I'm not back to 100% yet, but I'm pretty close. Yeah, it's nice to have a caring family around.
death alchemist03:
Ooh, a muffin sounds really good right about now, a nice warm blueberry muffin, split in half with butter dripping down it on all sides.
I hope to have it up sometime next week, I'm don to shading and little polishing touches, so it shouldn't be that long.
If it's a double fudge cupcake, I'll take it!
Mamma Vash:
Thank you, I apreciate the sentiments.
I've never been to NY, just looked across the bay at it from Jersey. It's something to see. If I could live anywhere in the world, I'd pick NJ, not just because I have family there, but because it's a better place in terms of people, and having stuff to do.
Green tea biscotti, I dont' have that, but I do have green tea pocky that I picked up in a neat Asian Market back in NJ. It's good stuff.
I'm doing all right, thanks for the concern.
No, not a lot of people interested in really being public about their anime obsession.
The gull shots were interesting to make, I took those in a grocery store parking lot, my sister's friend tossed them a bite and they swarmed the car. They also followed up to the door and even perked up when we came out of the store later.
the real yojimbo:
I noticed, that's a why I mixed things up with soft boiled eggs, rice, and the soup. I also drank a lot of Liz Blizz a Piña Colada (yes they did leave off the tilde, but I'm not so ignorant) drink put out by SoBe that's got Vitamin C, Zinc and Echinacea, stuff that's good for the immune system, in it, not to mention a cool looking lizard on the bottle. I have to say piña colada isn't one of the first things a person would think of when they're sick as tasting very good, but for me it worked wonders. SoBe also has a green tea with Echinacea in it for those who don't like, or are allergic to, coconuts.
Photography is an artform for me, so thanks, and I'm coming along with my art piece fine.
I like to take care of myself as best I can, to avoid unecessary medication. Improperly medicating oneself is the leading cause of drug resistant strains of all forms of illness.
On the Sakura leaves, a good source tells me that they're a seasonal item (makes no sense to me since dishes other than sakuramochi call for them, but I've never been to Japan, my source has family there, who am I to argue with that?) and I won't be able to get them till next year. Now I'm stuck looking for a dish for Boy's Day (in may), or just making Ohagi.
Take the initiative yourself, don't just give them the idea and hope they do something with it. Pick up the phone, make a few calls, you'd need a hotel, and transportation, get some quotes and estimates lined up and take that info to your club. Some hotels give group discounts, keep that in mind as well. Transportation would probably be one or more people from the club, and it's not hard to coordinate that.
It's a wonderful place to visit. I hope my art turns out well too, it's looking good at the moment.
lifes burden:
It's never a vacation for me when I go somewhere on the pretext of a death. All the same, I did enjoy the time I had when I wasnt' at the funeral and all. The soup did help, and I'm rested up, though I could use a little more sleep, but that's unrelated.
I'm trying to do a lot at once, and I know I shouldn't so I'm slowing myself down to keep myself sane.
Sure thing, I try to do that if I remember, or see the date up in the bio.
About as fun as a person could have attending a funeral, but I found some light moments.
I'm getting there, not quite 100%, but close now.
My mom doesn't buy canned soup of any kind, she makes her own. I should have her pick up some split peas from the store before she comes home, I've got this craving for some split pea soup, and she showed me how to make it so I can take care fo the rest.
I hear that, nothing beats homemade soup, stew, or chili
Can't help that, those pictures are on the Atlantic Ocean. I already live in landlocked WV, and it drives me crazy. I'd love to live back East, I'd have so many interesting things to take pictures of.
You too, take care of yourself.
light shadow:
Really? Small world. Most of my family lives there. I'm geting better, just a lingering cough to get rid of now.
And the best thing to have with your soup is rice. I think that combo really knoeck my cold or whatever this bug was I had through a loop. Sushi rice, or Thai sweet rice, but be warned, sweet rice is very glutinous, it sticks to everything. I think everything's okay with the family, We all kind of keep things to ourselves in that department (not good I know!) so I can only go by what I see.
Being sick really saps your energy, the Medicine doesn't help in that area either. I do not, under any circumstances, take liquid medicine. I know sometimes it's better, but I got sick on the stuff once (cough medicine is supposed to stop coughs, not make you cough up the medicine) and I've never been able to stomach it since, can't even get it into my mouth without recoiling.
I like seeing pics like that too, because the best way to travel somewhere is thorugh the eyes of a person who's been there. I take shots that catch my eyes, and tell a story of the place I'm at. If I could have gone into the lighthouse tower (the museum was closed), I'd have quite a shot for you. That's another trip though, preferebly in the summer.
Yeah, my sister had it first, my dad got it, then I had it, it's mostly gone, but I'm still fighting the cough. My mom and I seem to have handled it the best out fo the whole family, we didn't have the worst of the symptoms for long, or as severe as my sister and dad had them. Nice to know I can take a decet picture when I'm not feeling all that well. Guess some things go beyond the physical perception.
I try, but it's getting to the point I can't keep up with everyone every day. I may have to make a scedule of who to visit on what days.
It's not fun, especially when you're traveling and your sick. 500 miles feels like 500,000 when you're coughing and making bathroom runs every half hour or so. The soup helped, I think my approach to treating this thing was effective. I treated it agressively, and I'm still kicking it's butt as best I can.
It's nice to see other places, I like to do that too. I have a love/hate thing with West Virginia, but it's not because I've lived here for 16 years, it's the people that turn me off to the state. I have this insane quality where I can be in a familiar place, and look at it with the eyes of a complete stranger. I do that all the time around town here, that's how I get some intersting photos, because I'm not looking as a long-time resident, I'm looking as a tourist. Try that once in a while, you'll be surprised how different even your hometown seems.
Well, my photos don't do the place justice. It was overcast and bittelry cold that day, I think the camera sees that, but trust me, it's hardly a dull place.
No, I can't afford any courses/classes, I'm all self-taught. Makes the photos all the more impressive doesn't it?
Thank you for the warm sentiments, I do appreciate them, my whole family does. I do take medicine for colds and such, but I do believe there's more to the cure than a chemical cocktail, so I treat with medicinal herbs along with medicines and other types of treatments, the mix of things actually helped me through this thing quickly. Now I just have a cough to get rid of.
You can never go wrong with simple tools, I love to just take a plain sheet of printer paper and one of my mechanical pencils and do a quick doodle now and then, to remind myself where I started. I started duplicating screenshots on lined notebook paper, having printed out the ref pics in black and white cause my printer had no colored ink. That was August 2003, and I've been an animé artist ever since. Digital coloring is relatively new to me, there's a reason I'm doing this pic digitally in term of coloring, but I'll cover that in the caption for it.
I'm almost there. Thanks, I did try.
I was always suffering from allergies when I was in school, in the fall and in the spring. Funny how I don't suffer them so much anymore, but I do get them bad once in a while.
Well, life has ebbs and flows like the tide, a little excitement, a little dull time but always moving.
Yes,the big black thing is an anchor, I don't think they had a plaque up explaining it either.
I am feeling better now, not 100%, but I'm almost there.
It's not my first digital coloing attempt, it will be my first publicly exhibited attempt though, so I am trying to make it look as good as I can get it. It's more tedious for me than tricky, but I'm working with Pixia since I can't afford Photoshop.
There are three airports in the area, Two in New York, on in Jersey. If you ever go the chance, you want to find the Twin Lights in Navesink (it's said like nav-uh-sink) NJ. It's a State park, so it's not hard to find. Getting up the hill is quite a feat though.
I'm always glad to lend a hand when I can, and back someone up when they need it. Life's too short to be stuck-up and selfish, so I try not to be.