Not a lot to say today, and no silly green picture so I'll skip to the comments.
Thanks, I'm doing a lot better, even tho cough isn't so bad anymore.
It's a real trip sometimes to get to everyone, but that's part of the fun of a community. I woudln't trade it for anything in the world.
I do try to know at least a little about technical things. I got some more detailed info for you on Pixia. If you do want to try Pixia, download pix33be.exe, and install it first, then download pixhlp_e.exe, that's the help file, they're both on the same page. If you want to be able to do more than just the basic stuff, you'll need to download and install pxadfl_e.exe from the Pixia download page, then you can get more stuff from Massa's page. Find the link "Get the filter which Massa made" It has more filters and effects for Pixia. I used a couple of them on splash image at the top of the page. On Massa's page after the demo of all the filters in that above mentioned file, is a JPEG writing expansion, I like the features this adds to saving JPEG files and it's not hard to install. Almost every picture I have on my page here had something done to it in Pixia, to give you an idea what it can do. I hope you get that keyboard shortrcut thing figured out too. Keyboard shortcuts are a good thing, but they should be key combos to prevent accidental app launches. Sometime the apps make the shortcuts themselves when they're updated, so it's hard to tell how that got put in there.
It's difficult, but not impossible. Now with being able to see more than one day at a time, it makes it easier to not miss someone accidentally.
I'll try to have it up soon.
It seems to be going around cause that's the same thing my Dad and Sister have too. It's a stubborn little cough, but it'll go away eventually.
It is fun, but every part of the process is fun to me.
You do know that Nyquil is made by Vicks, the same people who make that nasty licorice tasting Vicks 44, (It looks like tar in a bottle) so if that's "original" flavor, my bet is on nasty nasty licorice. I don't take liquid medicine of any kind, I find pills. If there's not a pill for it, I look for alternative treatments.
Since the lighthouse itself was closed, I was on the grounds in front of it.
Try something, anything, with Echinacea in it. That stuff works wonders.
the real yojimbo:
Who knew the humble potato could hold so much power. Time to go make me a screwdriver. *takes vodka and flies off*
I'm glad to be getting better, and I'm working to get that artwork up post haste.
I can remember when Paint Shop Pro was the big dog and every graphics company wanted people experienced with it, not Photoshop. I downloaded the free trial version from the Corel website, and I'll try it out over the next month, if I like it and think it'll suit my needs, I'll try to put the money into getting a full version of it. Ideally, I'd like to have the money to get Manga Studio, it's more specialized and has some features to it that not even Photoshop has, because I'm not that good at manga style art and I do eventually want to experiement in that area.
Happy St. Patty's Day to you too.
death alchemist03:
I'm doing the best I can in that area. Rest, and the right treatments are working wonders.
It'll be up soon, I promise.
Tell me about it, it wasn't fun, but I managed to make it through all right.
The only reason I recovered swiftly this time was because I really attacked this thing head on. I took the right medicine, I used homeopathic remedies, chicken soup, and Vitamin C zinc, echinacea combo, I used menthol and camphor rubs, and other vapor treatments that, when put together, took care of the bug for the most part. I still have the cough, but it's managable, and going further away each day. Normally, I'd be miserable for days. About ten years ago I was saying the same thing of WV.
I've been here for so long, it's like a second home to me, that's kind of why I keep up with it like I do. I try not to stress over missing an update now and then, because I do get around to the sites consistently. I don't vote on as much art as I used to either, but I make it a point to browse through the submissions once in a while just to keep up with things.
Well, the joke was lost on me, my idiot brother mixed meds once and put himself in the hospital with chest pains. I'm less keen on chemical drugs, probably becausee of that and a few other things I've seen happen to people who take the wrong thing, ot take too much. Maybe you should try something like echinacea, it's an herb that's beleived to boost the immune system. I can only tell you that it seemed to work for me.
I have to wait till next year, unless someone out there has a cherry tree they can pluck some leaves from and send to me.
That's the horse of a different color, but still if you have to take the initiative, do it. It never hurts to ask the questions that no one else wants to ask for fear of looking dumb.

I don't have any Fruit Loops in the house, but I do have some raisin bran for you.
I hope I do, this cough is weird, it comes and goes. There are times I'm relieved to see that people haven't posted too, it means less running around for me, but I do like to comment when I can.
Soon, it'll be up soon.
Yeah, them cookies work wonders.
Pixia is the same, it's like a very basic version of Photoshop, it's also free, and the original creator is Japanese (that means some of the defaults are ideal for anime artwork!) I downloaded the program you mentioned, I'll try it out and see if I like it, if I do, I'll consider paying for the full version.
If it wasn't so cold and windy at the time, I could have had my tripod out there and gotten a better shot of the plaque, the one shot I do have the text is too blurred to read. I'll try to dig up the story of the cannon though, I'm sure it's on a NJ lighthouse website somewhere. I have no professional experience, no degrees, or anything like that under my belt, and peope tell me I take good shots anyway. Something to consider. A good way to practice would be to get a mid range digital camera (there are $50-$80 digital cameras that would make good "test" cameras), carry it with you and take the shots that catch your eye. If you do take the class, and if your really interested in photography you should, but take it with a grain of salt. You don't need fancy technique or equipment to get decent pictures.