Punk Scout YahikoHosted By
For all of you waiting for my latest art creation, there you go. I'll let you hop over and read the caption info under the image for the whole story so I don't have to tell it here.
While I'm linking things, Caprice: is running her second annual Otakubowl, see her page for info on what it is, and how to participate.
I'm sure you've noticed the green by now. I put a variant up for St. Patrick's Day, but I did intend to segway into a new theme, so I'm keeping the green up for now as it will be more in tune with my next theme which should be completed, soon.
Yeah, Green's more my color,
I can't say I know what fueled the decision, but it's one of those works or it doesn't things. I think having a different color for older posts (like previous day's posts) would be a help, so that everything isn't the same shade of blue which is a little tough on the eyes.
I'm not sure what to go into either. How about the warming weather?
Outlaw Melfina:
Don't be surprised if your doctor tells you not to try it, doctors are trained to push pharmaceutical drugs nowadays, they have little common sense medical knowledge. The combination of Echinacea, Vitamin C and Zinc is really potent against a cold, it's worked for me for the most part.
Trees take an average of 8-10 years to mature, but the leaves could probably be harvested before then. Having a cherry tree in town would be odd, I will keep that in mind and my eyes open for I could also use grape leaves if I knew someone with a grapvine who doe't use chemical pesticides or fertilizers on the plants, those leaves can be preserved and used the same way Japanese Cherry leaves are used, so some people say.
Can't help there.
It started as a St. Patty's Day theme, but since I'm working on a new main theme anyway, I decided to keep the green and tweak it a little.
the real yojimbo:
"Their always after me lucky charms!"
It's going to be around a while, sorry about that.
Green is my favorite color.
Yep, Green.
Do give it a try, don't forget the help files and additional filters are separate installs. I went to install that program you mentioned, it wanted me to register to be able to use it at all so It's automatically on my T list for that reason alone. Freeware isn't free if it asks for personal information to be able to use it. I have a thing about giving away information that's priceless.
Just don't get a Fuji camera! They are tempermental and don't take good shots when you want them too. A little bit on pro know-how isn't a bad thing, it does look better on résumés anyway.
Glad you could make it, and we wish you all the best and a full recovery.
I used to were green all the time, now I just don't care. I'm not around enough people to need to dress up for every holiday.
Well, I tried Paint Shop Pro, and I really don't like it. For everything I've used up to date, I like a certain measure of intuitive accessability. I shouldn't have to go to the help file to figure out basic stuff like adding layers. When I have to do that, I kow the program is too high end for me. Out of curiosity, what the heck is a raster layer anyway? I first saw an ad for Manga Studio 3 on the TokyoPop website, and it looks like a sensible program. It's specific to manga creation, so I think it would help me as I try to expand into that area with my art. E-frontier, the company that makes it, screws themselves by requiring registration to access their free trial software though, so I won't try it unless someone can point me to a download that is 100% free. I don't give out my information for free software, to me, that's an even higher cost than any amount of money.
Angel Slayer:
Let's see if I can do this right. Hey, my spirits, going good, and yeah. In skin types I'm a Type I, fair skin, red hair. I burn, I don't tan at all, and I think tans are about as attractive as the prospect of Melanoma. I knew someone who got one of those spray on tans once, she looked like an Oompa-Loompa having a bad hair day.
Sure has been.