Ah, another day, another dollar I don't have. Anyway, cut the grass yesterday for the first time this season. I'm going to have to do something about the front lawn which don't like to cut very well. Anyway, that, my artwork, and my new theme which will be up soon are all taking their toll on me so I'm sleepy today. After I get some rest, I'll be ready to go. I think I'll have my new theme up and ready later today, maybe tomorrow. I've been waiting to get a picture to work with, I got it now so I'll be golden.
I didn't think about that, sorry. Yeah, Point Pleasant is a nice place to visit, it's kind of hard to get to (it's not on a really main road), so living there probably wouldn't be ideal, but visiting is always fun.
That's the impression I get. It is possible that no one's really noticed, but something should be said. I think I'll take care of bringing that to Adam's attention today, and I'll let him decide if anything is worth doing.
Yep, sure did, and thanks, I like the way they turned out.
robin killer:
It's alwys nice to know I've got an audience. I'll try to have them up soon.
I'm not sure, but I don't think that one actually came from the Silver Bridge, but I know it is representative of the ones used on it. Being able to be right in the area where history happened like that, that's a priceless treasure.
Sweeten your tea with honey, and you'll be surprised how well it soothes the throat. Another tea I'd recommend, though it doesn't taste all that great to me is dandelion tea. While the taste wasn't too pleasing for me, I did notice that the tea warmed and soothed my throat in a way that I've never had tea do before. I know what you mean though, Like some people are to coffee, I am to tea, I have to have a cup of tea sometime during the day, and I'll probably get into white tea more now that I know it's taste is mild and pleasant.
I was in Theater in high school all three school years. Yeah, I loved every minute of it, and that's what kept me in school was the theatre class. Are you sure we're not the same person from parallel worlds?
For the full effect, you should see what I posted in the comment thread for that podcast itself:
Otaku Legend
Posted 07/17/06
". . .for anyone who didn't get to make it, if you weren't part of the 42,000 people who made it this year, you suck. . ."
To the hosts of this podcast:
It's blatantly offensive remarks like the one quoted above, made in this week's podcast, that will drive listeners away from this podcast, not keep them coming back. Anime Expo was in California, that's not a convenient trip for people with no money on the east coast to make by any stretch of the imagination. Jesting or not, you need to consider your audience before going off half-cocked with critical comments against the members of your audience who aren't as fortunate as you are. We aren't all made of money, we can't all just drop what we're doing and fly across the country to spend a couple days playing around being completely engrossed in our hobbies, as much as we would like to be able to do that. Now I can't speak for any of the other theotaku.com or myotaku.com users you insulted with that remark, but I can say that you will be one listener down from here on out because of it.
Good day sirs (and I use that term loosely).
Thanks for respecting my opinion on the matter, I think we can agree to disagree and move on without troubles. I suppose I'm harboring this whole thing unnecessarily, but I know I'd end up saying the wrong thing to the wrong person over there, and it's kind of embarrassing to get kicked off a board where you know someone on the staff. I've had that happen before, long story I'd rather not get into.
It would be I'm sure.
Since it was a gelling mishap the theory involved the pectin. Either it wasn't put in, or not enough was put in. If I can get a couple pounds of grapes, I'm sure I can figure it out. The taste is unique.
I can hardly afford everything either, but I do like to keep my options open. Check your bargain bins you'll find a lot, particularly at stores like Dollar General if you have any of those. There are a couple shows I didn't even know were on DVD that I or my sister found. Oddly, I can make gore effects (effects make-up was my specialty in theatre) but I can't watch Horror films. My overactive imagination really gets me. Animated it doesn't bother me either.
A little confidence booster now and then is a good thing. I should try to give those kinds of boosts to people more often.
I'll try to have them up soon.
I went back over it, and the post you're referring to is actually quoting the orignial poster of the comment that irked me (note how it's in italics followed by plain text - that's how some people indicate a quote is with italics). The post you read was referencing some other "communities" that do that sort of thing, and well, it's not a community if it doesn't welcome newcomers, it's garbage. DA failed to impress me, that's why I'm not there often. I guess I don't really feel like it's a community it's more of a portfolio site to me.
People complaining about the content restrictions here need to understand that this isn't an adult site, so there has to be some measure of control to keep things appropriate for the younger viewers (appropriate by definition of COPPA). I've noticed some politics in the approval process myself, but I'm not going to complain about it. I'll just keep submitting pictures till I hit the point where my number of submissions lets me bypass moderation too.
Thanks. You know, I've heard that before about my likeness to Adam Savage, I wonder if there's money in being a celebrity look-alike for him. I'd actually do some of the stupid stuff he does to boot. I found that shirt at Ames (out of business now), and I like it, it's got a dragon, a guy fighting the dragon, and the guy's got tattoos of dragons on his arms. I wear shirts like that all the time, but I can wear my blacks too, people tell me I look a bit intimidating when I dress in black, so I like to wear black out some times. That is a fascinating story about evil spirits, maybe that explains why WV is in the pits now, no whirlpools in the rivers to drown the evil spirits anymore.
I try to be expressive and articulate when I can be. If I have something to say about something, I'm not going to just say as little as possible about it and that's it. I'm going to speak my mind. However, there are certain things I've learned, as a guy, not to elaborate on, one of which is the female gravitation toward talking. ^_^;
I'm doing good now. I think my being really tired, and irritated at something else (can't remember what now) all came together with the news and, well, this dragon can't handle that much pressure at once.
The Mothman is an alluring phenomenon, and since I can get to the town where it all happened years ago, that's more of a plus for me.
Sure, glad to help out.
That's okay, it happens
It's a great place, come on over and see it sometime. As for the bizarre things that have happened there, some people believe that Chief Cornstalk cursed the land when he died there. What brought about the Mothman is something no one knows for sure, but his first sighting wasn't in Point Pleasant believe it or not. It was much further north, and more east near a little town (that's on the Rail Trail I've posted pictures of) called Salem. How he got so famous in Point Plesant is another story, it relates to the Silver Bridge, and some other things going on down there at the time.
That's all right too, you're here now and the kind words are appreciated.
Walking in the rain isn't so bad, I like to do it once in a while myself, but I do have my limits to how long I'll be out in wet weather.
You can't actually see the markings they describe because they are on top of the stone, not on the side they have facing the fence. It is neat to look at something like that and to know more of the culture of an area from before Europeans settled here. I should point out that I have at least two Native American mounds near me, and one that's a little further up (in Moundsville where the prison is) that I'm going to try to shoot sometime soon. Finding out the Native American history from further back than settler times is a wonderful look at this area's heritage.
I suppose I am a bit tall, I've never really noticed. ~_^
Kind words, even though they're a little late are very welcome to me. I know you'd have been here if you could have been.
Pixia is a good basic program for doing things with art, but it does have it's limitations. Oh, I'll link them later, but I actually made a couple brush sets for Pixa based on the leaves and grasses from Photoshop Elements (they're not on the desktop computer so I have to transfer them first). Just remember to stamp with them, not drag. Did you get the help files and the additional filters installed? Those things help out a lot, and there's a few other things to install for Pixia that make saving JPG and PNG files more user friendly. If I could find a program that made coloring easier for me, I'd be all for it.
Now that I think about it, I could use my Pen Name's info for that kind of thing, but still I can't register the program on my laptop, because the laptop isn't connected to the net. I don't load any program onto my desktop (because my family shares it) without testing on my laptop first.
I certainly do, when I'm in my human form for the camera.
So am I, being down takes a lot out of a dragon.
I'm always happy to see people I know succeeding and getting recognition. I'll do it for anyone I know if I recognize the artwork.