Yahoo! Messenger support is being completely stupid,go figure I should have expected that. More people are being victimized by harrassment in the form of plagiarism accusations, I'm none to happy about that, so I'm in a very sour mood today.
On a lighter note, Adam posted a gem of an Aprl Fool's joke on TheO yesterday. I don't think he'll be able to top himself after this one for a long time.
Anyway, I'm tired, annoyed, and have an RP project that starts later today, I'll go right to the good stuff. Oh, it did rain some today, which I really liked.
Hopefully you can see the new theme now, it is up and running.
Since I do little else around the house, I kind of like to do at least a little bit. That's shoveling the wallks in winer, cuttign the grass in the summer.
I like to cut the grass, it's just a little tougher to do with a reel mower, that thing bindds up on thicker grass.
Puppies crave attention, I've gone through that before. Good luck.
Not quite, but he's close. Actually, he's the lizard mascot that's on the SoBe bottles. I should have mentioned that sooner.
Yeah, I like the lizard too, that's why I'm using him as my theme.
There's a bit of irony to that, these guys are on varios SoBe product bottles, so that's kind of their job to make you thirsty.
Thank you, I did try to be different this time.
It's amazing what a little inspiration and a bottle of Liz Blizz will do. I'm glad you like it.
Yeah, actually the comment threads really need a quote feature because sometimes people forget to put who they're quoting. That was one of them. I'm beginning to think I tend to read too much into things and react without taking the time to reason out my response, which leads to trouble.
Yes, I saw that, I saw a site or two relating to that as well. I've said it once, I'll say it again, that user's heart is in the right place, but his head certainly isn't. Getting hostile and antagonistic toward users over something like that really is harrassment, and it shouldn't be allowed on site either. Vigilante justice is not justice at all, that kind of "public service" doesn't make anyone a hero, it reveals a glory-hound for who he or she really is. That's all I'm going to say on the "P" word stuff going on now. the question of Mods being artists themselves is a tricky one to handle, it makes sense that people who have art experience do moderate the art submissions, but the real question should be whether or not they're allowed to submit art on a site the moderate. That's a difficult one to answer.
Best of luck with the move and all, I hope your return to the net finds you safe and well in your new home. Get on when you can, but don't push it to be here.
the real yojimbo:
Thanks, I thought it time to get back to my reptilian roots. ^_^
Point Pleasant is about an hour's drive from where I live, but WV does have a lot of history in it all over the state. I'm a space nut, I have been since the Challenger disaster, so I'd be loving that kind of view, heck, I'd be trying to take pictures of it.
Good news for you, the dandelion tea I tried is caffeine free. You want to try to find Mount of Olives Treasures, Soothing Dandelion tea. That's the one I tried. I thought it tasted a little funky, but I don't like licorice which is one of the ingredients in it, and that may have played a part. It really does soothe the throat though, and I had mine plain, no sugar or nothing (you want to use honey to sweeten it if it needs it - sugar ruins the taste of any tea.)
I'd put money on me being the slider since I can't seem to get a job in this universe. I'd like to think in my own I'd actually be working right now.
I couldn't put it better myself.
Yeah, that would take some doing.
An odd piece of trivia for you, in Hitchcock's Psycho, to film the shower scene where the "blood" is running down the drain, they tried stage make-up but it didn't show up on film very well, they tried several other things as well, nothing worked. They ended up using chocolate syrup to get that scene right. I'm not into Horror as a genre in anything really, I'd probably check out a "Horror" anime series where I wouldn't even think about seeing a horror film. I'll see if I can find a DVD volume of any of those around somewhere. I'd like to check those out.
Yeah, Mothman drew a lot of comments and interest (just read my guestbook and see), but I'll save him for maybe Halloween, he's got that spooky look to him. Time to get active for the summer anyway, so the sports enthusiat lizards are a good look.
mysterious rei:
That's all right, you get around when you can. the people who saw the real one first-hand are the ones who don't like to talk about it, and they wish they never did see him. In a nutshell, cutting the grass is tiring. Hopefully you can see the new theme now, and funny you should mention it kicking some butt given the new avatar is a boxing lizard.
Nice to see you, and don't worry, I don't handle power mowers either (string trimmers are another story - I have steel toed boots for that), I just use an old classic, the Reel Mower, and it cuts the grass beautifully (better than a gas powered mower if you ask me). I tried to make it an odd one thast fit my personality. I'm glad it worked.
It's fun for me, but it does take a lot out of a person physically.
I hope the new theme shows up for you by now, if you see lizards on almost everything, that's the new theme.
You know, I had a bit of an epiphany when I was writing that e-mail. I realised that if I sent it, I'd be starting down a road that may not be a good one for me. I'd like the staff to know me, but not as the guy who stirs up trouble over every little thing. I'll keep that comment in mind and if I see another one like it, then I'll be more comfortable with bringing it to the site administrators' attentions.
Yep the lizards are everywhere, and I hope these guys are easy on the eyes for some of my visitors too.
Poor me on the weeks I have to wait to cut the cause of the rain. I love cutting the grass. At least the yard is small.
I'm not entirely sure where the ditzimplication came (apologies for that), but yeah, I try to post pics of everything I mention. It's a matter of getting a relative to get me to where the photo ops are.
Well, I can tell you that I know I'm 6' exactly, that's to give you all a point of reference, so you can look at something in a picture, like the Mothman statue and know how big it is. As for associating that with being "tall" I don't really make that distinction.
Yeah, the pendata for Pixia are bitmap images, that's as simple as it gets. Okay, these are .zip files, so you want to extract them to the "Pendata" folder for Pixia, they should create their own category (click the arrow next to "Group 1" with all the round pen tips, you'll see a list, Group 1-5, and maybe Oblique, if you extract both of these correctly, you should also see Leaves and Grass listed there). Here are theLeaves, and here are the Grass Pixia pen tips I made. Be sure to check the Pendata folder for the readme files, that's probably where they'll be put when you extract everything. I put some tips in the readmes that might be helpful if you run into problems.
I'll keep that in mind.
Mamma Vash:
The lizards are actually, well I'm not sure whet they are, they're graphics on SoBe labels. Inspiration hits me in the oddest ways. I don't use power mowers, I'm not big on the noise, and I don't trust myself with a machine like that which could cut my foot off. I use a reel mower and it does the job just fine. I don't have critter holes to worry about , but twigs can be a hassle.
Being able to take the time to just sit back and appreciate nature is a wonderful thing. Cherish that time. It's very important for us to take some time to relax, even if a mountain of things needs to be done. They're swinging for me, but I can't tell which direction yet.
Well, that was unintentional, actually there's five lizards, see if you can find them all.
the new art is coming, I've been lacking in the motivation department so it's not fully off the ground yet.