Okay, I know what I really need a lot more of, sleep. I tend to get really grumpy, irritable, and generally foul-mooded when I'm tired. I've gotten some rest and I'm okay to go right now.
On the art I'm doing. I am still working on those, I have to print out some refs for one of the pictures, but that'll not be too hard. The other one isn't going to be hard at all, I've got an idea going for it as well (that's Yensid's suggestion which I really like of doing a piece based off my username). I am also going to try to do my own lizardman soda jerk when I get these guys done. I'll keep the challenge open for a while after I get mine done, but I'll probably close it after a while and come up with something else for people to draw.
No cake for me thanks, but a hot cup of tea (my sister found this sampler pack with some apple spice tea in it that's just wonderful) and a blanket will do just fine whenever I'm in a mood like that. I'm doing all right now. If I don't push myself too much and make myself overtired again, I'l be fine.
Most of my foul moods come from being really tired. I tend to push myself to get things done and not get enough sleep. That makes me a grumpy dragon.
The RP seems to be going all right. I'll know as it progresses how well I'm doing with it.
There's a right and wrong way to deal with things like that, he's not doing it the right way in my opinion. Just because a picture is on a site, doesn't mean it's the original work, like that one I showed you last night, that puts holes in using unverified "evidence" provided pseudo-anonymously. How many of his "evidence" links are rips from someone else's art on a site he hasn't seen?
There's really no point in it. If people would use the provided, legit, and proper means to report art that's in question, they'd be doing a lot more for thier "cause" that drawing unwanted hostilities and insiting conflict. Stirring up conflict is the only thing that will be accomplished in the long term by the users who seem to think vigilante justice is right (Even the Commissioner Gordon in Batman doesn't approve of Batman's crime fighting). I'm not going to get caught up in that.
Yeah, if I didn't know what day it was, I would probably have taken it seriously. The best part is, those pictures he used are 100% verified as being Jeff Borncamp himself. The little theif has an in focus face now.
Yeah, rain is nice, and I don't so much like the smell of cut grass, I just like to cut grass. Funny how using a reel mower actually produces less smell than a motorized mower. I think because it actually cuts the grass, and doesn't beat it shorter, it doesn't stir up as much stuff. I used to have a big yard, there's no way you could cut it with a reel mower.
I thought I may have implied something. I like to to cover my bases. I know that feeling, I had to walk to a bank in subzero wind chills once because our car wouldn't run. It was out of commission for a couple months (it hated the cold among other things)
There's an advantage to being shorter though, and your friends who are guys should take note of this. You can more easily hit 'em where it counts if they act up too much. And believe me, when guys react to being hit there, it's not as painful as it looks, its at least ten times worse (don't ask!).
Sure. I hope the readmes doesn't read too silly. I think I was on cold medicine or something when I wrote them. How much use you'll get out of them is really up to you, but having them will be a help when doing BG work. Just remember not to drag them.
Thanks on the theme. I almost was fooled myself, but I realized that it was April Fool's Day, and Adam would have probably forwarded those "e-mails" to the FBI rather than deal with that loser again.
Angel Slayer:
My weekend was like riding the Tilt-O-Whirl all over again. I still have to get my cousin for that one. No, I just put that Boxing Lizard ava up, it came with my new theme.
I have to burn to get freckles, and I take the sun very seriously since I burn that way. I kind of preach on that, but I practice safe sun exposure stuff myself, like SPF 35 sunscreen (I burn right through 15 and 20), and a broad brimmed hat and so on.
Outlaw Melfina:
Yes, the "dope" in the pictures is the guy who scammed a lot of people in the animé community.
A word of advice if someone tells you to get it, DON'T. You're better off without it.
After I figured out it was a joke, I laughed too.
Yes, you're better off without it.
The SoBe Lizard is cool, so that's why he's my theme now.
I can remember a time when Yahoo! actually took care of their users problems. Since 2004 they've been in the toilet when it comes to customer service. I can remember when they used to have support people on YM, the username would even show up in your contacts list. They don't even do that now.
Yes, it was, and I don't think he'll be able to beat that one for a long time.
I've been doing them for a while now, and I like the challenge.
This isn't the Salem of the Witch trials, that one's in Mass. As for recent sightings, a lot of people don't like to talk about it when they see him, so it's hard to tell if people have seen him or not. There's a rumor that he was seen before the 9/11 attacks, but that's unconfirmed. I can tell you that in 2004 I had en encounter with him myself. Granted it was in a dream, but the encouter still creeps me out because it came three nights before a major thing hit my family. It's a really cool place to visit, come on over to WV, just try not to talk to the people too much, you'll find them unbearably hillbilly.
The Mythbusters revisited their running in the rain findings, turns out running in the rain does keep you drier, but not by much.
The short of it is I was shuffled between a lot of people who didn't read my e-mails, and hey didn't seems to understand the basics of the problem I was explaining to them. To my knowledge, they still don't.
The problem people around here have is they see a picture on another site and automatically assume the user here took that picture without asking. Now, I traced one such picture to it's origin, or as close to it as I could get I think, and let me tell you, that pictures was on at least two dozen sites in one way or another before it was used here on TheO, and the image that's cited as the "original" work, isn't the original, it's one of the many copies posted online. For the people that are going to accuse someone of stealing a picture, they'd better do all the legwork and check to make sure the one source they have isn't also plagiarising the art.

Part of that's the coding I think. The MyO Edit Styles thing cuts the URL off so I had to put the code into my CSS to get it to show up at all. It seems to take longer to load that way, but I can't help that till they add ten characters to the limit in the URL field in that area of the backroom. It is also a huge image, so it may take a while to load up on slower connections.
I hope not too. Then I'd have to say something to someone.
the real yojimbo:
They've really been messing up a lot lately. I wonder if that "security patch" they had me install with fix that.
I'll drink to that.
Yeah, some people took it seriously. Even the cover art was a give-away that the article wasn't all it appeared. How often does FAKE get used as cover art of an article on TheO? some people really flipped out over that, that's what's funnier. I missed SomeGuy's article till you mentioned it. That one's a classic in and of itself. ".hack//Boobs" is sure to live on in the years to come on TheO. Both those were good jokes, and you know a sites got a sense of humor if they can post that kind of thing in fun.
Given that I was five at the time, I had to see it on the news, but I remember that puffball cloud being shown over and over and over again on TV, and that tragedy fascinated me. Of the original three space shuttles, Discovery is the only one left. (Atlantis and Endeavor came later) The original three space worthy shuttles were Challenger, Columbia (which was built in 1981) and Discovery (The original shuttle which was built only to test the steering/langing controls was named Enterprise). If anything happens before the shuttle fleet is grounded permanently in the next few years (Lord willing it doesn't), it'll likely be the Discovery that it happens with.
You don't need to sell me on that, I use raw sugar all the time when I'm not using Honey. Honey goes better in tea in my opinion, but raw sugar is also a great way to sweeten tea. I haven't tried to find it in a store other than Big Lots, but it's sure to be out there somewhere. If you can't find it in a store, try theirwebsite, you might get some info on where and how to get it.
We walk the same path there. It's really discouraging to put a lot of effort into something to have it come up short. I'm working on the writng angle too, but I was thinking about self publishing. If I could find a publisher that's looking for unsolicited work I'd go that route easily. I'll keep Self publishing in mind, after All Richard Hooker built a pretty good thing for himself when he did that (He wrote the M*A*S*H novels) after being rejected by every publisher. Good luck with your efforts.
It's really big in theatre circles, especially effects make-up people. I learned it from a teacher at a conference one year.
Yes, the summer Lizard is cool.
That and "we're too lazy to read what you wrote to the other 15 reps we shuttled your complaint through."
I didn't catch that one either till you and timechaser brought it up. I got a giggle out of ".hack//Boobs", and some of the other little things he put into that article.
The RP is going all right, and my mood is okay too. Sleep helped out a lot.
I think it's supposed to be the same lizard doing different active things. He is cool, that's why he's here.
Iruka Sensei:
Out of curiosity, I had to check out that site you mentioned. Yeah, it's scary how similar they are, but I assure you that's just a coincidence. Goes to show that two people can independantly come up with similar designs by chance.
I do feel better now thanks.