All right, I'm set up and ready to tackle as many of those art projects as I can today. I know I won't get them all done, but I'll be closer to having them done by the end of the day than I was yesterday. I am a little tired at the moment, but I've been putting some work into a few things that needed done. I'm in a good mood, and I'm itching to get on that art stuff. Since I've got this ball of energy, I'll go get on that art now. Have a great day everyone!
Angel Slayer:
I can't afford to forget. I've gotten way too many nasty burns already. There's a really neat spray on kind of sunscreen I like to use because it's easier to apply and not as messy. I think sleep is something we all dream about, though few of us actually attain it.
ALERT - HOT-BUTTON ISSUE RANT: Never take a cold medicine to put yourself to sleep, EVER! Irresponsible use of drugs is what gets people hooked on them, and causes viruses to mutate into resistant strains. I'm as much a stickler on OTC abuse as I am on proper skincare in the sun. There are sleep aids out there without the cold medicines in them that are for that purpose, there are also natural alternatives. The best thing for me is a warm cup of Chamomile tea, and I'll be out like a light in no time.
I was irritable before school for other reasons than just being tired, but some rest will do me the good I need. The art will be up soon I hope.
That's good advice, I'll have to give it a try later, thanks.
Speaking of tea, that same company which makes the dandelion tea also makes a sweet apple spice tea (also caffeine free) that you've got to try as well. It's a very red tea.
When I first popped that article ".hack//Boobs" was the first thing I saw, I read through it briefly and caught the "Notebook of Fear" thing at the end. Since it was after the fact, I wasn't taken in at all, but I probably would have been hedging the fence on that one till I knew for sure it was a hoax if I'd seen it on April 1.
I know a thing or two about the Shuttles. That's quite a profound statement for someone so young.
Honey is 20% sweeter than sugar is, all it takes is 1-2 teaspoons, never any more than that. You don't want to overpower the flavor of the tea with sweeteners, that's just wrong. I use a clover honey myself, but there are other varieties. Try a wildflower or an orange honey if clover isn't right for you. If I could give up soda I would in a heartbeat, but it's hard to give up something when that's the only thing the grocery shopper buys to drink cold. (I like a good juice now and again).
Yeah, he was told by every publisher he approached that his novel would never sell. He self published, and look at where it got him. Sequel novels, a movie, and TV series which had a spin-off series as well. Guess those guys are all kicking themselves now for not printing that book when they had the chance. That kind of story keeps me going and tells me that I can get somewhere if I work at it. For that matter, you can too.
I was a techie more than an actor.
It's on it's way.
Here are the pictures I've gotten so far for the challenge. More specifically a Soda Jerk was the guy who ran the soda fountain in the malt shops and drug stores in the 40's and 50's. As for sleep, I'm working on that too.
twilight samurai:
I wish I'd have known you were working on that, I could have helped with it. Macbeth(I read your post) is one of my favorite Shakespeare plays
"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
to the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
the way to dusty death. Out, out brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
who struts and frets his hour upon the stage
and then is heard no more. It it a tale
told by an idiot, full of sound a fury,
signifying nothing."
Macbeth Act V sceneV.
I'll certainly try, and the pics should be up soon.
the real yojimbo:
All my art stuff is in a dresser, organized by different drawers so I can find stuff when I need it.
I'm doing my best to rest up when I can. Andthe art is a fun challenge for me, it should be ready soon.
Yeah, I agree.
From reading his news posts and comments, SomeGuy sounds cool. I hope you get to meet up with them. That's an opportunity I'll likely never get to experience.
I got that e-mail, thanks for passing it along. Now, while these aren't my official product from that suggestion, here and here are a couple cosmic takes on the username, courtesy of Yahoo! Avatars. My official artwork on that will be up soon.
I seem to have two modes when I'm tired. Grumpier and Grumpiest. It wears me out to be tired and irritable too, which makes me more and more cranky. I'm trying to get caught up on my rest, which means I'll be cutting some activities for a few days, but it'll be worth it.
Well, I try, and I do really good when I'm rested up all the way.
Hopefully I'll have the new art ready really soon.
Outright plagiarism is a bad thing, and it doesn't really make sense for a person to do it. The gray areas come when people use pictures on sites that claim the pics are legit when they're not. Accountability for that decptive info shouldn't be put on the person accused of takingthe artwork, it should be brought back onto the site making false claims about the art.
I think I fixed the code, so the pic should load a little quicker now. No promises though. Yeah, on the background he's a surfer lizard.
Yes it is. I haven't heard that, I certainly haven't had any problems with green tea. I don't have that many problems wiht anything except for that legal LSD called Mountain Dew.
The art will be up soon, and I'm keeping the new challenge under wraps till I post it. I'm sure it'll be a fun one.
Yes, sleep is good, and I'm doing okay at the moment myself.
I did change up the theme, and the lizard is actually on some SoBe product bottles. He looked cool so I "borrowed" him for my theme.
I haven't mentioned a whole lot about one of the projects, even in past posts, it was a request that was made to me off MyO that I want to do because it's a fun challenge for me. The Username piece that Yensid suggested, and now you as well, is going to be a good one. I have some ideas that I'm roughing out and you'll just have to see the finished product on that one. Yeah, I thought the lizardman soda jerk was a fun challenge for people, and I hope it'll be a good one form myself too. Good luck with it, and let me know when you get it done, I'll link to it here if I can. Hopefully my works wil be up soon.
Tired dragons are grumpy dragons, and grumpy dragons terrorize villages, attack castles, and torch knights in their armor. If everyone would have left the dragons of yore alone so they could sleep, they'd have been much more plesant to deal with.
I feel for you there. Course I was one of those troublemaking youngsters myself not to many years ago.
I never really got into TMNT, only because, my being the middle child, I had to settle for whatever the other two wanted to watch on Saturday mornings. Neither my older brother, or younger sister would watch that. The lizard does have that look about him though.
That's all right I understand. I never really set particulars for this challenge, it was open to interpretation in terms of the detail work. I'm a very patient person when it comes to my art, and my art challenges, so waiting wouldn't be a problem for me.
I haven't started it yet, but I'm curious to see how it turns out as well. I started this challenge mostly because I had an idea and couldn't get it to look right from my head to the paper. I wonder if I'll be able to get it to turn out this time when I try.
Mamma Vash:
Grumpyland is Crazy's biggest attraction, it actually sits between Crazy and Margaritaville. Yeah, the pacing of the world is dynamic. some of it moves fast, others slow. No matter what moves though, there is always time for a rest. Which you and I seem to need, though you probably need it more than me right now. By all means try your hand at the lizardman soda jerk, and I don't care if it's colored or not, I've gotten both in the challenge so far, colored and sketched. Let me know whn you're done, I'll link to the work here if I can.
One thing I miss about Texas, we'd get lizards in the yard all the time, the little ones that change colors when the climb up the walls, and the horned lizards too. I don't think I've seen a single lizard since I've lived in WV that wasn't in a pet shop in a tank. Wildlife of any kind I like to look at.
That daylight saving time change was awful this year, I didn't go out of sync with it till just recently, so I think that's part of why I'm all turned around and confused. You can thank our President for changing the dates it changes though.
My health is improved a lot, I thing the cough is all but gone now, and I'm feeling fine in that department.
AngelBest Dream:
Oh Geez, I hate when that happens, it's annoying. Hope your computer can be fixed.
I don't know about that, there are a lot more elaborate sites than mine out there, but thanks. The format is one I've kind of polished over the time I've been here. It works for me, and the people visiting my site seem to do okay with it too. I did the card for Magnus because she's a friend of mine and I like to do that kind of thing when I know a friend is leaving MyO. I do try to get around to sites as often as they are updated, I don't get to do that every time, but I try to make regular visits to people.
japanese kitten:
There's still much debate on whether or not sleeping pills are addicting or not. My suggestion is to pick up a box of Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea (dark green box with a bear dozed off in an armchair on it), that's a wonderful chamomile tea that'll relax you and help you fall asleep without any dependacy developing. Given the choice, I'll choose a natural remedy over a pill for sleep.
Cheshire Madness:
It's a hobby for her, she just does it to amuse herself. How hard it is I coudlnt say I've never watched her make the actual animation part, I've jsust seen the finished products that she put on the computer.
I'll certainly try. I think it'll be easy though.