Energy came and energy went, but still no art to show yet. I'm almost done one of the pictures, it'll be up ASAP. I also have an Oolong tea soda experiement I'm working on. So far the carbonation has been working out, and I take the first taste test today. If it works, I'll be a happy dragon, if it doesn't, well, I'll improvise. It's a learning experience all around for me, I've never made my own soda before.
I've been away for quite some time, I know I haven't gotten around to a lot of sites lately. I don't promise the world, I never do, but I will be trying to visit more often again.
Yeah, it's a lot and I'm still not done.
I haven't been reported yet myself, there's no reason anyone should. I use reference works for a lot of my art, but I don't do straight copies of stuff, not even screenshots for existing anime anymore.
Yeah, I remember you posting about that. That was freaky. You've got the edge on that one if anyone does brign it up.
I know, but I did want to fix the momentary hang it was doing because of the way I had it coded. I also kept that in mind when I put the song up under my wecome card. I don't have that song autoplaying so it shouldn't choke your bandwidth.
It's been quite a week, but all-in-all a good one.
Burn it off somehow. That's all I got.
I did make a lot of headway, but I'm still not done. I've just been a little lazy lately actually. Soon though, I'll have them done soon.
It is good tea, and honey is 20% sweeter than sugar, and it has a characteristic flavor to contend with as well, too much and you'll end up tasting hot honey water that's brown, green red or whatever color your tea happens to be (the apple tea is red). Sound to me like all that refined sugar and chemically processed high fructose corn syrup (sweetener in just about everything made ith teh US these days, it's cheaper than sugar to process) dulled your sense of taste if it takes a lot of something sweet to register. Then again, I'm not a medical expert so that's just a theory. Use what works, but keep in mind too much kills the tea flavor, and that defeats the purpose.
It's hard to find real ginger ale anymore, most manufacturers use cayenne pepper instead (they can call it "natural flavor" because it's not a chemical flavorant), but a real ginger ale is a great thing to have once in a while. I love the stuff myself. I like to have juice, and tea (not big on plain water myself), and when I have the choice over soda, I'll take juice or tea every time.
My eyes are trained to be drawn to bold an italic text, so I caught that one right away when I read the article. I think the absurdity of the posting is what made me laugh more than anything else.
I know that one from my own experience, though I haven't made it big myself yet, I'm on the right track.
I acted a little, but my strong points were doing sets and effects make-up. Artsy stuff that I could do with my hands, not my mouth.
the real yojimbo:
Mine was an all natural high, no stimulants needed. Besides, I can't have those energy drinks, they put me to sleep.
It was fun while it lasted, I hope to get another burst here to get through those projects all the way.
Iruka Sensei:
Not for me they're not. I take one sip and I'm zonked out like a light. I've had Vault, MDX, and too many of those energy drinks in the doubleshot cans to count, the "energy sodas" are just soda with a funky taste to them to me, and the energy drinks all have the opposite effect on me, they knock me out. I have yet to try a Red Bull though, but the only wings it'll probably give me are the ones that fly me to my dreams, literally.
Still not done I'm afraid, soon is all I can say right now.
AngelBest Dream:
I do like to spend some time focused on my art. It helps me create and unwind.
I do try to respond as best I can to stuff that people say to me, it builds a relationship that makes peope want to come back on their own, and it's more personal, though public that way too. Patience is kind of subjective actually, I like to joke that I don't have that virtue, though it seems I may actually have some in these restless scales.
Go for it, and I'll check your portfolio when I can, I like to look at others art.
I gave her a heads up that I'd given you her e-mail, I'm glad to know she's answering you. Her presence here will be missed, but it's good to be able to keep in touch. I guess inspiration comes in many forms, glad I could help out in more ways than one.
I like it too, it gets me though a lot of things. I know the feeling there, I think I'm still coming ogff the cough I had in early March, and the renewed energy feels great.
Not yet, but soon. They'll be here soon.
She just does it for her own amusement, not really serious or anything.
I hate having people look over my shoulders, it drives me bonkers. I do like to have a deadline though, that pushes me to get things done. Since I've delayed things yet again for myself, I'm setting a deadline on the art projects I've mentioned here. Not going to say pubilcally what it is yet, but I'll push to get done before it.
If you're a bad friend for not getting here sooner what's it make me for not getting around to pretty much everyone's sites for over a week? You get around when you can, I don't care if it's on the day I post or not.
Soon. I keep saying that, but that all I can promise.
They get the job done while you wait for my own version of my username.
I'm always trying to create something, that's part of why I'm tired all the time, I'm writing three stories in my head right now, three Role Plays, and working out those visual pieces as well. It's insane. You can't foce creativity, it has it's own rules, so take it easy, and let the energy come to you.
Good luck with the move.
I certainly will try to keep things up over there more, it is a good community, like here, so I want to try to get a piece of that action.
I'm a hopeless habitual procrastinator myself too, that energy is only like a kcik start, I have to keep up the pace once it's gone.
Yeah, I've been really busy, and trying to get things done. I hope I didn't worry you too much. I will try to be on regularly again, I think I need the routine to level myself out.
Mamma Vash:
A surge of energy, natural energy, is a good thing. I was in that state a day or so ago, but that was because I was up all night putting together a story chapter the night before.
No hurry with that, I'm still working on my own version too.
The fires will stir things up and bring out animals you'd probably never see otherwise. That would be both amazing and creepy at the same time for me.
Luckily for me, I dont' have schedule problems to worry about too much.
I appreciate the comments on my art, I always do.