Let's see if I even remember how to make a post here at all.
It's been way too long since my last update, so I'm sure many of you were wondering if I'm still around.
Yes I am, I've just been so bogged down in myself that well I've neglected my home here, and boy is it a mess. I do have to report that ages ago I slipped a picture into my portfolio here without too much fanfare, and not a lot of attention it seems. That one was fun to do for me, and if I wasn't so bogged down in art right now, I'd ask for another challenge of that nature, but it'll have to wait for a while. My current list of personally overdue art projects reads something like this:
- Username Inspired Image
- Lizardman Soda Jerk
- Art Piece for Nephew
- Art Piece for Other Nephew
- Art Piece for Niece
- "Surprise" Art Piece for dA
- Chinese Ink Art Piece for Sister's Friend (I'm still learning how to do this artform)
- "Surprise" Art Piece for TheO (Not telling :-ţ)
I didn't realize I had so many art pieces to do. It looks like a lot, but I know that if I take and do them one at a time, I'll have them all done in no time.
Aside from the art pieces, I am in the process of putting together a sort of a web site for myself. It won't be much, but when it's done, I'll be able to say I made that pretty much myself. I need to check on a few affiliates first, then I'll probably start to get the fundamental bits online soon. I'm also finishing up my novel which I'll probably end up trying to convince a regular publisher to print, since I won't be able to put the money into doing it POD the way I was wanting to. I'd have to register the copyright myself $45, get the ISBN $269.95 (for 10 - makes sense if I'm going to put out hardcover and paperback releases, and for any future projects I am writing/may write) Get an Adobe PDF distiller $299 to guarantee the final product will be formatted correctly, so in all, I'd need over $600 to publish a book myself. That's not going to happen, so I'll be researching publishers and how to properly solicit a manuscript, though I probably will take the time, and put the money together to register the copyright myself, to keep the publishers I do contact honest. I'm also in the process of putting together some photo prints for POD sales, but I'll put those links up on my web site when I get it up and running, and get that stuff online.
Magnus Lensherr:
Yeah, I can still remember how much it hurt too. Honestly, I'm surprised it didn't break my ribs or something worse than just knocking my wind out.
It is kind of hard to see in that picture, that's actually not the best angle to see it. The most alarming detail with that scar is that it's on the blood vessel to my thumb. I didn't realize till just recently how lucky I was after that one.
Thanks, I'll need the luck, and I wish you the best with your endeavors as well.
the real yojimbo:
Really? I didn't notice. I'll have to remember to spell check my posts before I put them up, I'm getting bad about that lately.
I tried to pull some of the more wild bits of my life out of the dust to share, though I'm sure I could have put a few theatre bits up there too. Yeah, the TV was painful, and It took me like three minutes to get my breath back completely. Maybe that's why I'm messed up in the head now.
I had to do that on principle.
That's what I do, I just do nothing so to speak, and well, that's only making it harder for me to concentrate and get things done, so I need to make myself sit down and do stuff regularly, just to be able to feel right about taking the time to do stuff that's frivilous once in a while.
I haven't visted some people in weeks, I don't like to drop off the map like that, but I did this time. Hopefully I'll be able to get this once a week thing down right.
I almost completely forgot about putting up a thumbnail look at the whole calander. Here is a complete look at what images are in it, I didn't label what picture is on which month, but you get the idea what all is on it.
It's been a while since I've updated this time, I've been around a lot less than I want to be lately, I just can't get motivated to be on like I used to be.
The calander project is "finished" so to speak, the nice thing about POD is that there's no inventory to pay for up front, so it'll be good till next year comes (it's a 2008 calander). If it doesn't sell well after I kick in a little bit of advertising strategy for it (this isn't the best place for that, I know), I'll take it off the market and try something else. As for income, anything that's legal I'm game to try, but right now something that's work-at-home would suit me till I established something steady enough to be able to try to find a "real" job. the pictures are still a wys off, I'm just not in the drawing frame of mind right now which is odd for me. They'll be done soon.
Even in fun there must be some formality. I like to keep a clean looking site, so the unordered list was a natural choice to arrange the items. Not as personal? Hm, I guess I did kind of skirt the juicy stuff a little bit. I suppose a more personal list of facts would look something like this:
- I can't swim because I'm terrified of the water.
- In my whole life so far, I've only driven a car once.
- One time, I chased my brother and his girlfriend out of the house with a baseball bat.
- I can't watch horror movies, they still scare me.
- I'm a timid person in real life, I'm not very outgoing.
- My high school never gave me my diploma, even though I have all my credits.
And there's other things I could have mentioned too, but with only six spots, there's only so much I can cover. Since I did that twice now, I'll not be playing the game again for a long time to come, I don't need to.
hells light:
Thanks for sharing. Those are some interesting things, but on the window, ouch, that had to hurt.
Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you've had a pretty rough time of things.
Thankfully my health is good, but unfortunately, I'm in an area where ability to learn isn't worth a [Censored] but who you know or are related to will get you places is worth everything. I keep looking cause I need the income.
You should be able to get it here if nowhere else. I know I want to try to get some so I can try it out.
I hope someone calls them on it, it would be nice to see them use an authentic blade. I've had the fortune of seeing an authentic, hand forged katana just recently (My sister's friend helped me order a sword online, we had to send it back it wasn't what we ordered), and there's a remarkable difference in the physical look of the blade when it's been hand forged. I'm surprised with the connections they both have in the movie industry, they didn't seem to know that the Samurai vs. Ninja thing is more Hollywood than real.
To find a simple barber, that's actually good at cutting hair isn't all that easy here in WV.
I saw the survey about the lisensors, I didn't take it. The question isn't really right the way it's worded so I'll have no part in it. Just because a person has a lot of one lisensor in their collection doesn't really say much other than the lisensor's prices are better, or they're the ones with the "Pop Animé" series that people are snatching up (it has nothing to do with quality). Most of my collection is from Bandai actually, only because those are the discs I find, or my sister finds, in bargain bins everywhere. I have yet to see much (if any at all)Funimation, ADV, Geneon, VIZ, or any of the other companies discs in bargain bins. now, I still see DBZ VHS tapes in dollar stores, which is kind of odd. If I could afford more Geneon (they brought Last Exile, one of my all time favorite animés to the US after all, and I believe they're the ones who redubbed Akira), I'd be buying it for sure.
I've been so out of sorts with myself lately, I haven't even worked on the article. I knew there was something holding me back from updating here, I wanted to have it up this time. Oh well, it'll have to wait some more.
The pictures have a ways to go yet.
Maybe someone who's on both places brought it here from there. I'll just link the previous post on dA if anyone does it to me there.
Yeah, he got me. Honestly, I was wondering when I'd get tagged myself too.
It went down like this. We put a flea collar on on the cat, and she didn't like it, she tried to get it off and managed to get it caught in her jaw (her mouth was locked open by the flea collar). One of us (my older brother or I) had to hold the cat down while our dad cut the collar off her. My idiot brother wouldn't do it, so I had to. She didn't like being held down as much as she hated the flea collar trapping her jaw open, so when I went to grab her, she let me have it, but I didn't let her go, I held her till the collar was off, then I freaked out cause I was in pain and bleeding. I don't think I was even 12 at the time. That's a lesson to all cat owners. MAKE SURE THE COLLAR IS TIGHT ENOUGH TO NOT SLIP OVER YOUR CATS' HEADS!!! The batteries just got in the way, I had to change them in the camera before I could take the picture (my camera eats batteries).
I'm not mentally blocked, I'm just unmotivated right now. I will try to get around to sites more than I have been though.
I just went on Lulu and they pretty much walk you through the whole process. All you need is 12 photos (one you'll use twice, forthe cover, and for one of the months), preferrably high resolution, and the site does the work part of putting it together for you. You sell it from their site since it's POD. If you want to make one for yourself and not sell it, I'd recommend picking up Hallmark Card Studio, it's got calader templates in it that are easy to work with.
I haven't been keeping up with your posts lately, I'm sorry about that. I'll have to get over there and see what's going on.
Yeah, I keep saying it, but maybe next time I'll have them.
Night Sky
Yeah, the tags have been going around lately. Thanks for sharing.
Mamma Vash:
There's a Pennsylvania Dutch saying "the hurrier I go the behinder I get" which I like, and it applies to me a whole lot. I get to going so fast that I end up getting behind in things. I'm easily distracted too, which doesn't help any.
Yeah, I'm really lucky now that I think about it, I guess I really do have a strong spirit, I just don't see it sometimes.
If you're talking about the lizards here on my page, those aren't mine, I just scanned the labels from some SoBe bottles that I thought looked cool and made a theme of them. I'm not that good at coloring yet! I still have to try to learn some layer shading stuff to recolor that one picture.

That it should, but it wouldn't come cheap, that stuff's hard enough for me to come by. Thanks for the luck, I'll surely need that.
I hope by now you're doing better in that regard. You take care now.
You come back in the middle of one of my periods of wanterment, go figure. Hopeflly I'll be able to get back into the swing of this MyO thing, I really want to be on top of things like I used to be.
Yeah, I got it made already, it's waiting to be bought by people who like my simple sense of photgraphy (and can shop online). I'll have to come up with ways to get word out about it, but that's for another day.
Yeah, I've got a dA account now, all that's up there is my photos (some of them) but I'll probably have a story or two up there, and some artwork soon.